“Hello…kelvin… Can you please pick me up, am stranded” i said admist tears immediately kelvin answered my call. “where are you? Where did he take you to?” kelvin asked and i could sense anger in his voice. I called out Jordan’s residential address to him and he said “am coming right away, just stay put and be safe”.
I ended the call and walked toward the fence for support. I bent my head down and leaned on the fence. I thought about the whole scenario and tried to figure out what i did wrong. I realised, the only wrong i did was trying to keep Jordan’s feeling secure. Knowing fully well that he was the jealous type and he would feel insecure if he should know about kelvin’s arrival. “He even called me a liar” I thought as tears rushed down my cheek. I tried to stop my tears but i could not, i wished i had someone to talk to at that moment.
Thirty minutes later, kelvin was yet to arrive. My legs had started to hurt due to me standing at a point for awhile, so I decided to walk down the street, thinking it would be easier to locate kelvin. I was about moving on when i heard Jordan’s gate been loudly opened. At first i payed less attention to whoever it was, thinking it was the gate man.
“come in, let me take you home” i heard Jordan’s voice from behind. I slowly turned to him and told him not to worry about me. He smirked and said “this is not me worrying about you, its me doing the right thing. I brought you here so i should be responsible for taking you back. Dont waste my time”
If been hurt is what i felt before, i felt heart brooken after Jordan’s statement. A part of me wanted to go in with him, since kelvin was taking so long to arrive but another part of me wanted to tell him to go to hell. I stood rooted at a point for some minutes, thinking of what to do. Later i decided to go with him.
But as i slowly took a step to follow Jordan in, i heard a loud horn behind me. I turned back and so did Jordan. Kelvin came down from a Gwagon and waved at me to hop in. I looked at Jordan and i could see him burning with jealousy. “since one good turn deserve another, a bad one deserve a return as well” i thought and i took few steps toward kelvin. i could see Jordan fold his fist as i ran into Kelvin’s ride. Kelvin gently closed the door after me and got into the car as well. I could feel Jordan’s eyes on me as kelvin zoomed off.
“Did he hurt you?” kelvin asked, breaking the silence. I replied no with a nod. “then why are you crying?” kelvin asked again and i brooke into fresh tears. Kelvin slowly parked the car before asking me to look at him. He slowly raised my face and said “do you still love him?”
I replied yes with a nod. “Do you still want him?” kelvin asked again and it dawned on me that i could not answer his question. I loved Jordan but wanting him is something i was not sure of. I was not sure if i could cope with his jealousy, over protectiveness and aggressiveness. “He did not even give me a chance to explain myself” I thought.
“Nancy?” Kelvin’s voice brought me out of my thought. I let out and loud breathe and whispered “I don’t know” before bursting into tears again. Kelvin took me into his arms and pat my back gently.
I would not have believe i could cry so much for a guy, until i found myself weeping for Jordan. I thought about how i gave Jordan a second chance even after i caught him in the act but he was not even ready to give me a listening ear. “why am i always unlucky with love?” i asked myself and i cried the more.
In the middle of my tears something occurred to me. “i lied to Kelvin as well, i told him i was not in a relationship and i never said anything about Jordan. Why is he still here with me?” i asked myself without getting an answer.
“Its okay Ma’am, this shirt is super expensive FYI. Do not stain it with your tears” kelvin said as he realised me from his grip. I smiled weakly and looked down at my shoe. “will you be fine Nancy? If you need anything, just know am here” kelvin said with a smile. I looked at him and said “you are not mad at me?” kelvin frown and said “for what?”.
I stared at him and said “for lieing to you about my relationship?”
kelvin held my hand and said “I know you have your reasons, which you will explain later. Am not going to judge you with that.” I smiled, feeling lucky to have Kelvin. I thanked Kelvin and he said “Dont thank me yet, just be fine. After which you will face your query ma’am”. I hitted kelvin playfully and we both laughed. “Take me home” i finally said.
“Are you sure you won’t start your crying session if you are alone?” kelvin said. I fold my fist and show it to kelvin before saying ” Ama strong girl, i can’t cry”. Kelvin hummed and said “Says the lover girl that stained my shirt with tears”. I hit kelvin again and we both laughed. I could not help but take note of his beautiful dimple as he started the engine.
{A friend in need)
Even in the presence of kelvin, i could not help but think about Jordan. I was lost on what to do about him. All the memories we made together came into my head afresh and all i could wish for was to have him with me, even if we would not be in a relationship together, i wished we were still in good terms.
“And we are here” kelvin’s voice brought me out of my thought as he parked in front of my compound. Kelvin released my sit belt and i smiled weakly with my hand on the door. “you sure you will be fine?” Kelvin asked again and i noded with a smile. I alighted from the car and waved at kelvin before he zoomed off. After kelvin left i felt completely empty and lost, not having Jordan and not having kelvin’s shoulder to lean on. Again i could not stop the tears forming in my eyes as i slowly walked into the house.
I met mi mom in the livingroom when i arrived, i greeted her briefly and rushed to my room in a bid to avoid her seeing me cry.
I quickly undressed and went into the bathroom immediately i got into my room, the only thing that could help reduce the pain i felt in my head was a cold shower.
I slowly came out of shower and sat on my bed with my towel. Everything within me felt empty, i never realised i had given a huge part of me to Jordan, until i was at the verge of loosing him. All the memories we had in the past came calling again and i could not help but cry for my youthful love.(my first love)
I tried to sleep, hoping it would make me forget Jordan but i could not, his picture continued to appear before me. I stood up and unlocked my phone to get bussy with social media but the first picture that appeared on my screen was his (my wallpaper) I dropped my phone and sat up, staring at a point like a lost soul.
The ringing of my phone brought me out of my aimless thought. The caller I.D was khole, i was happy to finally have someone to talk to. I quickly accepted the call and whispered “hello”.
” hey girl we are back in Nigeria” khole shouted from the other end. My face brightened up as i asked if she was in kwara state already. “No, we are in Abuja, we should be in kwara in two days time” Khole replied. I happily told khole to bring enough goodies for me and send my regard to Josh. I was about ending the call when khole said “sis are you okay?” i told her i was perfectly fine, trying to hide my problem from her. She concluded to fish out what ever my problem was when she get back and ended the call with her usual wicked laugh. I could not help but wish i was lucky with love just like Khole. I dropped my phone and laid on my bed. I did not have the strength to change into a dress, so i covered myself with my blanket. In less than a minute, i found myself thinking about Jordan again, at a point i wanted to call or text him and apologies though i was not wrong but i kicked against the idea, with the conclusion that he might not give me a listening ear. I slowly turned to the wall and begged for sleep to take me away.
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