
“HIM, HER & I” (A Love Triangle) PART 1 to The End)

(A Love Triangle)

©?Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

“You look good today as always,” Bro Kennedy said, but his words meant something else in my ears. It felt like the sound of a fly perching around. “Thanks,” I said but my neck was stretching itself to get a good look at Mmesoma and Papa. They were having a good laugh… “I know I may not be as attractive as Papa and other brothers in the fellowship but I am a good guy!” he said with a dry smile making an attempt to be funny, but the mention of Papa caught my attention… “You were saying?” I asked. “Never mind. I am just trying to say the right things to make up for the last time, but I guess I am not good at petty talks. I just want to apologize for the last time. You touched an aspect of my life that causes me pain, which was why I reacted that way. You see, my parents never see eye to eye on issues. My home is a constant battlefield and guess the phrase I hear in my house on a daily basis… “If not that you were the will of God for my life, why on earth would I marry someone like you…You are not even my type.” That has been the phrase that rules my home. I had to ask my mum what that meant and she told me that she and my father grew up in the same church, they both had people who they were dating, but all of a sudden, someone in the church saw a vision which he told my father. The vision was that my mother, who he never loved, was the perfect will of God for him. Sis Timi, going through the hatred filled atmosphere between my parents in my home made me make a vow that I was not going to get married based on some vision. I was going to look for a woman who I loved in the Christian fold, who was a genuine child of God. I have searched through my Bible and I didn’t see where it was written that a man had a dream and God showed him the wife, but I read in the Bible where Abraham asked his servant to go look for a wife for his son among his own people. The servant had prayed for God to grant him favour and there among Abraham’s people he found Rebecca. Therefore Sis Timi, my God’s will is me praying ahead of time for God to lead me to the right sister in the household of faith who I naturally will be attracted to. Sis Timi, I have been praying since I was 15 years old for God to direct me to the right woman and I must tell you, you are the first lady my heart tells me is THE ONE,” Bro Kennedy said and for those few minutes I was attentive. Hmm… We were somehow alike because it was actually my parents’ marriage that made me actually crave for the perfect will of God.

Bro Kennedy, I am sorry for how I acted the last time, I have listened to your philosophy about marriage, but just like you, I also have a terrible home courtesy of my parents. Unlike your parents, my mother married my father who was an unbeliever and the phrase that is repeated on the lips of my mother is “I should have married the will of God for my life, I married you out of love but all you give me in this house is hatred.” fe, but she ha Bro Kennedy, my mother had been told that a certain man was the will of God for her li d married my father out of love . Unfortunately for her since my father was not born again, he never gave her peace, so you see why I am so crazy about hearing from God, I don’t plan to go th “Sis rough the torture my mother is going Timi, what if the original will of God for throug h. ” your mother had died, would she have remained single all her life?” Bro Kennedy asked out of the blues “ . No… she would have married someone else, maybe a permissive will “ What if the PERMISSIVE WILL refuses . ” to marry your mum, would she have remained single?” Bro Kennedy asked again “No… Bro Kennedy… w . hat is your point?” I said as I was getting impatient at his analysis. From where I stood I saw Papa punching Mmesoma’s number on his phone… “ Sister Ti mileyin, my point is, not everyone has the gift of visions and d from God. The w reams or hearing ill of God is for us to be equally yoked with believers, I guess that is your where your mother missed it. She married outside of God. Also, that you see a person in revelation as the will of God d will be 100% fun; y oes not mean when you get marri ou will still have issues. Therefore, I believe God’s ulti ed your home mate will is for His children to be equally yoked with themselves. All this talk of perfect WILL a permissive WILL tend to bring a lot of confusion. As long as nd I am genuinely saved and have the Holy Spirit in me, I can prayerfully find a sister in the household of faith who we can work together in agreement to build a Godly home. The Bible states tha f inds a WIFE f inds a good thing, and obtains favour from the Lord t whoever . The Bible did not state that whoever that sees a vision… supervision of the Holy Spirit . Sis Timi, I am to find a wife under the ” I realized Bro Kennedy was about to start anoth study… “ er Bible Ok, Bro Kennedy, I understand your point, but unfortunately I already have someone in the household of faith God has impressed in my heart that I can s pend the rest of my life with, “ ” I said in a bid to dismiss him but it did not work. So I don’t stand a chance? Why don’t you give me a chance to be to know me? I might be better than this other person,” h your friend and get e said with a plea in his eyes “ B etter or what did you just say? . Bro Kennedy you are not even close to the person T he person is the full package: spirituality, looks, d . ressing and a good sense of humor. In all I have mentioned , you don’t possess any.”
“I could work better at it, if that’s what the person has over me. I really like you Sis Timi…” Bro Kennedy said as he used his hard hands to touch me. I wondered what kind of body cream he was using. Papa had the softest skin ever; he was always with his hand lotion. “Bro Kennedy please, I don’t like brothers touching me,” I said though I knew deep down it was a big lie. I was always longing for Papa to touch my chubby cheeks whenever he was teasing me. “I am sorry,” Bro Kennedy said. “Bro Kennedy, to be very honest and not to waste your time, I am already in a relationship with someone, it’s just on the low key, so I suggest you look elsewhere in the household of faith,” I said and this time, I walked away from him before he said anything else. “Mmesoma, Mmesoma!” I shouted Mmesoma’s name from a distance indicating it was time to leave rather, I got a shocking reply… “You can go. I will catch up with you. I can find my way back to the hostel,” she said and continued her conversation with Papa. All eyes were on me, especially the sisters I had cleared off my path in Papa’s life. They were obviously watching the movie and waiting to see my reaction… I did the most noble thing, I took my Bible and headed back to the hostel. “Can I walk you down to the hostel?” I heard the annoying voice of Brother Kennedy behind me and all I wanted to scream at the top of my voice was what was written in Matt 16:23…

Picked For You:  THE MIRACLE I NEED SEASON 2 : Episode 11 – 20

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