Kim entered the class looking frustrated. Her eyes met Diego’s, but instantly, he looked away. Kim’s brows knitted.

“Kim…” Onda called her attention, and she went to her seat.

“Is it true? Are you really in love with him?” Onda asked.



“Hey, are you nuts?”

“But you said it yourself.”

“That was just…” she sighed.

“You won’t understand… there was a situation. But I’m sure it’ll die down soon. Everyone knows I’m in a relationship with Diego,” she said.

“I don’t think so. It has just been posted on the school website… you declaring your love.”

“What? Let me see,” she said, taking her phone and checking it.

Jayden actually posted a video of her declaring her love for him in their class earlier. She didn’t know he had filmed her.

“That person is completely insane,” Kim seethed.

“I think Diego has already seen this…what are you going to do?” Onda asked, while Kim looked back at Diego, who avoided her gaze. She sighed.

“I swear, I want to kill Jayden,” she gritted, ruffling her hair.

“Diego, wait!” Kim ran to Diego, who was about to leave upon seeing her.

“Hi,” he said dryly, while Kim scoffed.

“Are you behaving like this because of the nonsense I said?” she asked.

“Which one exactly? Telling me you like me… or what?”


“Is this your way of getting back at me? It was all a lie all along?”

“It wasn’t, trust me… argh! This is ¢razy. Look, there was a situation. I had no choice but to do that. Jayden blackmailed me; I had to.”

“What situation?”

“That… I can’t tell.”

“Sure… I believe you. I’ll get going now… I’m a bit tired, you see,” he said, walking away while Kim just stood there, sweeping up her hair in exasperation.

The bell rang, and everyone packed their things. Diego walked out with Verna, holding hands. Kim sighed and slumped in her chair.

“He won’t talk to me.”

“Give him a little time… he has every right to be angry now. His girlfriend went around telling people she loves someone else. Imagine how he’d be feeling right now,” Onda said beside her, arranging her books as well.

“But… it’s really not like that. Jayden, that brat, got me into this mess.”

“Then make him clear it all up. Things might work out that way.”

“You think so?” Kim asked, smiling as she grabbed her bag.

“You’re leaving already?” Kim questioned.

“Huh… I’ve got to be somewhere.”

“Where? Let’s go together.”

“No… it’s… it’s okay… I can manage.”

“Don’t leave me too… I’ll be lonely,” Kim pouted.

“I’ll see you later, Kim,” Onda smiled.



“Wait! Are you… attending the party? You know, that friend of yours… Agnes or whatever her name is… her party.”



“Umm… I’ll attend… I’ll probably meet you there… see you later, Kim,” Onda bid in a rush, leaving hurriedly.

“Why is she in such a hurry?” Kim thought.



“What do you think of this?” Agnes showed Onda another dress from her closet.

“Um, Ag… must we really do this?”

“Yeah, we must.”


“No buts! We talked about this,” Agnes shut her up while she nodded.

“Now try this on… we still have tons of things to do before the party starts,” Agnes handed her the dress, and Onda took it from her.

Agnes sat on the bed, watching Onda undress and put on the dress with a smile on her face.

“Um… Ag… I think it’s a little tight,” Onda complained.

“No… it’s perfect. I love this… Onda, you’re wearing this,” Agnes declared, while Onda sighed.

Music boomed as different students made their way into the house. The house was filled with both girls and boys dressed provocatively. They were all engaged in various activities.

Some were dancing, some were playing games, some were drinking, some were making out, and so on.

Jade and Jayden entered the house, dressed obviously seductive.

Jade removed his shades and whistled.

“This is fantastic,” he smirked.

“That girl’s got it,” Jayden also remarked.

“Bro, until we meet again,” Jade patted him before maneuvering through the crowd. As soon as he joined the crowd, girls started throwing themselves at him.

Someone tapped Jayden, and he turned around to see Kim staring back at him.

“Hey…” He grinned, examining her from head to toe. She was wearing a short red gown that revealed very little.

“Why are you standing here like a moron?” she asked.

“Maybe I was waiting for you,” Jayden winked, while she rolled her eyes and looked for somewhere to sit.

“You look… stunning tonight.”

“I didn’t dress up for you,” she replied, her eyes scanning the entire place.

Finally, her gaze landed on who she was looking for. Right in the kitchen, he was sipping his drink. Kim grinned as soon as she saw him. Jayden noticed this and followed her gaze, only to see Diego.

“He seems to be having a good time without you,” Jay said, observing the girl htting on him.

“Not everyone is like you,” Kim replied. Diego’s eyes met hers, and her heart skipped a beat. His eyes lingered on her for a moment before he looked away.

“Hey, I need your help.”

“I’ll be happy to help… just tell me what it is,” Jay smirked.

Jade was busy flirting with some girls when Verna suddenly approached him.

Without any warning, the girls left him, knowing Verna’s temper.

“Hey, babe,” Verna said in her usual seductive tone, approaching Jade where he was seated.

“What took you so long?” Jade whispered back, holding her hand as she sat on his lap.

“Dolling up for you… what do you think?” she asked, showing off her exposed body.

“I love it,” Jade whispered back, planting a kss on her cheek.

“Of course you should…” Verna smiled, grinding against him as he groaned and squeezed her waist.

“You know what I like about you?” Jade asked.

“You know how to make me feel good…”

“I’m actually talented at that…” Verna licked her lips seductively.

“Hey, man!” Jayden tapped Diego as he reached the kitchen.

“What do you want?” Diego asked in a bored tone.

“What’s up with you and Kim? The vibe is odd.”

“Do I need to answer that?” he gave him a cold look.

“Come on, guy… I’m here for peace,” Jayden said, while Diego sneered.

“Then let me ask you this… what exactly is going on between you two?”

“Nothing… yet.”


“Yeah… I’m expecting something to happen soon, so be on guard. I won’t always be nice every time,” Jayden smiled, patting him. Diego stared at him for a while before taking his gaze to Kim, who stood a little far from them.

“I don’t think I’m gonna let that happen… you should be on guard,” Diego declared, patting Jayden before walking away to where Kim was.

Jayden watched as he reached her, and they started talking. Kim laughed and blushed at the same time.

Diego stretched his hand out to her, and she took it. They both proceeded to the dance floor, dancing with Diego’s hands on her waist. She couldn’t stop smiling as they danced. Diego looked back at Jayden and smirked at him. Knowing, he pulled Kim closer to him, planting a kss on her cheek.

Jayden looked away from them, taking a drink from the counter.

“Let’s see…how far it goes” He thought within.


Onda held unto Agnes tightly as they descend the stairs. They got to downstairs and nervousness rushed over her immediately.

Being the first time in a party and dressing up like this she felt super awkward and nervous.

Her eyes roamed about the room just to find many familiar faces. It’s like almost all the students came to the party.

Still looking around, her face landed on a familiar face which was already staring back at her.

She creased her brows when she saw Verna sitting on Jade’s laps placing ksses all over his body literally. She would have looked away but just couldn’t when he wouldn’t take his eyes off her.

Jade took a proper look at her.

It would be surprising since he had never seen her dressed like that before.

A black body hug short dress which exposes her back and stopped just at her mid thigh.

White heels…she had make up on and her hair was packed in a pony tail giving out the beauty of her face he hadn’t noticed before.

She looks so much different from the nerdy Onda with glasses. A normal person wouldn’t have recognized her right away but strangely he did.

He just recognized her with just a glance.

“Wow.!!!!” He exclaimed drooling.

“Let’s see…how far it goes,” he pondered inwardly.

Onda clung tightly to Agnes as they descended the stairs. Upon reaching the bottom, nervousness immediately washed over her.

It was her first time at a party, dressed up in this manner, and she felt incredibly awkward and anxious.

Her eyes scanned the room in search of familiar faces. Almost all of the students seemed to be present at the party.

While still looking around, her gaze fell upon a familiar face that was already staring back at her.

She furrowed her brow upon seeing Verna sitting on Jade’s lap, showering him with ksses all over his body. She would have averted her eyes, but he continued to lock his gaze onto her.

Jade took a closer look at her.

It was quite surprising since he had never seen her dressed like that before.

She wore a black body-hugging short dress that exposed her back and stopped just above her mid-thigh.

She had white heels on, makeup applied, and her hair was styled in a ponytail, showcasing the beauty of her face that he hadn’t noticed before.

She looked so different from the nerdy Onda who wore glasses. An ordinary person might not have recognized her immediately, but strangely, he did.

He recognized her with just a single glance.

“Wow!” he exclaimed, without realizing it, his mouth agape.


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