Written By Mha Rhy


Velveeta walked slowly to Ronnie’s room with a lot in her mind.

“She can’t believe that she was threatened by Ronnie’s mom.

How could a woman be so wicked to think of killing her grandchild,

“I should probably tell Ronnie about it,he will surely find something to do about this” she uttered and increase her walking pace..

“Ronnie!! She called barging in

Oh My God!!! She exclaimed loudly seeing how the room was in disordered

Everywhere was scattered with different things on the ground”

Her eye caught a glimpse of bI.ood drop on the ground and a gasp escape her mouth

“Ronnie”! She called with panick tracing the bI.ood to the bathroom

She opened the bathroom door and fear gripped her as she saw Ronnie laying unconscious inside the bath tub

She ran to where he was and check his breathe

She breathe out in relief seeing that he is breathing

“Ronnie” she called and he opened his eyes

“Velveeta I want to be alone” he said not looking at her

“Am going nowhere Ronnie” she replied rolling her eyes

“I really want to be alone Velveeta, so please let me be for now,” Ronnie begged

Velveeta stared at him with pitiful expression

“Maybe he really needs some space,”

“Ok I will leave Ronnie but yunno you can share anything with me” am ready to hear it all” Velveeta said and kssed his forehead before walking out of the bathroom…

Ronnie opened his eyes and stared at the empty door

“Am sorry Velveeta, I think am about to take a step which might destroy our relationship,… Ronnie thought and cleaned the tears that dropped from his eyes..




Everyone were present at the dinning except for Vicky,

It was de.adly silent as no one was ready to talk, the only sound heard was that of the cutleries..

“Good morning family” Vicky shouted puffing out smoke from her ¢igarettes as she walked in

“Good morning Mom” Naomi smile

“Good morning daughter” Vicky replied with a smile as she took her seat.

“Good morning ma’am” Velveeta greeted nervously

“I never ask for your greetings pauper, learn to mind your business” Vicky snapped

Ronnie banged the table angrily and everyone flinched in fear

“One word for you Vicky” don’t you ever call my fiancee a pauper with that your worthless mouth again”! Ronnie seethed his teeth in anger

“Watch your mouth Ronnie” am your mother and you don’t talk to me anyhow”

“Mother? Did you just call yourself a mother? He scoffed

“Don’t think high of yourself Vicky, to me you are nothing but a mon$ter”, a mvrderer!! He shouted

“Ronnie you are daring me and don’t make me commit another mvrder”, she said and everyone freeze in shock

Vicky smirked and move closer to him, she lean on his shoulder and whisper

“Let your little pumpkin go or else you won’t see her again and you know what that means” she whispered and move away from him

“Think about my advice son” she Pat his shoulder with a smile

“Thanks for the breakfast, it was delicious” she smirked before walking away…


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