Jay’s phone slipped from his hands, and he spun around, clearly astonished, to face her instantly.

“Close your eyes!” Kim ordered sternly. She instinctively covered her chest with her hands and dropped into a squat.

Instead of following her command, Jay smirked.

“Jayden…close your eyes…I’m dead serious,” she seethed.

“Alright,” he shrugged playfully. Kim’s eyes roved to her to.wel, just a few steps away from Jay. She bit her lower lip, formulating a plan. Her plan was simple: run to the to.wel and cover herself first.

“This is ¢razy,” she muttered, preparing to sprint towards the to.wel.

“But why should I listen to you? They’re my eyes,” Jay said, suddenly opening his eyes. Gasping, Kim, who was already running, stopped midway and fell to the floor. Jay widened his eyes at the position she was in.

“Wow,” he smirked.

“Jay, please…” Kim whispered in embarrassment.

Jay crouched, smirking, and took the to.wel. He walked closer to her, dropping to a squat in front of her.

“Don’t look,” she pleaded slowly.

“I won’t,” he smiled, proceeding to put the to.wel around her, but then he stopped.

“But my dear best friend…” he leaned closer.

“Are you sxually frustrated?” he asked with a mischievous smile.

“I’m still nked, Jay…”

“Why? You nervous? Scared? This isn’t the first time I’ve seen you like this, remember? You don’t need to be shy.”

“I was seven the last time you saw me nked,” she gritted her teeth.

“Exactly…and you’re eighteen now…the changes are clear…I think your nvdity will be fun to see now.”

“I swear I’m gonna kll you.”

“Why don’t you do that now? I’m eagerly waiting for you to jump on me already.”

“Jayden, please…let me cover up first,” she pleaded, while he leaned closer and whispered in her ear.

“You’re lucky I saw this…it would have been bad if it were another guy,” he smirked, putting the to.wel around her. Kim immediately tightened it around her body and held onto it. Jay stood up, and she did too.

“Get out!” she seethed.

“We haven’t negotiated, remember.”

“What do you want?”

“It’s quite simple…sleep with…”

“Don’t you dare finish that,” she glared, and he snickered.

He stepped closer to her, leaning forward to her ear.

“Tomorrow…” he whispered something in her ear, and she swallowed hard.

“Deal,” he asked, his face close to hers.

“Why should I?” she said slowly.

“I think klling you would be better,” she added.

“You’re already klling me right now…my eyes feasted on that earlier without getting a taste of it; that’s enough to.rture…” Slowly, he brought his hand to her waist. She gasped.

“Get out…Jayden,” she stared right into his eyes, while he pulled her closer to him. She released another gasp as her chest slammed against his.

“If you want…I can pull your to.wel down…kss you from the neck down…” he whispered se.ductively, his lips brushing her neck. She remained still, fearing that if she made a move now, the to.wel might betray her.

“And have you screaming ‘oh’?” His hands traced her exposed Iegs, bringing one of them up, while her breath hitched immediately. The only thing she could do was glare at him, with heavy breaths.

Jay smiled, then withdrew.

He steps away from her and picks up his phone.

“See you tomorrow, Kimberly,” he smirks cunningly as he exits her room.

Kim releases the breath she had been holding.

She rushes to the door, locks it, and then slowly moves to her bed, throwing herself onto it.

“HAAAAAA!!! HAAA!! ARGH!!!” She shouts on the bed, throwing and swinging her legs back and forth.

“I’M SO EMBARRASSED!!! JAYDEN, THAT J€RK!!!” She keeps screaming.

About twenty minutes later, after Kim has already made the impossible decision of forgetting what happened earlier, her phone buzzes. It’s a message from Jay. She doesn’t want to check it…but she has to.

“That…that J£RK!!” She groans, looking at the video he sent her. It’s a video of her dancing out from the bathroom and how she had pulled down her to.wel.

Breathing heavily, she opens the Google app and types.

‘How to deal with embarrassment’ different results come up, and she scrolls through them.

She types another query.

‘Ways to cope with humiliation’ as she goes through the results again and sighs.



Kim wakes up and sits up on the bed. Her hair is terribly disheveled due to the incessant ruffling.

She picks up her phone, which is on the bed with her, and searches.

‘Does humiliation kll?’



Kim descends the stairs, looking swollen.

“You’re up late,” Scarlett, her mother, who is dressing up for little Zara, says. Instead of answering, Kim, however, goes towards her and hugs her from behind. This seems to take Scarlett aback.

“Mom…I just realized you wanted the best for me…I should’ve listened to you no matter how annoying you can be,” she mutters, still holding her. Scarlett slowly pulls her away and stares at her for a while.

“Ouch!!” Kim winces when Scarlett suddenly gives her back a spank.

“Telling your mother she’s annoying early in the morning…you’re one brave girl, aren’t you?” Scarlett chides.

“This is exactly why I prefer Dad to you sometimes…ish!” She glares, stomping out of the house.

“Has that girl finally gone crazy?” Scarlett asks no one in particular.



“Hey there, Kim…” Dave, one of the basketball team members, greets Kim as he spots her.

“Hi, Dave…I love Jayden,” Kim curtly replies, making Dave give her a puzzled look.

“Excuse me?” he asks, while she just smiles, giving him a pat before leaving.

“What’s with her? Jayden?” Dave mutters, watching her leave.

“Hi, Preet…hello there, Delia, I love Jayden.”

“Gary…I love Jayden, just so you know.”

“I love Jayden, Mara…”

“Do you know…that I love Jayden?”

“I really love Jayden…”

“Oh my gosh! I love Jayden.”

“You can’t believe I love Jayden.”

Kim goes around telling everyone she meets on her way that she loves Jayden like a programmed robot, which the students find really unusual of her.

“Hello there, Kim…how are you doing today? Are you alright? You look kinda wan,” Miss Ina asks Kim, who forces a smile on her face.

“Morning, Miss Ina. Of course, I’m perfectly fine…by the way, I love Jayden,” she smiles, while Miss Ina furrows her brows.

“Oh, really? I guess that’s a good thing…you two have always looked good together.

But why the sudden announcement? You’re not the type to do that?” Miss Ina questioned, while Kim simply smiled.

“It’s just because… I love him. Excuse me…” she said, taking her leave. Miss Ina’s eyes followed her as she left.



Jayden couldn’t stop chuckling as he watched Kim’s video on his phone.

“Hey bro, what are you doing?” Jade asked, trying to take a look at his phone, but Jay quickly moved away.

“Back off… this is for my eyes only,” he warned, while Jade backed away.

“Alright… okay…” Jade surrendered, as Agnes approached them.

“Hey!” she called Jay’s attention.

“What?” Jay asked.

“I saw your best friend by the Hall just now… she was announcing her love for you to the whole world. Isn’t she crazy?” Agnes said.

“Kim has always been crazy,” Jay replied, grinning.

“Wait… am I missing something here? Why would she do that? We all know she hates your guts,” Jade chimed in.

“Guess she changed her mind…” Jay smiled.

“She should be here soon… can’t wait,” Jay grinned, while Jade just gave him a suspicious look.

As predicted, Kim walked into the class minutes later. Her eyes met Jay’s, who waved at her, grinning.

“Listen up, everybody!” she suddenly said, capturing the attention of the whole class.

“I’m going to say this once, so listen. I… I… love Jayden!” she declared, while the class looked at her in awe. Of course, why wouldn’t they? Just the day before, she had made him pass out, and now she’s confessing her love to him out of the blue.

Kim released a heavy breath and then walked towards Jay.

“Hey! Are you sick? Why would you suddenly say that to everyone’s face? We all know that isn’t true,” Jade said to Kim as she reached them. Instead of answering, Kim slammed her palms on the desk, making them flinch.

“The video,” she requested sternly from Jay.

“Sure,” Jay smiled, giving her his phone.

Kim deleted the video of herself from it, then sighed.

“This better be it,” she glared, throwing his phone back to him. Sweeping back her hair, she turned to leave, but then Jay’s words stopped her.

“By the way… I love you too, Kimmy,” he winked at her.

“You better shut it before I lose my cool,” Kim seethed before finally marching out of the class.

“Do you like her?” Agnes asked, suddenly catching him off guard.

“Hey… does she look likeable to you?” Jay asked back.

“Something seems off…” Jade muttered, looking at him.


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