Adeline went silent immediately, and he faced Poe.

“Why are you here and why did you interrupt him, and why the hell is Jinx not with you?”

“She’s at the training ground, and I interrupted because I thought he was really gonna get you” Poe said, not daring to look up.

“What do you think of me? Am I a damn joke to you?” He said, and though he didn’t make it obvious that he’s angry, but Adeline knows he is.

He’s not the type to flaunt his emotions, but there’s a way his eyes glint whenever he’s mad.

Adeline detected it that day at the training ground when he choked her mercilessly …that same glint is in his eyes right now.

“I’m sorry, Death. Won’t repeat it next time” Poe apologized, and he rolled his eyes sharply…

“The third question?”

“I’ve been trying to mail you the final details about the meeting tomorrow, but your box has been rejecting it, so I brought hardcopies and I dropped them in your office already” Poe replied.

Adeline wondered immediately…

He has an office in this same manor? Just how many rooms are there?

“Good, get someone to replace the broken part mirror. You can leave” Madden said.

“Yes master” Poe bowed and left the room.

“My phone” Adeline said, and Madden gestured at the bedstand where the phone is sitting.

She went for it, feeling his prickling eyes on herself till she took it and stood at tention.

Instead of bowing like Poe, she saluted sillily before rushing out of the room, forgetting to take the balm container.

Madden sat back on the bed, giving the broken mirror a glance and remembering how she crashed into it.

She obviously started the fight to stop him from pulling down her joggers, and he accepted the fight only because he wasn’t ready to let her know he’s aware of her identity yet.

If that wasn’t the case, he would have grabbed the first punch she threw and give it a rough twist before locking her two arms around her neck.

Then he would have done whatever he wanted with her though she might cry, and that’s not bad.

Might? Change that to Would.

She would surely cry, though she’d try to fight it viciously.

She might look fragile, but he knows level of her strong will.

The strength of her punches and kicks are poisonous, and her determination is fully loaded.

He’s yet to figure out why she decided to come here disguised as a man, and that’s because he’s not even trying to find.

She’s not obviously not a rat, but one thing is for sure…

Is she later turns out to be one, he’s killing her himself.

He picked the balm container and smelled it.

Strangely, it smells like purple… Like her.

He closed it and threw it somewhere in the room before exiting, heading to his office.


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