By Succie Brown



“Bring her to me” Landmark said.

“Alright Landmark” Stone said. Stone is the one of Landmark’s minions.

Stone ended the call and just when he was about going to Aria, a man wearing a cop uniform approach her, and Stone quickly hide bedside a tree.

“Uncle” Aria squealed when she saw the inspector. He was actually the one who raised Aria after he h!t her with a police van and also the one who helped Aria looked for her sisters.

The inspector smiled at Aria and asked. “How are you triple trouble?”

“I am fine Uncle. I thought you already gone back to Ufe?” Aria asked.

“Yes I will be leaving tonight, so knowing you’d be here, I came here so that I can eat dinner with you before I leave” The inspector said.

“Awwn, that’s so sweet of you uncle. I’m really going to miss you” Aria said, placing her head on his shoulder and the inspector smile.

“Are you sure you will be okay here?” He asked.

“Yes I will uncle, I have my sister, boyfriend and friends” She said, grinning.


“I will tell you about it, during Dinner, let’s go”

“Why can’t you tell me who is he right now?”

“During dinner, uncle” Aria said, leaving with the inspector.




“Fine. Maybe you can bring her to me next time. For now just watch her every move and kidnap her when she least expected it” Landmark said to Stone and ended the call.

He looked at the picture of Aria that stone sent to him and sighed.

“Something is off about this picture. Same face, but different hair length, and mode of dressing.

Did she changed her mode of dressing, thinking we won’t recognize her… She must be so stvpid” Landmark said with his eyes glued on the picture.

“Landmark” Code 62 said, approaching him, and Landmark worn a frown on his face.

“Are you high on drugs? Just because our bosses said we should work together doesn’t mean you should disrespect me. I am way older than you” Landmark said.

“I didn’t disrespect you, I only called you by your name” Code 62 said.

“Why are you here?”

“The bosses has change of plans”


“Selling of kid’s organs is no longer moving well for them, so they went to divert into girls trafficking.

“They want to make money by selling young girls into prostitution?” Landmark asked, lighting a cigarette.

“No. Their plans is to kidnap young girls and make them deliver babies, so they can sell the baby to international countries.

So they want you and your minions to embark on this mission” Code 62 said.

“And what about you?”

“My job is to be a spy at MCC, and a messager. I don’t partake in the criminal jobs you all involve yourself in” Code 62 said.

“That’s because you are a noddles. You aren’t strong enough to carry out our illegal activities” Landmark said.

“You can say whatever you want Landmark, it won’t penetrate inside my body.

Since I am done delivering the message, I will be going back to school” Code 62 said, and turns to leave.

“Stop” Landmark said. Code 62 stopped on his track and looked at Landmark.

“What do you want?” He asked.

“You wanted to know the face of the girl who saw our bosses’ face, right?”

“I thought you didn’t want to involved me on the search?” Code 62 asked.

“At first, I didn’t want to involve you, but stone told me her uncle is an inspector.

It possible that she will want to take after her uncle, by being a cop, which means she might be a student at MCC” Landmark said.

“What does she look like?” He asked, and Landmark showed him a picture of Aria.

“Do you know her?” Landmark asked.

Code 62 looked at Aria picture and nodded her head. “Yes I know her.

Her name is Ariella Campbell, she’s a freshman student at MCC” Code said, and Landmark smirked dangerously.


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