By Naomi Cindy B.


It was deep but short and when they broke it, she peppered his face with wet ksses just like earlier, and he smiled with a slight lip bite.

“Should we not go home tonight?”

“Really? But there’s no bed in sight” she replied, and he bit his lip again.

“Oh…I forgot to install that, trust me to do it next time” he whispered, and she smiled.

“We should watch a football match next time too”

“Of course, and we’re riding the rollercoaster at the park” he replied.

“No please! I get scared easily!” She quickly said.

“I’ll be beside you” he replied.

“Hmmn….ok!” She smiled, and he rested his head on her bbs gently.

“The more I get to know you, the naughtier you become” she said, and he smiled, holding her @ss behind.

“Told you I can’t get enough of you”

“Aww!! My boyfriend is a ro.manticist!” She gushed, and he giggled as he let go of her and stood.

She got her small purse from the table and faced him.

“Who’d take care of the dishes and clean?’

“Don’t worry, I gat that” he replied, and she smiled as they left the cafe together, hand in hand.

They got back into his Maserati, and he drove out of the park.

Jemima got her tab immediately and went to her IG to check the comments under the Livestream earlier.

“Fk! Cupcake you need to see this!” She gasped.

“What? It hit 20M comments?” He faced her shortly.

“22M! Are these people guarding us?” She replied, and he chuckled.

“It’s expected, you’re dating the great Maxwell” he winked, and she laughed.

“You’re so full of yourself”

“I took after you” he replied, and now it’s her turn to laugh.

“90 percent are saying Congratulations” she said, concentrating on the comments again.

“Really?” Maxwell replied.

“One of them asked what we’re gonna name our first baby” she said.

“For real?” He laughed.

“Yeah, and now that I think about it, she’d be Modella” Jemima replied.

“She? No it’s a he, and he’d be Raymond” he said.

“But I want another female” she pouted.

“Stop pouting yunno it works on me” he replied, and she laughed as she read another comment.

“Ok they want us to kss live again, are these guys serious right now?” She said.

“Then we can just do it” Maxwell replied, and she faced him quickly.


“What?” He laughed, and she joined in the laughter, but it stopped immediately he drove into her mansion.

“Don’t tell me we’re in my place already” her eyes widened.

“Sorry yeah” he replied, and she frowned.

“You should spend the night here”

“Not now” he replied, and she pouted as she came out of the car with him.

She quickly rushed to hug him, and he smiled as he hugged her back.

“Why? You’ve been avoiding this” she muttered.

“Yeah, I’m really avoiding it, I dunno what I might do if we’re in the same room at night” he replied, and she broke the hug.

“I don’t mind, I’m yours anyways” she said slowly.

“I know, but it’s our first day yunno” he replied, and she nodded once.

“Fine, just call me when you get back” she said, and he kissed her hair .

“Sweet dreams, baby” he smiled.

“Bye cupcake” she waved with a smile and started going in.


(Search for and Techgabit. com on google to read very interesting stories).

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