He should retrieve the ring tomorrow and kill her once and for all.
Maybe all these useless emotions will disappear to hell.
He gritted his jaws and walked to the piano.
He sat in front of it and began playing, but the image of how he fuçked her on this same piano filled his head.
How she was crying and begging him, and how he was going deeper. How her tight sweet pu$$y was hugging his c0ck so good, and how her blood painted the piano keys.
He stopped playing and stood, but then he got another flashback to how she rubbed his eyebrows in the garden earlier, and how it felt so good.
He gritted his jaws again, and his eyes darted to his wrist where the hairband still sat.
Can all the stupid thoughts about her just disappear? Can she just leave his head already?
He shut his eyes and walked to the wall, slamming his head on it violently.
His forehead bled so much, and the blood ran down his face in showers.
He’s not with his ring, so it didn’t heal, and he felt the pains which made him smile sickly.
Tomorrow, she’ll be dead.
Ruslan, Posey and Ren spent their night here with Imogen who’s still unconscious.
While Posey and Ren slept off soundly on chairs, Ruslan couldn’t.
His eyes are on Imogen as he sat beside her, still feeling guilty.
Dr. Kali sat not far from him, watching him attentively.
“Too bad, you fell in love with the wrong person” She suddenly spoke.
“What would you know?” Ruslan rudely said.
“I know you’re not meant for each other, and no matter what you do, she’d never see you.” Dr. Kali replied.
“She kissed me two times already, so what other evidence do I need that she loves me?” Ruslan replied, and Dr. Kali sighed.
“You’re more dense than I thought” she said, and a cough suddenly escaped Imogen’s mouth.
They both turned to see her eyes open, and Ruslan spranged up.
That woke Posey and Ren, and they rushed to the bedside at Imogen sat up.
“How long was I out for?” She asked.
“Roughly 18 hours” Posey replied, opening the small container and giving her a pill.
“Slade is cruel” Imogen muttered as she got down from the bed.
“He’s dead, luckily” Ruslan said, and her eyes widened.
“What did you just say?”
“He’s… really dead. Tamlin killed him” Ren added.
“No! No” Imogen pushed them out of the way and ran all out of the infirmary.
“Imogen!!” They all rushed after her.
Dr. Kali stood and shut the door softly.
“Foolish kids” she muttered, entering her bedroom.
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