A sword pierced through her chest from behind, it was shining but now dripping of Jade’s blood, everyone let out a sigh of relief while both the Emperor and Kai’s eyes widened.
The forbidden sword disappeared from Jade’s hand back into her chest, and Shanghai removed his sword from her chest, and pierced it back again at the same spot that he earlier stabbed her and this time together with vomiting out blood the forbidden sword ran out of Jade’s body and straight to Shenghai’s hands.
Then Shanghai finally removed his sword from her chest and Jade fell to the floor lifeless, her eyes wide opened her mouth releasing gallons of blood and her chest bleeding profusely.
“We’re free from the demon!!”. Minister Zhou shouted and everyone in the hall began cheering loudly.
‘May you rule forever supreme lord!!!”. Everyone happily prayed for Shanghai who only watched Jade’s corps slowly dissipate.
“No! No!! Jade!!”. Emperor Damien shouted crawling crawling towards Jade since he couldn’t get up yet, when he got to her, he took her into his arms, and his eyes came in contact with her wide opened eyes, as her body began disappearing slowly.
“Don’t fade away please. I can still safe you, you’ll survive this i promise Jade. Just don’t go!–Jade!–Jade!!”. The Emperor called shouting at the top of his voice when Jade finally began turning into air, and like that her whole body became breeze, nothing but air.
For the first time seriously and truly a tear fell from the Emperor’s eyes, but it wouldn’t stop falling as it kept on pouring and pouring like his face was raining.
Ada sat on the ground crying slowly, Kai on the other hand, was still on his eyes his eyes completely red.
“Hail the supreme ruler, Lord Shenghai!!!”. Someone yelled from the crowd again.
“Hail him!!”. Everyone shouted victoriously.
“She died and I don’t feel too good, I should have treated her well if i knew she would die untimely”. Bae scoffed rolling eyes at the same time.
Mistress Yeri only consoled Asa, tapping her on her shoulders while Mistress Gora let out a sigh.
“Thank goodness those crazy powers were taken from my Jun, otherwise it would have been him in her place”. Mistress Gora said muttered her skin making her feel the creeps now.
“Too bad for her. Atelast she could live peacefully with her late mum now”. Mistress Soni mumbled, before rolling her eyes, like she didn’t mean what she said.
Cherry, Jun and Nazia were all blank and emotionless, they had straight faces on not even comprehending what ever just happened.
“She’s dead? She just died right in front of me? Shanghai killed her for me?!”. Mina gasped laughing loudly like a crazy witch as she clapped her hands also.
“I can become the Queen without no troubles at all?! Wow! She took so long to disappear from our sight, The only daughter of a slave in our family has gone to greet her unfortunate mother!! Can’t today ever get more good!!”. Mina laughed rolling happily on the floor, while evryone kept cheering Shenghai loudly.
“Hail the Supreme—
“Silence!!!”. One of the four gods uttered and everywhere became silent.
“It’s against the rules of the heavens for gods to interfere in the lives of lower supernaturals like you all!
But we only interfere when you all interfere with our rules, and killing your fellow ones is what the heavens despise so much—
“That’s what you’ve been waiting for”. The Emperor’s low voice cut Shenghai off, and Shanghai without turning to face him but instead facing the multitude said nothing.
“You intentionally let her do whatever she did. You had the power to stop her, you could have changed everything!!! But you just stood there watching her!”.
The Emperor said his anger slowly building up in him, and Shanghai finally turned to him
“You’re the Emperor of these whole kingdom, do not get moved by anyone or anything.
I did what I did for everyone’s good including the dead one herself, her life in this life is already she’ll be sentenced to death for manslaughter anyways.
She would have also died if she removed the sword also, the Yongxi royal curse would have surely met her if you made her the Empress!!
You know that, and that was why you never wanted her to remove the sword, that was why you only wanted her to remain a mistress and nothing more, she was already destined to die untimely.
No one can change that”. Shanghai uttered sternly to the Emperor whose fists was vengefully.
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