

?His Invisible Creator?
(is he a human??)

Episode 7??

Written By:Tofunmi Nikky?

?Reed’s pov?

” You mean she did that?? “Gerald asked as we stopped at the parking lot,,

” How I wish I can find her now,,,I need to teach her a lesson “I said, facing him

” I told you not to go with her,,, I knew it,I guess that’s why she isn’t at school today,, she’s probably ashamed “he said

” But I don’t care “I replied

” Don’t you think Vivian is taking too long? “he said and I nodded,,, it’s been a while she left for the washroom or is there something wrong???

” I will go and find her “I said to him and he nodded,,, I took a step further when we saw her coming towards us.

” She’s here “he said and why do I even care,, am getting more closer to her and I don’t like it
” Hey!! “she called as she stopped at our front

” Am sorry for keeping you two waiting,,can we go now? “she asked, glancing at us

” Sir!! “James stopped at our front and then bowed,,
” Let’s go “I said to him and he went into the car,,

” Am coming with you “Gerald said

” Okay “I said and I entered the front seat while Vivian and Gerald sat at the backseat. James started the car and started driving.

My necklace brought out a green light,,, and I quickly covered it. Seems it wants me to know something,, I closed my eyes;

” Vivian!! “I called as I opened my eyes
” Yes Sir “she replied me

” Did you see Livia today?? “I asked maintaining a straight face

” I don’t get…y..ou “she shuttered

” Come on Reed,,Livia isn’t at school today so how will she see her? “Gerald half yelled

” Did you see Livia at school today? Yes or No?? “I said facing the back,,

” Y…es “She replied and that’s when I faced the front
” But what’s she doing in school secretly?? “Gerald asked in surprise,,

” I know it ”

[Writer’s pov?]

Livia stepped out of the car and walked into her mansion,,,they maids bowed immediately she came in.

” Good Afternoon ma’am “They greeted simultaneously,, not that they were expecting her to reply afterall. she ignored them as usual,,,

” Livia,,,she’s here “Nina screamed as she sighted her,,that way calling the attention of Ellen and Mia

” Bess!! “Ellen ran to hug her,, while the two stood behind them

” What are you doing here? “she asked as she unlocked from the hug,,she wasn’t expecting them here

” We rushed here immediately the school bell was rang,, damn!! we missed you a lot “Mia said making her smile a little

” Thanks,, so have you eaten something?? “she asked them after settling down on the chair

” We’ve eaten so much “Nina replied rubbing her stomach,,,they all laughed.

” We didn’t meet your parents at home,, I wanna meet them today at least “Ellen frowned

” Am sorry but you can’t meet them today “She said
” Awwn,,,sorry “Nina said as she tuck her tongue out at her

” See that Livia,,,” Ellen said turning her face to her,,
” I went to school today “She finally told them,,

” WHAT!!! “They chorused except Nina,,who wasn’t surprised cause Livia told her before,,,.
” Livia!!! you came and you didn’t even tell me “Ellen smirked as she shook her head,,,
Why can’t she tell her,, she’s the one who is close to her most,,Her best friend.

Picked For You:  BLAZING EMOTIONS : CHAPTERS 101 – 110

” I don’t plan to let anyone of you know before “She said

” Unbelievable “Ellen scoffed and walked away

” Ellen!! “She called after her
” Leave her alone “Nina cut in,,.

” I know why you’re doing all this,, it’s because of Reed. When will you stop going after him? “Mia questioned,,

” I won’t and will never,, can’t you guys see how much I love him “She yelled

” Don’t mind her,,am always here by your side “Nina said and went to seat beside her,,,Mia just shook her head.

?South Korea?

The door flew opened by itself and he walked in,,he went to seat on a chair,not just a chair but it’s looks exactly like a throne.

Even the wind could feel his presence,,, Reed!!


The voice echoed in the room,, Reed watched as the twirl chair moved.

“So,,what are we doing today?? “he asked as he looked around the room,, it’s so large.
He’s sure he choose this place for a reason,,


” Can I know your plan?? “he asked



[Weston’s Empire?]

Reed dropped them home and said he will be back soon,, They walked into the mansion and met his mom and dad at the dining eating.

” Good Afternoon ma’am and Sir “They both greeted with a bow

” Vivian,, “Mr Weston said with a smile
” Where have you been?? are you running away from us? “Mrs Weston teased

” No ma’am,, I came here some days ago “Gerald replied
” if you say so,,you guys should join us “Mrs Weston said to them

” Thanks but am here to wait for Reed “He said

” You should feel free after all this isn’t your first time here “Mrs Weston said

” Alright ma’am “Gerald said, he glanced at Vivian before going to seat with them

” I’ll and change my cloth ma’am “Vivian said and Mrs Weston nodded,, she walked away and a maid came to serve Gerald while the rest continued eating.
She entered her room and closed the door,, she dropped her backpack on the bed and was about going into the bathroom when her phone started ringing,,

She took it from her backpack and answered;


she said
?How are you over there?
Her mom asked
?Am good mom
she replied

?Do you remember today marks 19th year since your father died?
She asked and didn’t know when a tear dropped down to her cheek

?Yes,,its being 19 years since that wicked man killed my dad
she said,,

?Let’s forget that,, I’ll call you later
Her mom hanged up without waiting for a reply,,

She looked out of the window sadly,, even if she’s not there with her but she knew she’s gonna be crying

It’s not easy to loose her father even before she was born,, it was all because of that m©nster; Kenneth.

” When I finally see you, am going to make sure you regret all your entire life,,because you caused us nothing more than pain”She said,,,sniffing in tears.


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