BUT HE NEVER NOTICED: Chapter 21 To 30

But he never noticed
Written by Bella writes ???
Chapter 21??????
Alexia pov
“Tell me where your room is?”Dave kept on asking and since I could hardly speak,He layed me on the little sofa
I heard him running around the house and when he came back,He brought the blankets and used it to cover me and once again I heard him moving about the house and when he came back it was to give me the medicine he saw on my table and then a while later I felt some thing cooling my head, It was a cold clothe,Dave was using it to slow down the fever.
“You fool,Why in the world did you have to get sick,Is it because if Nick,We both know that he is not worth it” He said lightly.
“Why did you have to leave home? When you didn’t show up today,We were all worried,Most especially me”He kept on talking
“This won’t do,I need to call the doctor”He said but I stopped him by holding his hand.
“No…..pl…please don’t go ….. please stay here with me”I said holding unto him
“But you are…….”
“I…..I will be fine”I whispered this last part and then I blanked out.
I woke up a while later and though I still had the little towel over my head,I could feel that i was a doing well
I turned only to see Dave sleeping on the couch next to me.
He looked tired,The poor thing had to watch over me for a long time
I got up and put the blankets to over him instead.
I was about walking off when he held me hand
“Are you okay now?”He asked starring at me
“As you can see I am and it’s all thanks to you Dave”I said
“That’s a relief”He said as he stood up
“Let me make some thing for you,Judging from you still being in your uniform,You came all the way from school right?”I asked
“Yes I did,You see I was …uh….quite worried,Well not only me,Your friends and also Nick”He said
“But you are the only one here,Thanks for coming”I said as I cooked up some noodles.
“Tell me, How did you know where to find me?”I asked
“Well,I…..uh……I followed you here yesterday”He replied
“When? I didn’t even notice”I replied
“It was when you left home,I had followed you to be sure you got to your destination safe”He said and that touched my heart a bit
“Thank you Dave,Thanks for stalking me and finding me before things got worse”I said gently
Just then the phone rang and I went to pick it up
“What is this I hear,Why didnt you go to school?”My mom said
“Am a bit down,That’s all”I replied
“I knew this sort of thing can happen ,That is why I didn’t want you to go, well I told Nick where to find you,Is he there yet?”She asked
“No he isn’t ”
“That’s strange,I told him you were there and he rushed out immediately,He didn’t even take off his bag or uniform”She said
“Well he didn’t come here and am fine mom, Am with a friend and so don’t worry”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes I am “I replied
“Fine then,As soon as you are okay,Come home please”
“That’s not our home,It’s just a place where we work”
“How many times did I tell you not to say that!”she scolded
“Am sorry,Oh I need to do some thing,I will call you later”I said and cut the call
“Your mom?”He asked
“Yes,Oh no! The noodles”I yelled as we both went to put it out of the cooker.
“Its all burnt”I said sadly
“Not all of it and it still smell nice”
“I had wanted to thank you with this but it all went wrong”I said
“Not all of it,If you still want to thank me, Then eat with me at school tomorrow”
“I don’t think that would be a good idea”I said
“They already think we an item and we both eat together tomorrow,They will think more”
“But we both know that we would just be eating or do you not want to thank me”
“I do but…..”
“Then lunch at the school cafeteria tomorrow”He said and feeling defeated I kept quiet.
“You look tired,let’s sit on the chair” He said pushing me gently to the sofa.
“How was school today?”I asked
“Because you were not there”He said
“Stop being cheeky and tell me what happened today”
He began to talk about school and I couldn’t help to laugh about some jokes he made.
“Have been wanting to ask you this “He said
“What really happened between you and Stella?”
“Its nothing”I replied
“Please tell me the truth,You can confide in me,There are male confidant in this world”He said and I smiled
“Fine then, if you insist”I said
“I met Stella back when I was in high school,She was the beauty and I was the one with the brain,We were in the same class, Stella wanted only her to be the star of the school but being beautiful is not the only thing that can make you a star”
“While I went out for school competition and brought back awards,I was well known amongst the students and teachers and she hated that,And so one day she began to pick on me”
“If I had known that it would be come some thing worse,I would have fought back but I let her bully me and it became their every day routine,Stella and her friends made my life a living hell at junior high”
“And then one day I got so furious and went to report,Stella and her friends were summoned and at first they denied it but the teachers found out the truth and in the end she was expelled,I didn’t hear from her until I started success high”I finished
“Now I know”He said
“It’s some thing of the past,So you mustn’t tell any one”
“I already gave you my word,I think it’s time for me to go back home”He said
I escourted him out “it’s okay,I know my way from here,Go back inside” He said to me
“I will as soon as you I see you walking off,That’s the least I can do for you”I said
“Fine then,Good night,See you tomorrow”He said waving me off and I did the same.
I was about to go back in when I saw some one standing at the other street
He looked familiar,I thought as I stared at him some more
“Nick!”I called when I saw that it was him
He crossed the street and walked towards me and when he finally got towards me,He pulled me into his arms,Holding me very tight
“Nick!”I called again
“Thanks,Thanks for being Safe”He whispered and held me tightly
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