IN THE DARK (Episodes 13 & 14)

I wore a red shirt,a blue flowing skirt and a black
sneakers with a red hand bag. My hair was rough
at that moment so i had to use a face cap. I
applied little makeup and went to khole’s room.
Khole was simply dressed in a jean trouser and a
loose top. We went to inform Mi mom(aunty
oyinkan) of our departure and she only told us to
come back before 6pm. We happily left for josh’s
house in khole’s car.
Khole drove into an estate and we alighted from
the car. She pointed at an apartment and told me
that was josh’s apartment as we walked toward it.
Khole pressed the door bell and waited for a
response, a min later the door was flung open.
Josh was looking dapper in a casual wear of a
body hug shirt and a three quarter pant. He was
full of smille when he saw us and he ushered us
into the house. Josh hugged khole and extended a
handshake to me, i took his hand and settled in a
couch. Josh made me remember the two important
guys i once had in my life. He smilled like kelvin
and he had a well built body like Jordan’s. I
wished kelvin will give me a call but jordan was
already on my black list. “What will you love to
have ladies? I made rice and stew but the stew is
bitter” Josh question brought me out of my
thought and i faked a smille at his joke. We all
went to the dinning room where we had a meal of
rice and chicken. I complemented josh on his
ability to make delicious meal and he replied with a
smille. Again he smilled like kelvin.
After the meal, we decided to go shopping at
shoprite since time was still on our side. Josh
excused himself and he came back dressed in a
black jean and a red shirt. The colour matched my
dress and we some how looked like a couple. Khole
teased us about planning to wear red in order to
make her look like the third party and we all
We arrived at the shopping mall, since we were
shopping for nothing in particular, we tour the mall
in a bid to while away time. Khole and josh walked
hand to hand while i walked alone feeding my eyes.
I saw a very attractive pink gown at a distance, so
i left the couple to check the gown out. I was still
checking the gown out when i noticed a couple
behind me. They were arguing about the colour
that looks good on the lady. I would not have
bothered to turn and look at them but their voices
sounded familiar. Yes i think i have heard their
voices before from somewhere but i could not
place it, i had to clear my doubt so i turned and i
saw another shock of my life. Standing in front of
me was Jordan and Nelly, shopping hand in hand.
Nelly saw me first and i could tell she froze for a
min, jordan followed her gaze and he saw me as
well. He stared at me for a minute and walked out.
I was hurt so deeply, the fact that they betrayed
me by having sex behind my back did not hurt as
deep as their attitude after their act of betrayal.
None of them ever apologised or felt sorry. My
mood was ruined for the day so i went in search of
khole and josh. Immediately i saw them, i told
them i would love to take my leave. I could tell
khole was surprised but she supported my wish
and we all left.
We went back to Josh’s house first to pick up
khole’s ride before going home. Khole asked what
was wrong with me during the drive home and i
told her what i saw. She felt sorry for me and
advice me to keep nelly and jordan out of my mind.
In a bid to cheer me up khole played party songs
as we drived home.
Mi mom was absent when we got home,so i went
to my room and had a shower before laying on my
bed to have a nap. I was trying all i could not to
think about Jordan and nelly but they kept on
coming to my mind. Khole’s advice on forgetting
them seemed like an impossible mission. Since i
could not get a nap, i went to khole’s room to free
my mind.
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