Garfield was shocked and for a moment he didn’t seem to understand clearly

“Why? I mean why would you want that?
Garfield asked

“I need to take him on a trip, actually it’s a surprise”

Garfield felt that he should really have a girlfriend as soon as possible

What could be more romantic than that?

His boss was someone who had never considered a trip in his life before, unless of course, if it’s business related

Apart from that, never and he would really be happy to see that happen

“No problem, I can”
Garfield answered

Georgia sighed in relief
Great, her plan was gonna work out but there’s just one problem

“Thanks Garfield but how do we make him leave and go for the trip without raising suspicion?

Garfield thought silently and an idea struck him

“Don’t worry Miss, leave it to me”
Garfield grinned

Time for some pranking



“I know alright, I’ll be very careful, just wanna have a rest”

Susan chuckled at her husband’s worry
She was pregnant and not dying.

“I know but you have to be careful,this is your seventh month and we can’t afford to risk the child”

Mr Sterling worriedly cautioned as he peered down on her protruded belly

Susan and Mr Sterling had just finished having lunch together, and Susan suggested she go rest in their room while Mr Sterling continues with the work he was doing.

“I’m always careful, do you think I’ll be carefree regarding my baby?

Susan asked this time annoyed that her husband seem to care about the pregnancy lately.

She was beginning to have stray thoughts, what if she didn’t have this pregnancy?

Would he still love her and pamper her like he does?

Whatever, no matter what he is still my husband and I am Mrs Sterling.

My baby boy would solidify my stand in the Sterlings once he comes to this world.

Susan smiled at the thought
After all the former mistress of the house, Georgia’s mother was unable to produce a male child.

Scoffing at the thought, Susan made her way upstairs slowly

“Mrs Sterling, this came for you”
A maid rushed into the sitting room with a box

Susan scrunched up her face puzzled
She assessed the box without taking it from the maid’s hands

Mr Sterling looked over and walked to stop before the maid

“Who sent it?
He asked the maid, his eyes still fixed on the box

The maid shook her head
“It didn’t have a sender Sir, the sender is unknown”
She meekly replied

Did she really do right in bringing in this strange box?
She just hoped it wasn’t gonna put her in trouble.

Susan raised her brows

“How then did you know it is for me?
She asked the maid
Maybe it was for someone else and the deliverer made a mistake.
Susan thought

The maid bowed a little as she, opened a plain card with just a name written


“I saw this and that was how I knew it was really for you, I wanted the ask the deliverer about it but he left in a hurry”
The maid explained.

The maid, Teddy by name started fidgeting
Why are they keep staring at her without taking the box?

When she received the white box, which was wrapped beautifully with a golden ribbon, she tried calling back the person who dropped it but he disappeared as fast as he came

She felt caught up on what to do

On one hand, the sender didn’t leave a name and on the other hand, the package beared her Madam’s name.

She thought of trashing it but what if it was really important?
Maybe her Madam was expecting a package and perhaps the sender was in a hurry

So after much thought, Teddy brought the package to her madam but why were they just staring at her and asking much questions?

That means her Madam wasn’t expecting any package?!
God! She was in trouble
The maid panicked.

“It’s really for you, did you order for anything?
Mr Sterling asked his wife

Susan shook her head but accepted it anyway

Dismissing the girl after ordering her to send it to her room, she turned to her husband
“I’ll just have a look at it later, maybe it’s From one of my friends and it could be a surprise package”

Susan guessed
Mr Sterling thought, it made sense
After all women loved surprises and stuffs


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