Sounds of cutleries hitting against the plates could be heard coming from the dinning room

Leah and Madam Viola sat opposite each other

They chatted happily and Vikki couldn’t be more happier seeing the mother and daughter laugh as they had breakfast together

Leah staying in Donovan mansion wasn’t really a bad idea

She was beginning to like home as she became closer to her mother.

Words couldn’t explain Madam Viola’s joy and happiness at the moment

How long has it been since she sat and had breakfast together like this.

If she could do the same with the rest of her children especially Dylan, she could die peacefully.

Mrs Donovan thought.

“How is your friend Leah? The fierce looking girl”
Madam Viola inquired

She was referring to Georgia
Leah smiled
“She’s very well mom and her name is Georgia not fierce looking girl”

Leah replied, chuckling at the last part where her mom called Georgia “Fierce looking girl”

“Oh Georgia yes that’s it but you can’t blame me tho, she’s fierce, she has this unyielding spark in her eyes whenever I see her, reminds me of my younger self”
Madam Viola said as she put the cut steak in her mouth, chewing on it.

Leah nodded in concur
“You’re right, Georgia is a perfect definition of defiance, I love her, she always defends me whenever I get into trouble back then in school and even now”
Leah said as she recalled their days in school

She was the talkative type, who would get into trouble while Georgia was the quiet type but would become a tigress when being intimidated but her Gi now was gradually fading away, enclosing herself in her shell

Madam Viola who noticed Leah’s dampened mood got worried

“What’s wrong dear?
She asked her daughter

Leah recovered and shook her head
“Nothing mom, I just miss the old Georgia a lot, she had gone through so much that she isn’t who she was anymore”
Leah said with a sigh

Madam Viola lowered her eyes as she focused on her bowl

She do surf the internet and had also seen the scandal she was involved in.

Is the girl really a good influence in Leah’s life?

Madam Viola had double thought about Leah and Georgia’s friendship.

“Hey better half”
Georgia called out over the phone call she was having with Leah

“My baby boo, when are we gonna walk down the aisle?

Leah asked with pouted lips, she was currently in her room as she had just finished breakfast not too long ago

“soon, very soon”
Georgia assured and they burst out into laughter next

“How is your confinement going?
Georgia teased

“Ahh, at first not so good but now it isn’t so bad, just 2 days to go and I’ll be back in your arms baby”.


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