After waiting for like 10 minutes without seeing anyone, she decided to leave, she tried waiting so whoever it was should fûçk off.

As she turned to head back, a long pipe swung and struck her on the back of the head, causing her to stagger. Before she could react, the pipe hit her again, and she collapsed to the floor.

The attacker quickly approached, pulling out a rope and tying Cookie’s hands and feet.

Dragging her by her hair, the attacker pulled her into the school’s swimming pool hall, a sinister smile spreading across their face.

“Enjoy your swim,” the attacker said, giving Cookie a final shove into the pool.

Cookie’s unconscious body sank to the bottom of the pool.

The attacker watched for a moment, satisfied that Cookie wasn’t waking up.

With a contented smile, the attacker turned and left the pool hall, the door swinging shut behind them.

Minutes ticked by two, then three, and four.

Under the water, Cookie groaned, swallowing more pool water. She tried to move but was constrained by the ropes tying her hands and legs.

Slowly, she opened her eyes, but the water blurred her vision. She shut her eyes again, panicking as her lungs screamed for air.

Her heart raced as she struggled to free herself, but the ropes were too tight. She gulped down more water, feeling her strength draining.

The thought of her plans against her parents slipping away added to her desperation. Her situation was dire, if she didn’t get out soon…

Suddenly, a splash broke the surface.

Someone dived into the pool. The sound of headphones crashing onto the floor before splashing into the water reached Cookie’s ears.

The figure moved quickly through the water, reaching her side. With swift, practiced movements, the person began to untie the ropes binding Cookie.

The swimmer worked efficiently, their hands strong and steady.

Cookie’s eyes, filled with a mix of fear and hope, locked onto the rescuer.

As the last of the ropes fell away, Cookie’s rescuer lifted her out of the water, dragging her to the pool’s edge.

Breathless and shivering, Cookie gasped for air. The rescuer helped her out of the pool, their face still hidden by the shadows, but their presence unmistakably comforting.

“Who,” Cookie started, but she could barely speak, her voice hoarse and weak.

He didn’t answer, just helped her to safety.

The resucer hall’s silence enveloped them as they emerged, the rescuer’s face finally coming into view, revealing someone Cookie didn’t expect…


Standing before her was……


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2 thoughts on “COOKIE : CHAPTERS 41 – 50”

  1. I think the new development is cool but how will the 300 get to you, speaking of those who do’nt have.
    If this is the admin i also want to become a writer like i want to post my stories here but i do’nt know how to start or do it i need guidelines i am looking forward on getting feedback thank you.

    • Thanks for your comment. The 300 weekly and how to make the payment shouldn’t and wouldn’t be issues. I will give you access to post your stories, just be getting them ready one by one.


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