Collins touched his bandage, his eyes drifted to the back and he saw Cookie, the stranger that broke his fûçking head.

A sinister smile touched his lips.

“Will be back brother,” Collin said, now walking over to his sit.

Cookies eyes were closed as she listened to her favorite music, CAN’T LET GO

Collins took off her headphone and she glanced at him.

“That’s my chair so get up,” he said, dimming his eyes and that added to his handsomeness.

Cookie completely ignored him, she reached for the headphones but he shifted back a little bit.

“Get up!” He ordered.

“Did she do that to him?” Jackson asked in a whisper.

Richard nodded

“Damn this is gonna be fun, never knew someone can do something to Collins,” Abraham said grinning.

They are all still standing.

“I know right, it’s cools let’s see,” Johnson mumbled.

“I said get up,” Collins pulled her hand but she slapped his arm off her, staring daggers at him.

“Touch me again, I dare you!” She sat up straighter, staring him directly in the eyes as though ready for a fîght.

Collins chuckled, she has no idea does she? He’s trying to be a gentleman but she wants to play the hard game, he’s not always that kind guy but one thing he knows is that he was gonna fûçk her.

“Come sit here Collins,” Lucius said gently.

“No, no Lucius this is my seat and am not giving it up for some girl,” He said getting pissed off.

He was raising, he didn’t want to rise but she’s crossing him and if she does this till he gets to the top it wasn’t gonna end well.

“Cookie get up,” Blue whispered from behind.

“I didn’t see anyone here so there is no need for that,” she rolled her eyes.

Collins smirked.

“I said get the fûçk up….”

“Settle down, everyone settle down!” A lecturer came into the class.

Everyone went to their respective chair but Collins remained standing. That was his chair and he wasn’t gonna give it up.

“Mr George,” the lecturer called in a warning tone.

Reluctantly, Collins withdrew back, Veronica shoved at Sasha and she fell.

“Come sit here,” she said happily to him

Collins glanced at Cookie one last time then gulped, she’s in for it.


The Gregorys house.

“Ma’am how tall was the lady?” A cop asked, he had a pen and paper in his hand taking note.

Mrs. Gregory who’s attending to them cleared her throat.

“She’s 5’8 feet tall, slim, pretty like a goddess and she took my daughter’s teddy bear. I want her arrested,” She said .

“Alright ma’am, she will be in custody,” the cop replied.


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