And when I say traffic I mean quality traffic that needs your product to solve their problem and can afford it.

Traffic is one of the most important part of every business, because these are the people who will buy whatever you’re selling.

The increase and decrease in sales of a business is determined by the quality traffic they are selling to.

• Not the product
• Not the sales funnels
• Not even your selling skill

But traffic.

You can have the best product in the world and if there’s no traffic to know your product and be able to afford it then the business will definitely shut down.

Getting traffic is easy but you just need to learn how it’s done.

There are two ways of getting Traffic to your product

1. Organically (Requires time and efforts)

2. Financially (Requires Money)

Either way you choose to get your traffic just make sure you focus on it and master it well.

For every business personels who is just starting out with no extra capital for getting traffic, organic traffic is always the best recommendation.

I know it’s slow and requires a lot of time and efforts but if you can take your time to master it from a source, then it won’t be difficult for you when trying it out with other sources.

There are different ways of getting organic traffic and here they are :-


There are billions of people on the internet in the world today and with the help of social media, it has helped grouped these people together on each platform.

Social media platform like FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER, WHATSAPP, TIKTOK, PINTEREST, SNAPCHAT and so on have billions of users on Monthly bases.

But then you need to focus on a particular platform and master how to get traffic from it so well, so it won’t be difficult for you if you’re trying some other platform.

Facebook is one of the easiest platform to generate traffic and it’s even more easier because there are lots of niche related groups on Facebook and the people in these groups share almost the same ideas and common goals.

Some are in the group to teach while others are there to learn, even on entertainment groups some are there to entertain you while others are there to get entertained, so in Facebook groups we all share common goals and ideas.

So you can join these groups provide massive value to them (teach and impact lives) drive them to your Facebook profile, communicate value to them in your messaging and move them to your main funnel and the sale is easily done.


Some people don’t know that you can generate traffic from creating video content, put it on YouTube or TikTok and drive organic traffic to your sales funnel.

If you have a good mobile Phone, create quality videos and give out massive value on various topics in your niche, create a YouTube channel and upload your video, do some YouTube SEO and allow YouTube to share your video to as many people as they can.

Just make sure you add your funnel link to your video description and tell your audience to click on the link in the description.

You can even use YouTube shorts (shorter version of YouTube video and more likely like TikTok) to get traffic or even set up a TikTok account and upload your short video and add your funnel link to your bio and tell your audience to click on the link in your TikTok bio to learn more.

All these are ways of getting Traffic using video content and it even build up the KLT formula faster because your audience get to see who you are in person and know you and see you as an authority in your niche and as you constantly interact with them in the comments section they’ll like you and buy whatever you promote to them.

Ps TikTok is mind blowing and it’s the fastest way to get organic traffic using video content.


If you love to write articles or you can dedicate 2hrs of your time daily for your business then this will work well for you.

Using text content to get traffic is the biggest source of getting Traffic.

Here I’m talking about having thousands of people going into your sales funnel on daily, weekly or even monthly basis.


Let me come in this way so you can understand better

Google is the No 1 search engine in the world and on daily basis there are billions of searches being recorded everyday.

Everybody likes to search for something on Google because we believe we can always get the answer of what we’re searching right there on Google.

So likewise people are searching about certain topics on your niche or product and if you can use text content (articles) to provide massive value to these people and then add a call to action where they can get into your funnels, you can get massive traffic doing this on daily basis.

Although this might cost you some certain things like

• Money to buy a website hosting and domain name
• Time to write up valueable text content (article)
• Efforts to engage in Google SEO and rank on the 1st and 2nd or 3rd search results of some keywords in your content.

But if you’re patient enough with hard work, I can guarantee you the results is positive.

And these are the major ways of getting organic traffic to your funnel, so make no complains and get to work.


Paid traffic is another way of getting Traffic to your funnel but this time around you’re paying for it.

Remember in organic traffic, everything is free you only commit your time and efforts to it, but paid traffic is less work but requires money.

This is the fastest and easiest way of reaching out to a large number of people, based on how much you’re willing to pay.


There are two ways of getting paid traffic, and here they are :-


Meanwhile as social media has helped to group billions of individuals on the internet to their respective platforms, there are some individuals on these platforms that has high numbers of audience.

They have high numbers of followers, high numbers of likes on their page, high numbers of members in their groups and so on.

These people have high numbers of impression on their content anytime they post anything to their audience.

Examples of influencers

• WhatsApp Tv
• Telegram Tv channels
• Facebook groups
• Facebook page
• Instagram page
• YouTube channel
• Twitter account

And many more

You can reach out to people who have high numbers of audience on these platforms and pay them some certain amount to help you share your content to their audience.

Doing this can get you massive amount of traffic

Meanwhile you’re paying less (5k – 30k)

Just make sure you’re sure there’s high numbers of engagement on their content before you reach out to them with your money.


This is another fastest way of getting paid Traffic.

The first type of paid Traffic is also fast but it’s limited because your content will only be viewed by some certain amount of their audience.

But running ads is a way of getting massive Traffic but it’s based on how much you’re willing to pay.

Ofcourse you don’t pay 5k and expect to get the same amount of traffic of someone else who paid 50k.

If you’re targeting a particular audience just have it in mind that it’s a competition, because you’re not the only person targeting that particular audience.

But there are 3 things to do if you want to win that competition

• Your Ads copy
• The amount you’re willing to pay
• The way you set up your Ads account and automations

If these 3 are done well you’re likely to win the larger amount of audience and get a high amount of conversion

There are different platform to run Ads, infact that’s the way social media monetize their large numbers of users

• Facebook Ads
• Twitter Ads
• Google & YouTube Ads
• Instagram Ads
• TikTok Ads

And many more

But the best platform to run an Ads is google.

Remember I said in one of my contents on How to get organic traffic, I said Google is the No 1 search engine in the world.

And yes YouTube is the second and both platforms are owned by the same person.

So If you can place your Ads on Google, you’re likely to get massive amount of traffic because, your Ads will be displayed on both Google and YouTube (that’s if you want it on YouTube) and it will reach large amount of traffic.

Different niche related blog website will have your Ads in their web page, different YouTube channel will equally have your Ads displayed on their videos.

Even Apps will have your Ads displayed in it.

Now imagine that kind of massive Traffic, but then you need to pay a price that’s worth it.

Now let me give you an important warning

Paid Traffic with running ads is complicated, and you don’t wanna watse your money, so the best thing you can do is either you learn how to do it perfectly or you pay an expert to help you do it

The choice is yours…

Now we’ve gotten to the end of traffic generation, if you’ve been following up with me since day 1 by now you should know how to get Traffic and I believe by now you’ve chosen your type of traffic and source of traffic.

Now it’s time to generate that Traffic massively

Don’t forget :- FOCUS on a particular type of traffic and a particular source of traffic and MASTER IT