By Naomi Cindy B.


“It’s actually cute to see you nagging and scolding me, I think I’d do more $illy things from now on so I’d continue seeing this side of you” she whispered.

Maxwell blinked, and she smiled again as her nostrils took in a lot of his scent. He smells too good.

“We should start preparing for the trip” Maxwell said, and she slowly broke the hug.

“So… Are you still mad?” She asked with another silly smile.

“I wasn’t mad, just worried about how Francesca would feel if you get hurt” he replied, and she pouted.

“So… you’re not worried about me?” She asked, folding her lips this time.

“Why would I be worried?” He replied, and she sighed.

“I’m your boss, so it’s your responsibility to get worried” she said, and he chuckled.

“What’s this? You’re acting weird”

She winked, and he laughed this time before taking her hands to look at her bandaged palms.

“You got them treated?” He asked.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t wanna get you worried” she replied, and he looked up.

“I said I wasn’t worried, I was just…

“Worried about Cesca” she interrupted, and he giggled.

“You’re too $illy for a lady”

“I know” she smiled, and he opened the door.

“I think we’re leaving in an hour, I’ll go pack a small bag at home” he said.

“Sure, Dolores will bring mine” she replied, and he nodded before going out.

Jemima continued standing on that spot, arms behind as she thought about how the trip with him would look like.

She began walking backwards, thinking of all the possible sweet things there is to do together.

Would they watch football and eat cheeseburger and cakes again? She can’t wait!

‘Wait! We’re going there to sign a contract, not outing’ she thought, and her arms dropped.

She was still walking backwards, forgetting the desk behind, and in no time, she bumped into it, falling on the ground.




Cypress placed a leg forward first, then she held the brick before peeping into the store.

She woke up late and now she’s late to work

“Is my working days over?” She muttered and covered her face with her hair as she peeped again, trying to detect if the boss is in already.

“What are you doing?” Oliver’s voice made her jump, and she quickly stood straight.

She didn’t bother to arrange her scattered hair before facing him.

“Oh… Oliver… what’s…up?” She said, trying not to sound awkward, but she obviously failed, and Oliver laughed immediately.

“Stop laughing” she muttered, brushing her hair back.

“Why?” He blinked slowly.

“I feel so embarrassed right now, I didn’t run last night did I?” She asked slowly.

“You…did” he replied, and her eyes widened.


“But it was fun” he quickly said.

“Fun? You said I ran, it has never been fun. Did I do something wrong?” she mumbled.

“You don’t remember last night?” Oliver asked.

“I don’t,I swear, tell me I didn’t do anything wrong” she closed her eyes, and he took a closer look at her immediately.

He came closer and held her face, and she opened her eyes.

“You did nothing wrong, so let’s go in, boss isn’t around yet” he said.

“Really? Seriously?” She asked as he started pulling her in.

“Trust me” he replied, finally taking her into the store.

“Are you gonna cover up for her lateness when boss comes?” Linda asked immediately.

She’s in the middle of the remaining attendants, they could pass as her minions.


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