“You can’t just…”

Before she could finish a creak from the stairs caught their attention. Collins’s figure emerged, his expression one of anger and hurt.


He had heard the entire conversation, the weight of their words heavy on his shoulders.

“What’s this about taking me out?” Collins demanded, his voice a low growl.

The confrontation was inevitable, and the air crackled with the tension of unresolved conflict.

Ryan’s smirk deepened as he looked at Collins. It should have been a challenge, fûçking difficult to catch Collins, but the guy had made it too easy.

Ryan reveled in the opportunity.

Regina’s gaze sharpened when she noticed Collins. Her smile turned predatory, and without a word, she grabbed her phone and slipped out the door, the click of it closing echoing in the room.

Blue and Cookie sat in stunned silence, the tension palpable. Cookie’s eyes flitted between Collins and the door Regina had exited through.

A strange, unfamiliar feeling prickled at her consciousness, something she couldn’t quite name, but it tugged at her gut.

Collin’s is the minister’s son. That was who their boss wanted taken down?

The realization hit her with the force of a freight train. Her mind raced with questions.

Did Collins know about their operation? If he did, would he have asked for her help? It was all too convoluted and fascinating.

Determined to make sense of it, Cookie stood slowly and moved towards Collins.

Her steps were hesitant, her heart thudding. She reached out, grabbing his hand before he could protest.

Collins looked back, confusion and anger written all over his face.

“Let’s talk,” Cookie urged, her grip firm but gentle.

Collins resisted, but he followed her out of the room. The door slammed shut behind them with a resounding thud.

As they ascended the stairs, Cookie’s thoughts whirled. She needed to deliver the news delicately, but the reality of their situation was a bitter pill to swallow.

She hoped that by softening the blow, she might salvage some semblance of normalcy.

“The fûçk is going on?” He asked, his voice Raising.

They totally forgot Juliet who’s in the room with them.

“You should calm down….”

“Calm down??? Are you fûçking kidding me?!” He rasped, moving closer to her.

“Those people down there are saying something about taking the minister son down.

Tell me, who else is the minister’s son? Is it Lucius?” He asked, pointing towards the door.

She opened her mouth to speak but he did give her the chance.

“Don’t even think of lying cos I saw my pic on the table so don’t you dare!!!” Her voice was razor sharp, coated with pain and betrayal

“Don’t fûçking tell at me okay?”

“Who the fûçk are you?!” He fired, spitting at her face.

Cookie was silent so he roughed his hair, laughing as though she was a joke.

“I should have known, you have always been strange. I thought I could trust you, I thought we are finally friends, I thought I could count on you.

I thought you were cool and cute but turns out you’re none of those things,” His fury flared, and Cookie struggled to keep her composure.

Collins stormed away, the tension between them was palpable.


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2 thoughts on “COOKIE : CHAPTERS 41 – 50”

  1. I think the new development is cool but how will the 300 get to you, speaking of those who do’nt have.
    If this is the admin i also want to become a writer like i want to post my stories here but i do’nt know how to start or do it i need guidelines i am looking forward on getting feedback thank you.

    • Thanks for your comment. The 300 weekly and how to make the payment shouldn’t and wouldn’t be issues. I will give you access to post your stories, just be getting them ready one by one.


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