Nnenna’s campus series

Owned by Nnenna




Oh no!


It can’t be true!

Nothing is wrong with her right?

I ran faster panting.

My heart is so heavy!

I boarded a taxi and found myself in my auntie’s house.

I rushed in and gasped.

Relatives, friends filled the room.

I was scared.

So scared as I kept panting and gasping for breath.

I didn’t want to believe it.

I don’t want to at all.

I looked around and saw Ella crying,

It can’t be true.

I was shivering as I walked my way into the room.

Anna was sobbing and is under the care of an aunt.

I panted still.


Whoop… Whoop… Whoop…

Was heard outside the house and I turned to the door.

I gulped.

I was too dazed to even cry.

I opened my mouth to ask questions but no words were formed on my lips.


Some health-like looking guys ran into the room with a stretcher.

Oh no!

They came out later with my aunt lying on it.

Lying lifeless.

My mouth hung open.

I couldn’t even touch her,

Tears rolled out of my eyes as I quivered.

I’m finally alone…. Was the cold feeling that spread across my body.

My second mom is gone!

I found strength.

Some strength which I used into running after those guys carrying my aunt.

I wanted to be sure she was dead!



I caught hold of them and touched her.

She was cold.

Oh no!

I began to wail!

I haven’t really cried before,

I haven’t felt so hurt like seeing her lying lifeless and her warm hands so cold at my touch.

i felt so alone again in this harsh world.

They pushed me away slightly and made away with her.

I was lost.

I fell on my knees and began to cry.

This is not right!


Death why?

Why her?

My aunt!


Why her?

She was the only thing I have in this world.

I’m alone!

No one will protect me,

She promised to be my mom!

I didn’t even get a chance to tell her that I loved her.

I didn’t get a chance to tell her that I really did!

That I loved her to the extent that I took her as my mom.

I didn’t say that to her.

I cried harder.

I don’t want to be consoled.

I want to cry,

Cry out my pains,

I hiccuped holding onto my knees as I cried.

?I used to shut my door when my mother screamed in the kitchen.

?I turn the music off, get high and try not to listen,

?to every little fight cuz neither one was right,

?I swore i’ll never be like them but I was just a kid back then.

?The older I get,

?The more that I see, that parents aren’t heroes,

?They’re just like me,



I watched her from afar staring at her crying.

I knew she was going through pain even though she’s trying all she could to stand up tall and alright.

Deep inside her she’s hurt!

Deeply hurt!

I wished I could help her,

I watched her for a while and went closer to her,

I stood behind her squatting posture for a while, watching as her body shook terribly before I tapped her twice and she sprang up.

She turned to see me and began to cry harder.

“She’s gone! “She yelled shaking terribly,

I saw the pain in her eyes,

I didn’t know what to say to her,

“My only person is gone!

She’s gone!! I won’t ever see her again ”

“its… ”

She hugged me.

I was surprised but she held on tighter to me.

“She’s gone! I’m alone!

I’m finally lonely!

Death has given me the final blow!

Taking the last thing I had away from me”

I patted her back,

“I miss her! I miss her so much!

I didn’t tell her that I love her,

I didn’t tell her how much I love her!

I didn’t tell her that… That…. ”

“Riley its okay “I whispered consoling her.

She was shaking as she cried.

She didn’t stop crying for a second.

“Cry as much as you want,

Let those pain out by crying,

You will be fine,

You’re going to be fine”

After two long hours of her being on my body and hugging me,

She stopped crying but was weak,

She didn’t go back into the house,

She turned and strolled for her home,

I followed her still.

“Want me to give you a piggyride again? “I asked her and she didn’t even stir or talk back to me,

She’s really beaten by her death,

“She… She was the only one I had after I lost everything,

She’s the only one I had even before now,

She stood by me right from when I lost my parents,

Even though,

I was annoying… She stood by me protecting me.

I can’t believe she’s gone”she wiped a tear on her face.

I gulped.

I can’t find anything to tell her,

“She… ”

“Riley “I interrupted and she scoffed.

“The world is cruel to me,

I thought it was good when it took away my mom and dad but…

Its never been easy without my parents,

Its really never been easy,

I… I had her alone in this whole world.

Now, she’s gone!

I didn’t tell her that I love her and that’s what’s hurting me the most.

I should’ve told her back then when she told me that she loved me.

I should’ve told her back then when she told me that she was going to protect me.

I didn’t!

I didn’t tell her and she’s gone!

I won’t be able to tell her that forever!

Not in this world anymore!! “She began to cry again.

It was really touching.

I’ve never seen her cry and not this hard too.

I really haven’t seen her cry.

…. And I think I started seeing her more often cuz for the days that came after,

She never stopped crying and blaming her self.

She never stopped weeping even after she was laid to rest.

She would briefly smile and that was all.

But something really shocking after everything was that,

She became less rude, mean and talks freely with me.

I was always by her side.

I wanted to be,

I really wanted to support her,

And I did to the last day that she began to smile again and even go to school with me.

The one problem I began to have was Riele….

She hated me around Riley.

She wanted to please me and cause troubles each time she saw me with Riley.

She get mad over nothing.

She’s always being over protective of me all the time over nothing.

It was really frustrating and annoying that I told her off one day.

I told her to leave me alone and never talk to me again.

I was harsh and that’s because am angry but she should stop being so protective like she was my girlfriend when she’s not.

She became extra violent,

A side I’ve never seen about her until these recent days.

She always wants to get into a fight with Riley.

She wants to tell her off all time they came in contact with each other.

To the extent that I began to hate her,

Riley have been through a lot that I don’t want to see her sad again.

But she won’t want to hear or know of it…..

Even though when she knew that she was getting married ….



I walked into the class one afternoon and looked around for Riley.

We need to talk,

We really need to talk.

I saw her.

She was alone at a corner reading.

I scoffed.

I went to her and stood infront of her with all eyes on us… No me exactly!

“We need to talk”I said and she ignored me flipping her book to the next page,

A book am not sure she’s reading at all.

“I said we need to talk”I repeated but she ignored me still.

I gulped fuming more than before.

“Are you ignoring me?

Do you know whom I am that you are ignoring? ”

She smirked looking up to my face.

“Really? ”

I scoffed.

“We need to talk! ”

“About what exactly? “She spoke rudely to me.

“I don’t know what’s between you and Carson,

I don’t care to know if you guys are friends or not,

But tell me,

Do you like him? ”

I asked and I watched her face grow pale and serious.

“Why asking me that question? “she asked in a cackling voice,

“I need to know! ”

“Why will you know?

You shouldn’t ask me that!

If you like him… “She chuckled,

“He’s all yours, I won’t care after all, you and your dad took everything away from me and I never complained ”

I sI.apped her cheek.

Why would she say such a hurting word infront of all the students?

She didn’t hit me back,

Instead she began to laugh,

“Are you hurt that he doesn’t like you? “She laughed hard and I raised my hand to hit her face again.

Some guy held my hand in the air….


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