
IN THE DARK (Episodes 1,2,3,4,5&6)

I tried to convince them not to go see a movie but they would not listen to me. I had no
other choice than to follow them. We got to the cinema and decided to see a Romantic
movie. We ended up seeing the movie titled “100 days with Mr. Arrogant” we paid the
necessary fees,got popcorn and drinks and was ready to see the movie. The movie was
about a high school girl who mistakenly damaged a rich guy’s car. Since she could not
afford the repair fee she ended up signing a contract to be the guy’s slave for a hundred
days. They afterwards fell inlove and ended up together.
At first the movie was more of comedy and through a corner of my eyes i could see khole
laughing and whispering somethings into Josh’s ear and they would both laugh again. I did
not realize that Jordan was looking at me until he bent toward me and said in a whisper ” i
can let u whisper into my ear and fake a smile pretending its funny”. I just shook my head
and focused on the screen,wondering while he would not mind his bussiness. I made my
popcorn my companion.
In the middle of the movie i was getting tired already. My tiredness turned into jealousy
when i saw khole leaning on Josh’s shoulder while he was patting her on her back. I tried
to hide my jealousy and concentrated on the movie. Jordan bent toward me again and said
” I can let you lean ur big head on my shoulder if u want to” I looked at him and shoook my
head,he was smilling. I wonder if he was watching the movie or me. Minutes later i started
yawning since i was tired of sitting. I felt a hand on a side of my head,i looked up to Jordan
and he smilled at me,he then slowly and forcefully pulled my head toward his shoulder. I
wanted to resist but he was way stronger than i am. I finally gave in and my head landed
on his shoulder. I stopped fighting to free myself when i felt more comfortable resting on
him. The comfort made me feel sleepy but i was forcing my self not to sleep. A tap on my
shoulder woke me up,until then i did not realise that i slept off. Jordan told me the movie
was over and it was time to go home. I raised my head from his shoulder and saw khole on
her feet adjusting her dress. I did the same and we left the cinema.
Khole was walking with Josh so i had to walk with Jordan. He did not make nasty comment
but he teased me about been the only one that slept during the movie. I wonder if d
romantic movie changed his life tho. Jordan asked me about school and other stuffs. It was
during the conversation i got to know that he his a 200level mechanical engineering student
of Kwara state university. He complained on how his parent would not let him out of sight
been an only child and how much he would have loved to school out of his parent’s
monitoring eyes. He made a joke out of everything and we laughed alot. Finally the love
birds were done and ready to leave. I saw Jordan off to his car and bid him goodnight.
Josh took us home and waited for about 10mins discussing with khole again after i
highlighted from the car. I wonder if those two will get tired of talking one day. They finally
said goodbye and Josh left. Mom was home already,time checked 7:00pm, i knew she was
going to scold us and she did not disappoint me. She went on and on talking about the
dangers of the night. After mom’s long scolding we apologised and had our bath before
having dinner.
After dinner i went to my room with Khole and she would’nt stop teasing me about been
inlove with Jordan and pretending to hate him. ‘I now see Jordan as a new person different
from the rude guy i used to know but that does not mean am inlove with him,infact i dont
even love him’ i told khole. I had to pretend to be asleep when after all my explanation
khole wont stop insisting that am inlove with Jordan.
I woke up early the following day and was dressed for church by 6:30. Mom was surprised
to see me fully dressed by that time and she was more surprised when i told her i was
going to church. Khole let out my little secret and told mom i was going in search of my
prince charming. Mom and khole kept on making jest of me and i insisted i was going to
thank God for my new age. We had breakfast and i left for church with Khole in her car.
Josh also came to church and we had lunch after church. Funny enough i was looking
around hoping to see Jordan pop up from no where like he did yesterday but he did not. We
left for home after lunch and i had my nap.
Later in evening khole packed her belongings ready to leave. I would miss her alot that
words cant describe,i pleaded with her not to leave but she said she had to resume school
and she promised to keep in touch with me. I saw her off with mom,we took turn to hug her
and helped her with her bag,Khole zoomed off and i almost cried!.
When khole departed it was as if she took a part of me along with her. I had always love to
be in someone’s company and she has been my companion ever since my sixteenth
birthday. Sometimes i wished nt 2 be an only child with nobody to talk to apart from my
mom. Mom has always been there 4 me and she gives me a listening ear whenever i want 2
talk 2 her but it does not measure up to having a young mind like myself to gist and reason
with. I had to force a smile when mom was beginning to feel bad because of me. Mom
finally consoled me with the fact that i could make new friends in school and if they are
trust worthy i could invite them over. I ended up in mom’s arm and some how i felt better. I
had dinner with mom and she tried to have a disscussion with me by telling me different
things about bussiness and how business transactions are been made. After dinner we
watched a movie and by 9:00pm we were ready to retire for the day. I set an alarm to wake
me up by 6:00am since the coaching was to begin by 9:00am. I slept off after thinking of
Khole,Josh and Jordan.
The sound from my alarm woke me up on monday morning. I got up and said my prayer
before brushing my teeth and going to mom’s room. She was up already and reading from
her bible. I greeted mom and she blessed me before asking if i was ready for school. I
answered positively and mom asked if i needed her to pick a dress for me been my first
day,i told her i was sixteen and big enough to pick the right dress. We both laughed and she
playfully sent me out of her room since i was proving not to need her help. I left mom’s
room for mine where i had my bath and got ready for school. I wore a red short gown with a
black pair of moses sandal,i also wore a simple blue earring,necklace and hand bracelet
with my rolex wrist watch on the other hand. I packed some writing material ,my ipod,a
head phone and other necessary things into a blue bag. I briefly took a glance at my room.
Satisfied am not leaving anything behind,i left for the dinning room where my breakfast of
tea and bread was waiting for me. I had my breakfast and was ready by 8:30am,i went to
mom’s room to bid her goodbye and left in a toyota corolla car with the driver. Mom gave
him the instruction to drop me off and come back for me by 2:00pm.
At first i was alittle bit nervous when i got down from the car. I closed my eyes and let out
a deep breathe before heading to the main building in the big compound where ‘Wisdom
Jamb Tutorial’ was boldly written. I went to the reception and a beautiful lady attended to
me. She asked politely what i was there for and other necessary questions. I told her i was
a student and she briefly checked her system to confirm if i had paid all the necessary fees.
Been satisfied with what she saw she looked up at me with a smile and opened a big box on
her table. She searched the content before bringing out a student identification card with a
tag. I collected the I.d and she asked me to put it on whenever i am in the school premises
and it will be my pass ticket everyday till am done here. She told me where art department
was and i said my thank you before leaving. I got to the lecture room with the inscription
‘Art Class’ written on the entrance. Few student were in already,i greeted them and i could
feel their eyes on me as i settled in an empty chair and got bussy with my phone.
At exactly 9:00am a beutiful lady entered the lecture room which is now filled with
student,she came with a security man carrying a big box behind her. She introduced herself
as our litrature teacher and brought out a text from the box and said “My name is
Miss.esther. I am your literature teacher for this session. With me is the required text and
after my speech you will all come forward for a copy. Every morning starting from 9:00am to
11:00am, you will be in this lecture room to receive departmental lectures and 11:00AM to
12:00pm is a free period for lunch. After lunch 12:00PM to 2:00pm is for general courses,
i.e English and mathematic. You will leave the comfort of your department for the general
hall where you will have general courses. I wish you all high score in your jamb and
admission to the university of your choice. You can now come forward one after the other
for your text.” she ended her speech and we took turn to get a copy of the text. The title of
the text was ‘The lord of the flies’ by ‘Williams Shakespeare’. We got a copy nd d litrature
class started nd ended on a good note. I love literature so i attempted any question asked
nd i could feel Miss.esther was beginning to like me. Without me raising my hand to
attempt answering the question,she would sometimes say ‘Nancy give it a trial’ and i would
try to answer in the best way i could. I had lunch after d class and a general class. The day
ended well without making friends but it was fun to be in company of my peer group.
On my way home from school i hoped that mom will be around to listen to my experience
on my first day. I arrived home and hurriedly got out of the car,i saw my uncle’s car parked
outside so i was sure my mom was home but with a visitor. I got in and met my mom and
uncle mike disscussing. I entered and greeted uncle mike and hugged mom. She briefly
asked about school and i left for my room. Few minutes after taking my bath, i was about
coming out for lunch when i heard mom’s and uncle Mike’s voices,arguing and shouting at
eachother. Mom’s voice could not be heard clearly but every single sentence made by uncle
mike was clear enough to be heard two buildings away. “Just because our stupid parent
thought you could handle the bussiness better,they willed all the family wealth to you
forgetting thet you are just an ordinary woman and a whole me MIKE was left with leftovers
to feed on,Lillian if you refuse to forward five million naira into my account for my wedding
anniversary, i will so deal with you!!” uncle mike thundered. I could hear mom telling him
how wasteful he was and promising not to send him a penny. I wanted to go down stairs
and probably settle their misunderstandin
g,but i knew mom would not like it if i go without been called upon. I remained in my room
and heard uncle mike threaten my mom while mom kept on telling him he could not hurt a
fly. Some minutes later i heard uncle mike zooming off out of our compound in anger. After
his departure i went to mom’s room,she was lost in thought when i got to her, i had to tap
her on her shoulder be4 she noticed my presence. I asked her about the argument with
uncle Mike and she explained how wasteful uncle mike has been and he was requsting for a
huge amount just for his wedding anniversary. I told mom i was worried about d threats he
made but she waved it aside and said they were all empty threats. I tried to make mom feel
better by telling her about my first day at school and her face lightened up when i told her
that the literature teacher seems to like me. We talked for a while before i told mom i
wanted to meet Tori for my lunch. Mom then smilled and said ” which tori? The one at
Ibadan right?” at first i thought mom was joking not until she continued and said “you
know they are both sec sch graduates and they have been planning on putting in for jamb
this year. I had to let them further there education since they cannot be maids here
forever,u know? They have their lives to live. I paid for their Jamb registration fee and gave
them #50,000 each for their upkeep. I also asked them to come back for there school fees
when they gain admission into higher institution. So my dear they are no longer here,they
left after u left for school. We now have a new house help. He his a good boy,a friend
recommended him to me and his name is Kelvin. I sent him on an errand,he should be back
soon.” I did not know what to say after mom ended her speech but the fact that she kept
all this from me and i could not even say goodbye to the maids that has been like a sister
to me was painful. I told mom how upset i was and she decided to bribe me by putting a
call through to the two of them,one after the other. I told them how much am missing them
and wished them all the best in life. We ended the call and mom started dressing up for
After mom left, i went into the kitchen to make noddles for myself. After putting the pot on
the gas cooker,i turned on the light. I then went into the store room for the noddles. I could
not find the noddles on time so i had to come back to the kitchen and i met flames coming
out of the hot pot already. I was confused on what to do so i quickly poured groundnut oil
into the pot and went insearch of noddles again. I searched every where but could no find
any pack of noddles,i was about leaving the store when my leg hit a carton on the floor, i
looked at it carefully and i saw cartons of noddles carefully arranged on the floor. I happily
picked two pack of noddles and rushed to the kitchen. The sight that welcomed me in the
kitchen took my hapiness away,there were flames everywhere and the pot already cut fire, i
was at lost on what to do so i ended up getting a large quantity of water and poured it into
the pot, the fire went up and increased, i ran away from the fire with tears, confused on wot
to do,i paced around with my hands on my head.everywhere was already filled with flames.
Suddenly i heard a foot step and someone appeared at the entrance of the kitchen, he
quickly put of the gas cooker and he hurriedly got a lid to cover the pot, immediately he
covered the pot, the fire went off. I was coughing so much i could no speak, he led me out
of the kitchen to the dinning room,he then closed the kitchen door and brought me a cup of
water. I took d water from him and looked at him with surprise. He smilled and said “Hi, my
name is Kelvin and i work here,its nice meeting you.


Click 6 below to read episode 6

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6

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