By Naomi Cindy B.



Maxwell dropped his phone after sending the fourth message.

He closed his eyes in bed and sighed, thinking about what happened moments ago.

Yeah, kssing Cass wasn’t right, but at that moment, all he thought about was saving the company, he’s not the type to kss a random girl but…

“Fk” he muttered, opening his eyes to see Warren beside him with a silly look.

“You scared me!” He jumped, sitting up.

“When did you get here?”

“What exactly is wrong? You’ve said fk close to thirty times since you got back, and you haven’t even had dinner” Warren replied.

“Dinner is not in my list right now,” Maxwell muttered.

“Wait? Couples fight? Did you fight with your girlfriend?” Warren smiled.

“Gem is not my girlfriend” Maxwell replied.

“But you’re obviously insanely in love with that lady, insanely! And wait! Did I just hear you call her Gem? You gave her a pet name already? Aww! My bestie is such a romanticist.

Just ask her out already and let the internet burn again! I can’t wait!” Warren gushed.

“Get out” Maxwell replied.

“I knew you were gonna say that. Anyways, the CEO of Louis asked for a video call with you tonight and I accepted on your behalf already since I’m not your manager” Warren said.

“Whatever” Maxwell stood sullenly, walking out of the room.

“Brighten up! The fact that your girlfriend is mad at you is not the end of the world, you can always make up” Warren replied, going out with him.

“You had a fight with Jemima?” Granny Suzy asked from the living room where she’s knitting from.

“Something like that” Maxwell replied, getting his phone.

“You’re the man, just iron it out with her, you’re smart” granny Suzy replied.

“Are you finally allowing him to date her?” Warren asked.

“Says who? I’m just giving my treasure some advice” she replied, and Maxwell smiled secretly.



Dr. Greg entered a ward, and the nurses in line paved way for him till he got to the patient in bed. Tatiana.

Her right leg was bandaged completely, and few patches on her face. She’s unconscious and Clara is beside her.

He checked her vitals and nodded before facing Clara.

“She’d be up before the end of today” he said.

“Are you sure?” She asked.

“Have I ever disappointed you?” He smiled meaningfully.

“What about her leg? She’d walk, right?” She asked.

“Of course, trust our orthodontists” Dr. Greg replied, and she sighed.

“Just be rest assured, I’ll come check on her in thirty minutes” he said and left with his nurses, then chairman came in.

“Are you even human?” Clara said as she stood skeptically.

“What are you talking about?”

“Our daughter got into an accident since last night, and you’re just coming to check on her now?”

“And why would I care when she’s just a stain in the family! News had it that she sold her body to Mr. Roberts so the Golden contract wouldn’t be awarded to the company!” Chairman shot back.

“What!” Clara quickly got her phone and checked the news. It’s there! And not only that, the sx video! Capturing her and Mr. Roberts, but Mr. Roberts face was blurred out.

“What!” Clara fell on the second bed in utter shock.

“And now I’m considering stepping her down as the general manager cos she’s not even fit for that position, and we need to go for a DNA test immediately she recovers cos I’m not sure she’s mine!” Chairman shot and waltzed out of the ward.

“How did this get out! I swear I’m not gonna spare the one who did this! I won’t spare anyone!!! My precious daughter’s nakedness!!!” Clara cried.


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