Written by: Authoress Ti Fe ??


Kim stared at him for minutes and he felt a weird connection between them.

“Kimberly.” He called and she smiled softly.

“yes.” She responded and he kept his eyes locked with hers.

“Can I ask you for a favor before I die?” He asked and she shook her head.

“you are not dying Landon. You are staying here with us, many people don’t want you dead. And I am part.” She explained and Landon smiled faintly.

“I know you have faith that I wouldn’t die. But you should know, this is my fate. So please can you do me a favor?” He asked and she nodded with tears in her eyes.

“There are two things. The first is, I need you to contact my lawyer, I need him here.” He said and she nodded.

“And the second?” She asked.

“I want you to come closer.” He said and she creased her brows. She swallowed hard and moved her head closer to his.

She turned her ear to his mouth and when she was so close, he held her face in his hand and made her face him.

“I am not whispering into your ears.” He said and she nodded.

“so what is this about?” she asked.

“I am not doing this because I want to, but I want to before I die.” He said and she sighed.

“what are you talking about?” she asked and he raised his head slowly to reach her face.

She looked down immediately, trying to avoid his intense stare.

“I want to kss you.” He whispered and she could feel his breath on her face.

“what?” She asked staring at his lips.

“Shut up.” He said as his lips covered hers. At first, she was shocked but then she gave in to his intense kiss taking it slowly.

“Lan…” they heard someone say and they stopped kssing abruptly. Kim moved away quickly bowing her head.

“Hey Ruby,” Landon said looking at Ruby who was still in shock after what she saw.

“I… I can come back later. I just wanted to check up on you. I am sorry I barged in.” She stated and turned to leave.

“No, it’s fine. We are done, what’s up?” he asked and she walked further into the ward.

“I would take my leave,” Kim said and Landon stopped her by holding her hand.

“We are not done Kim, you can sit.” He said and Ruby glared at Kimberly. Kimberly exchanged the look and walked to the chair to sit.

“What’s up Ruby?” he asked and she diverted her attention from Kim back to Landon.

“I heard you were in the hospital, I thought they were rumors but then your mother contacted me, so I had to rush down here. You didn’t say anything to me.” Ruby muttered and Landon sighed.

“Don’t mind mother, it is nothing.” He replied and she shook her head.

“It is. She told me you need a kidney transplant. That is no joke, Landon.” She said and Landon shut his eyes in frustration.

“Mother is such a drama queen. You don’t have to worry Ruby, I will do just fine. And that reminds me, I need my lawyer.” He said and Ruby furrowed her brows.

“What for?” She asked.

“Can you just do as I say?” He asked and she nodded reluctantly.

“I will get to him now.” She said and he nodded shutting his eyes. She turned to look at Kimberly who was staring at the both of them.

“Why are you here? You should be at home.” She said to Kim.

“I should be here, not at home. He needs someone here, and I am here.” Kim replied and Landon opened his eyes to look at her.

“you don’t have to stay anymore. I am here now, you can go back to the mansion and keep it clean.” Ruby stated angrily. She felt like giving her a hot slap after seeing what she did to Landon.

She has been with Landon for more than three years and she has not even been given a chance to hug him, and now Kim came not up to a month ago and now she is kssing him?

“Ruby, I want her here,” Landon said and Ruby turned to look at him.

“Why?” she asked and Landon furrowed his brows.

“When did you start questioning me?” He asked.

“Why is it always her? What is so special about her?” She asked out of frustration, she didn’t want to say a thing but she couldn’t help it.

She was jealous.

“What do you mean?” Landon asked.

“you have always liked her since you met her. You sent everyone who wanted to be your maid away because of her. Why?” Ruby asked and Kim looked at Landon in shock.

“that is enough. Get out.” Landon commanded and tears rolled down Ruby’s face.

“I have always wanted you, Landon, for three years I have been hoping you would look at me the way you look at her, but you never did. I have been always loyal, I just want you to love me!” She said in a loud tone.

“Ruby, get out!” He said and she cleaned her teary eyes and dashed out of the ward.

“This isn’t over Kimberly.” She mumbled.

Everywhere was silent immediately and Kim stared at Landon.

“don’t say a word.” He said and Kim nodded swallowing hard.

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