Vann was cut short when Lorraine pulled the TV remote and turned on the TV.
A video began playing on the screen.
It’s the video of a woman and Lord Vann hiking together.
They were chatting through it and laughing when Lord Vann suddenly pushed her, and she rolled down the mountain, dying on the spot.
The video ended there, and the TV went off.
Lord Vann peed on himself.
“Everyone thought your wife slipped and fell during hiking, but no one knows the true story, that you pushed her.
You killed her because you wanted to marry me. What will Imogen and Tamlin think when they see this video? You killed their mother” Lorraine said.
Vann rushed forward, picking a golfing stick which he quickly shattered the TV screen with.
“Oh darling…I have that video saved in five other places” Lorraine said.
“What!” Lord Vann faced her, the stick fell from him.
Lorraine walked hastily to him and pulled him by the collar, tightly.
“You better don’t make me mad, hmm? Be a good boy” she smiled, roughly letting go of him
Vann fell on the couch, and Lorraine went to the wall, taking the picture frame of the old man there.
“You don’t wanna end up like your brother, do you?” She said, walking out with the frame.
Lord Vann began crying, piping hot tears.
“How rich are you?” Twilight asked, sitting in front of Slade as he worked on his laptop.
Her face is in her palms, and her stare at him is deep.
“Rich enough to buy five decent countries” he replied easily, his eyes not leaving the laptop screen.
“And you’ve been sponsoring since you were ten? You’ve been rich since childhood?” She asked.
He looked up, a small smirk tugging at his lips.
“When I was at the orphanage, Grandpa Cedric payed me weekly” he said, and she moved her chair closer to his own
“Payed you for doing nothing?” She asked, their noses almost rubbing.
“He payed me for breathing, and he’s still paying me till now. I have more than fifteen investments in the city, and they pay me yearly. I’m into real estate too, but i have agents working for me on that, in the city” he replied, and she blinked thrice consecutively.
“You’re rich!!” She gasped, and his smile bloomed.
“Are you happy about it?” He asked, pulling her to his laps.
She straddled him, and he pushed his laptop aside.
“You happy?” He repeated.
“Yes… Who wouldn’t be happy that her master is rich?” She replied slowly, wrapping her arms on his shoulders.
“I should employ you to help me spend the money. I’ll pay you for helping me spend too” he said.
“What do you mean!” She hit his chest jokingly before she knew it, and her eyes widened with a gasp.
“Sorry…I was carried away” she quickly apologized, but he didn’t even count it as anything.
“Do you have any future plan?” He asked suddenly.
“What future plan? I’m going to die for you anyways” she muttered.
“Start writing down your future plans from now on” he said.
“It’s an order, submit full page next week” he cut her off sternly.
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