Madden took Adeline straight to his bedroom and placed her in bed before grabbing his first-aid box.

It’s a long wide metal one.

He learnt how to take care of himself with the kit since Igor would rather watch him die than treat him, and he’d rather die of bleeding than allow Igor touch him too.

He opened the kit wide, pouring everything out to the bed foot before going back to Adeline.

He lifted her back from the bed and supported it with a pillow before taking off her jacket, throwing it off.

He went for her shirt next, undoing the buttons as fast as possible.

Every part of the shirt is already soaked with her blood.

He pulled it off, and as expected, he met her chest bandage which has been soaked with redness too.

He got scissors and tore through the bandage, ripping it away from her chest.

Her small breasts fell free, and he didn’t even give them another look before turning her, making her sleep on her chest.

He loaded a painkiller injection and injected the surrounding of the wound before cleaning it up, then he got to work.

Removing the bullet didn’t take much time, and when he was done doing that, he patched and plastered it.

She lost a lot of blood, so she obviously needs transfusion.

Going to the clinic for her blood type is a no-no, so he resorted to his own blood since their blood match according to his research.

The past two weeks he spent behaving like she doesn’t exist were exhausted on finding out everything about her.

Her real name, real family, and her history, but he knowingly didn’t find out her full story.

He only knew her parents died, and she spent five years in jail for it.

He didn’t bother knowing weather she really killed them or maybe she was framed, and he doesn’t even care.

It’s not his cup of tea anyways.

He connected the tubes to their arms and started the blood transfusion.

Despite the fact that he got shot and lost blood too, he doesn’t give a shit.

As his blood ran to her body, he shut his eyes, thinking about the failed mission again.

Only one person could have done this.

He’s the only one capable of orchestrating this, and he’s already planning different ways to kill him in his head.

No one messes with him and goes scot free. He won’t give him that taste.

He’ll make his death more painful than the attack.

He stopped the transfusion after an hour, then he drank some tonic before leaving the manor at exactly 5pm.

As he walked down the mountain, Kimberly came out of her hiding place behind the forest.

She climbed up the mountain, but there’s no way to enter.

She started going around the windows in circles maybe she’d get lucky and see Adeline, but she caught no glimpse.

From the base of the mountain, Madden could clearly see her, watching her every move as she went around the manor.

When she lost all hope, she sat on the ground, backing the building.

Madden left eventually, going back to the compound.

The burial of the lost three is already ongoing.

The first two has been buried, and Nikolai’s body has just been lowered into the grave.


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