Collins turned fully to face her, his right palm going to her brêâst, immediately he cupped her breast images of Cookies tits that he saw flashed into his mind.

He broke the kiss instantly, shoving Veronica slightly away.

“Collins,” she called in a protest, frowning deeply.

She was wet for him, needing him. She wanted him to touch her and she doesn’t mind if he took her over and over till she gets exhausted but apparently he’s pushing her away.


“Put on your dress and go to Abraham, Jackson or Johnson, I’m not in the mood,” he cut her off in her high pitch voice.


He love pûssy, he has too many records of raping girls and violence so what happening?

“Collins please, I need you,” she said desperately.

Veronica went over to him again, caressing his body but he held her hands.

“I have bigger plans than this so stop!” He said seriously.

She gulped emptiness watching as he left the room without looking back, Veronica strip thwn lay on his bed. She widened her thighs shoving her hands down her pûssy.

She was actually masturbating!

Now she need her vibrator, if he wasn’t gonna fûçk her then her vibrator will do the job or should she get a doll instead?

It’s high time she order one.


“You will not touch him, you feel me? If anything happens to Collins I swear to God….” Lucius gritted his teeth

“Uncle!!!” He called as though holding back himself.

He gave a slow nod.

“Okay,” he turned around, walking away.

He doesn’t give a shît if hi uncle was the one that trained him but if anything happens to Collins….

Wait a minute….. Hold on! Does his mother know about this? Is this their plan? Was this why he married Collins Dad?

He got into his car, turning on the engine.

In the next minute the spot car pulled over at the lot and the Lucius alighted from it, he didn’t even wait for the guards and servants to open the door for him.

He made his way through the hallway and into the large furnished sitting room.

His mother sat galantly on one of the Couches with a woman he didn’t know.

She smiled brightly join seeing him.

“Lucius, son,” she gushed and sat up, welcoming him.

“Good thing you’re back, been meaning to sent them to get you, come greet Vera’s Mother,” shs saud happily, tugging at his side.

He coughed.

“Mother. Hmm,” he faked another cough.

“We should talk,” he said but pretend to cough again.

“I want our children to get married, what do you think of Vera getting married to your brother Collins?” She asked smiling but through those smiles he could tell his mother wasn’t in for any genuine marriage and does Collins consent to this marriage?

The fûçk is going on? First it was his uncle sending Blue and Cookie to get Collins now his mom is planning an arranged marriage

The fûçk!!!


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