HIDING STAR: Episode 1-10

Hiding ?
?(she’s a crazy cook)?

?Episode 6?


I yawned tiredly as I walked alone on the bright road, it’s dark already but the streetlight is helping a lot.

I had no money to board a cab so trekking is the only option left.

I brought out my headphone and plugged it on my head, I kept on singing along after like 30minutes of trekking I got home exhausted.

I opened my the door to face the dad.

Huh! dad hello I said nervously, he’s so unpredictable.

Christy it’s so late what are you doing by this time don’t they have a closing time he rasped.

I’m sorry dad it’s my fault, i don’t know why I’m just so slow today i lied.

Wait where is that place you are working he asked.

Huh! That escaped my mind, it’s the G…. I want to say but he silenced me with his hand by placing it on his lips.

He placed his phone on earth, yeah! hello daniel, he signalled me to leave which I did immediately.

She’s my daughter for Pete’s sake, he said and my feet wobbled, daughter i or another person.

I hid behind the dinning table because i want to hear him clearly.

It’s a one night mistake man, she couldn’t tell her husband it’s so odd that’s why she pinned it on him he said again.

He should do his worst, i did an help man.

i know he’s so desperate to find his sister and so she’s my daughter if at all she’s not i did an help so he have no right to say that, he added.

What is he saying? I noticed his voice died down so I ran to my room. Which daughter? Sister? Help? All this are so confusing.

I changed to a simple dress and laid on the bed, I have to strategize how I would avoid those two, but gaby is so charming.

I just can’t admit he’s my crush, huh! I’ve not send the picture to mira, she’s so going to kill me.

I picked up my phone immediately and the door swunged open revealing dad, what he said earlier flashed through my mind, what’s he talking about?.

I was tempted to asked I killed the urge and I don’t want to anger him, he might get so mad me for eavesdropping.

I love dad! He tried a lot on me that’s why I don’t want to oppose him, he hates anything about music I wonder why.

Baby! He called gently and sat at the edge of the bed.

Yes dad I replied.

I’m very sorry, I was just so worried my only daughter is out there at the dead of the night, it really triggered my anger.

I know dad I said and sat upright, this is my chance i must not misused it i breathe in.

Dad i called calmly yea baby he replied looking up.

Where I’m working i was asked to move there can i i said and reached for his hand shoting him a tender look.

Please don’t tamper with the dream you have for me i persuaded.

I saw his face dropped, christabel I can’t bear not seeing you a day he said pitifully and I felt a remorse but I gathered up courage.

Dad, I know please I said releasing his hand, I clutched my hand tightly.

Anything for my baby, you can go but promise to come by weekend he said.

Yippee! Dad you are the best I screamed and jumped on him I will make sure I come every weekend, love you dad o added happily.

Love you too bunny, he replied.

Stop it dad, I said sitting upright.

Okay sorry bunny he mocked.

You are repeating the same thing I said.

Goodnight he said ignoring my complain.

Anyway goodnight sleep tight I replied as he shut the door… So easy than I thought.

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