BRUCE’S REVENGE : Episode 1 – The End

Season 2 of “The Girl Who is A Boy”.

By Nikki Bella Henry ??

Episode 1

? Celine ?
I don’t understand what Bruce is up to but at the same time I can’t talk him out of it because this bea$t deserves a punishment that is more than de..ath. I trust Bruce he will take care of him properly.

? Bruce ?
I put a call through to the officers outside and they all came in.
They search the entire house and retrive all weapons that was in, after that they wanted taking Jones away but I told them not to arrest him.

“But why sir? “The DPO asked
“I want to make use of him in my own way “I answered grinning wickedly

“Sir you are free to do anything with him but remember he needs to stay alive “the DPO said

“Sure, I don’t intend killing him, that will be the least punishment on earth, I can’t kill my slave “I answered.

?Mia ?
“Dad are we not going to jail? “I asked my dad in astonishment
“Yes but where ever we will be, jail might be a better place, you might not know what that brat has up his sleeve “my dad replied

“I am sorry daddy, its all my fault “I said crying
“Its not your fault dear, its all mine”my dad said cleaning my face with his thumb

?Mr Jones ?
Its all my fault and now my daughter is suffering because of me.
Why and how did I become so heartless, greedy, proud And wicked.
If my daughter suffers because of me, I won’t ever forgive myself.

We were taken out and driven to God knows where, the route was so deserted and dry, I wonder where he is taking us to but I hope at least to be alive.

We stop after driving for what seems like ages, we step down of the car and a small detached hut was build at the end of the place and all through the place were surrounded by bushes, bushes is understatement it was like a forest the chirping of owls and birds could be heard all through the place.
No electricity, no neighbor to talk to and no borehole just a dirty well.

At the sight of these things I knew that nemesis has caught up with me.

? celine?
Oh my goodness, this place really is a slum
Now let’s see who lives in slums.

“Mr jones and mia, you two will be living here from today ends forth”Bruce said pointing at the hut

“What? “Mia asked yelling
“Stop yelling, as you can see this is a slum am sure you know why you are living here and what a slum is “Bruce said with a mockery smile
“We can’t live here, no borehole and electricity “mia said

“Oh I forgot telling you that here in the slums electricity are not needed, you use the lantern and no stove or cylinder for you, you use firewood thank God there is a forest near you, so firewood won’t be the problem “Bruce said
And walked away but stopped mid way

“Don’t try running because you might get killed by wild animals and you guys are monitored by some things you won’t know until you try running. “Bruce said and entered the car zooming off.

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