I did not know where to go but i was certain i had to leave my street on time. I knew my
uncle will arrive in no time and a search team might be sent after me, (i have to act fast) i
thought as a struggled with the heavy boxes.
The boxes made me exhusted on time since i have used my last strength to deal with nike,
an action i now regret (i was possessed for few minutes i gusse). I stopped to struggle with
the boxes and i sat on one of it, i brought my phone out and i was stil confussed on what
to do. Time checked 8:30pm, everywhere was dark already. I no longer have Jordan as a
helper, neither Nelly, nor kelvin. The only people i have as family was aunty oyinkan and
khole. Calling them to inform them of my present situation will make them worried. I
decided to go to them instead of calling aunty oyinkan or khole. The street was empty
already, but somehow, i was not scared of the dark. I placed one of my boxes on my head
and i held the other one with my hand.
I got to the main road and i had to wait to get a cab. Ilorin was a peaceful place, but i was
stil praying not to be kidnapped.
5min later, i saw a cab coming my way, i signalled for it to stop and it stopped in front of
me. The driver was an elderly man who seemed ready to retire for the day. I told him where
i was heading and he charged me three thousand naira. Without hesitating, i got into the
cab with my load and i was of mixed feelings when i finally left my street. Was sad i was
leaving my home, my inheritance and happy i was leaving my days of struggle behind me.
The cab driver dropped me in front of aunty oyinkan’s gate at exactly 10:30pm and he
helped me to offload my luggages. I paid him extra because of his kindness.
It took the gateman five minutes to question me before he opened the gate. He apologised
when i got in saying he had to be sure of who the person is before opening the gate
because of the frequent robery in the area. I left my luggage outside for him to bring in. I
was in front of the main building already before calling aunty oyinkan, her line was switched
off and so was khole’s, i had to resolve into knocking on the closed door. Ten minutes later
a voice from inside asked who it was and i replied, immediately the door was opened. The
house help welcomed me into the living room and she went upstairs to call aunty oyinkan. I
stood up and rushed at my aunty, immediately i saw her. I could tell she was sleeping
already. She took me into her arms and asked what happened?. I could not reply her, i only
held her tight and started to cry. Aunty oyinkan stopped to question me and she led me to
her room upstairs.
She sat me down on the bed and said “Nancy, i do not know what is wrong with you but
you need to open up to me my dear, what happened?” she asked again but i could not bring
myself to tell her about what i did to aunty nike and how i ran out of my father house at
that moment. I burst into fresh tears and she took me into her arms again and said “Its ok
dear, you are safe here.” aunty oyinkan’s words relieved me a bit and i felt loved again. Few
minutes later aunty oyinkan left me in her room and return with a night wear i gusse it was
khole’s. She asked if i wanted to eat and i replied no, she then gave me the night wear to
change into. After changing, i laid in bed with aunty oyinkan while she pat me on the back
till i slept off.
I woke up fresh the following morning and met aunty oyinkan beside me. She was reading
from her bible so i also went on my kneels and prayed. After praying i greeted aunty
oyinkan,she respond and hugged me, she then said breakfast was waiting for us. We had a
breakfast of yam and egg sauce and i ate to satisfaction with peace of mind, i realised there
is nothing more important than peace of mind. After the meal, aunty oyinkan called me to
her room, she sat me down and held my hands then she asked me what happened again. I
told aunty oyinkan all that happened without skipping any part and after narrating the whole
event to her she took me into her arms and said nothing.
It was after aunty oyinkan released me from the hug that i realised she was furious. She
stood up from the bed and said “Dress up, we are going to meet mike, i want to see that
devil in human clothing”
i was scared aunty nike might return me to uncle mike so i rushed to hug her and pleaded
with her not to take me back to hell. Aunty oyinkan held me to herself and said “Dont worry
baby, am taking custody of you from now on. I just want to make them realise they cannot
treat you like a slave and go scot free” i felt relived when aunty oyinkan ended her speech.
My hope was restored and i found myself looking forward to a better future filled with love
Aunty oyinkan called khole and informed her that i was with her. I could hear her scream
out of suprise over the phone, aunty gave the phone to me and khole kept asking me if
everything was ok over the phone. I told khole i was alright and she promised to come over
to confirm things for herself.
After the phone call with khole, i returned aunty oyinkan’s phone and said “Aunty i am really
greatful for what you have done for me. You promised to be there for me and you fulfilled
your promise. I have felt love and i have felt betrayal and now i know the worth of love.
May you reap your good work aunty”. Aunty oyinkan pulled me to herself. I did not know
where the emotions came from but i found myself crying in aunty oyinkan’s arm just the
way i do with my late mom. Aunty oyinkan released me from her grip and wiped my tears,
she sat me on her bed. “Your father was my only brother and your mom was a sister and
the only sister i ever had nancy. Whatever i do for you now, i seek no appreciation from you.
My dear i want you to see me as your mom and dad if you can, i promise to take care of
you more than the way your parent did. Just make me proud and aim high” aunty oyinkan
said and she embraced me again. She released me from the embrace and told me to get
dressed. I asked her where we were going to and she said “Mike and his wife are yet to see
the last of me. Lets me set things right and make sure they release you to me themselves” i
asked aunty what will happen if they do not, she smilled and said ” Baby, do not worry
about that, you should worry about getting use to calling me mom instead. Your things are
in the next room to khole’s. You now have a room here, welcome home once again”
I gave aunty oyinkan a quick peck and rushed to my room.
The room was a shocker when i opened the door, it was beautiful decorated in colour red. I
do not know when aunty oyinkan pulled this off but she took my breathe away. After my
mom, she is the next woman that takes my breathe away. I hurriedly took my bath and got
ready to go to my father house for the last time..
We got to our compound and i could tell that my uncle was home, probably nursing his
wife’s wound. At first i was scared of what my uncle reaction might be if he should see me.
I took a step backward and aunty oyinkan held my hand and smilled at me. My safety was
reassured again with her simple smille and i followed aunty oyinkan into the house.
Aunty nike was laying down on a sofa in the living room when we entered, immediately we
got in, she jumped up and started to shout her husband’s name. I could see my finger print
all over her face and for ones i felt pity for her.
“Mike come out o! She is here again, she want to finish me now, somebody help me!” aunty
nike shouted while olding her head. My new mom was trying to calm her down but she
refused to be calm. Minutes later uncle mike and lizzy rushed out of the house. Immediately
uncle mike saw me he rushed toward me with his hand raised at me. I closed my eyes
expecting a slap but i did not get any. I opened my eyes and show aunty oyinkan holding
uncle mike’s raised hand. I could tell uncle mike was furious, aunty oyinkan released his
hand and he said ” sister oyinkan,you wont believe what this good for nothing girl did to my
wife. Can you believe she has the guts to beat my wife up?” Aunty oyinkan fold her arms
and said “And so what? What did your wife do to her before getting what she got? Mike you
and i know what is at stake if you loose this girl and you still have the guts to treat her like
a slave. After all her parents did for you when your parent died. They treated you like there
son when you were left with nothing. They made you successful after your numerous failure
mike. I am disappointed in you and your wife. You should know you wont go scot free
because you know what she worth and you still treated her like a slave.” aunty oyinkan
ended her speech in a angry tone. I did not know why aunty oyinkan layed more emphasy
on my worth, does that mean there is probably a will or the chance of me been the legal
owner of my parent’s wealth after all? I asked myself. “I dont care about the worth, if it
pleases you take her with you and never come back. I will definately work for my money
before that time. You cant threaten me with that poo” uncle mike thundered.
Aunty oyinkan held my hand and said “Mike dont say i did not tell you. Expect your
downfall” and she dragged me out.
while aunty oyinkan was dragging me out i noticed lizzy was running after us, i released
myself from aunty oyinkan’s grip and ran at lizzy. We hugged for some minutes before she
released me and said “I will miss you Nancy”. Before i could respond aunty oyinkan dragged
me out of the compound and we left in her car. I wished she could come with me, she was
the only one that cared for me.
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