By Gbemi Writes
“Pardon? Where exactly did he go to?” Marie asked.
“That can’t be disclosed miss, all I can tell you is that Mr Brooks left for a business trip and he didn’t say when he will be back” his secretary replied as she eyed Marie suspiciously.
Marie had used the whole morning preparing her resignation letter and when she finally finished and is prepared to give it to him, he went on a trip probably to visit his mistress.
“And if I may ask? Why do you want to see him?” The secretary asked.
“Its nothing” Marie replied as she turned to leave only to hear his secretary laugh behind him.
” You must think you are special because you are the girl currently in his life” Romeo secretary said.
“What do you mean by that statement ?” Marie asked.
“Trying to play dumb right? It doesn’t suit you. Romeo uses girls like you and dump you when they’ve got no other use for you, so don’t think you will be staying permanently in his life cause you will soon be history” the secretary said.
Marie wanted to lash out at her but instead she kept her calm and move towards the girl desk.
“You must have also been dumped like that right?” Marie asked which got the girl looking away nervously.
” Thats none of your concern” Romeo secretary replied quickly.
“Really? Then why were you concerning yourself with me?” Marie asked.
“Cause you were acting insolent and I just wanted to advise you a little. Romeo isn’t a guy who believes in love and he isnt one to keep a woman for long” the secretary said.
“I know ” Marie replied.
“And you still insist on staying with him? Are you crazy? He’s just going to hurt you” she said.
“I know what I got into when I got involved with Romeo and so you can keep your advise to yourself.
Just focus on your work and stop trying to meddle in your boss life,it’s sickening” Marie said as she walked off leaving the secretary looking dumbfounded.
She must be one of Romeo lovers cause she knew him well, Marie thought as she head back to the Kitchen.
Well it’s none of her business in whom Romeo chose to sleep with, all she wants right now is to get a divorce.
Learning about her sickness made her rethink a lot of things and Romeo was one of it.
She hadn’t refused their marriage in the past because of his mother and grandmother. She hadn’t wanted to ruin the happy moment for anyone and instead chose to go along with the whole thing.
But she thought about everything last night and she realised that she isn’t happy with the life she’s chosen and if she wants to be happy, she has to get away from everything and everyone which led her to asking for a divorce.
She would get a divorce from him and ask him to search for Develene so that once she’s found, she would be able to leave and begin her life somewhere else.
She was still clutching the resignation letter in her hand as she walked into the kitchen.
“Can we talk Marie?” Charles asked as he was the only one in the kitchen. He noticed the resignation letter in her hand before she could hide it.
“You are quitting right?” Charles asked and she nodded gently.
“And does it have to do with this?” Charles asked again as he showed her her test result of yesterday.
“How come you have this?” She asked as she snatch the paper from him.
“It fell off right after you left last night” Charles told her.
“And so you went through it right?” She asked feeling a bit hurt that someone knows about her condition..
“I did. I didn’t understand what you meant when you said those departing words last night but now I do, you intend to quit right?” He asked.
“Yes. You must be happy right? It’s what you’ve always wanted” she accused him.
“I was angry, angry to have a female working in our midst but I never would have wanted you to quit and I wouldn’t have wish such an illness on you” Charles said and she stared at him wanting to see if he was saying the truth or not.
She didn’t get the chance to do that because he moved towards her taking hold of her hands.
” You love cooking, you shouldn’t let a thing like this stop you from doing what you want” he told her.
“How do you know that I love cooking? You’ve always been ignoring me” she said.
“It’s true that have been ignoring you but have also been watching you secretly too. You should see the way your face lit up each time you are preparing a food, I can fathom that feeling cause it’s the way I feel too” he said to her.
“So you shouldn’t resign yet, you shouldn’t give in to your condition” he told her and by now Marie was already crying again.
“My eyes are all puffy from crying” she said as she tried to wipe the tears away but instead Charles did it himself.
His hands was still on her wet cheeks when he pulled out an envelope.
“What’s this?” She asked.
“List of some of the vegetables we need” he told her.
“Why are you giving it to me?” She asked in return.
“I want you to take it to our production company” he told her softly.
“But the production company is a little far from here” she told him and he nodded.
“You need the trip to think and get to rest for today. All you have to do is to get there and make an order for the vegetables which would be brought here through a carrier” Charles told her.
“You can do that by calling some……”
“I can do that by calling for someone but I want you to take the day off today. You need it and what better way than for you to go a day trip ” he said taking the resignation from her hand.
“No buts, just go and who knows you might change your mind when you return” he told her softly.
“It’s just a one day trip, it certainly wouldn’t change my mind” she said as she decided then and there to leave.
“What’s going on here?” Caleb asked as he stood by the door way starring at Marie and Charles.
“Seems like they’ve made their peace” James replied.
“Or they are doing something that we all don’t know behind our backs” Jacob added starring at them suspiciously.
“It’s not what you are thinking Jacob” Marie corrected as she smiled at them.
“It’s true. Marie and I have just decided to become friends” Charles added as he put his arms around her while Marie stared at him in surprise.
It was something the others did and she was used to it but it was quite strange from Charles, she thought as she stared at him while he also stared at her with a smile on his face.
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