



Chapter 3

By : Kebby NG Media Services


I stopped, staring at her, how did she find out, how did she know what happen? I thought as I kept on wondering.

“Emily I can explain”I said wanting to justify my self some how

“I had begged you to stop, I had asked you to stop but you didn’t listen “she said as she crouched on the floor crying hard

“Emily please listen to me, I beg you”I said as I felt so bad Seeing her this way.

” Don’t come near me please” she begged as the tears kept falling.

Knowing that she need some time to cool off, I stayed back and watched her as she kept on crying.

I Crouched in front of her and kept on watching her not knowing what to say.

“Am sorry,I know it has take me ten long years to say it but am really sorry “i said softly

“I didn’t want to do it, I was black mailed, what my mom made me under stand was that she was being cheated on by my father and your mom, I was just a kid Emily……..”

“A kid who never knew right from wrong? I kept on begging you, I asked you to stop, I pleaded with you but you didn’t listen, this place, this house is the same place you ruined my life Cade”She yelled at me

“Am sorry Emily”I said having the courage to pull her into my arms

“Let me go,let me go Cade,let me go!!!”she kept on saying as she tried to pull away

“I regret it Emily, I regret doing that to you, Am really sorry ”

“You make me sick!!!!”She said pushing me away with all her might and then she stood up and began to run away,quickly I ran after her and when I got to her, I pulled her by her arm

She began to yell hysterically “No Cade! No Cade! Don’t come near me,please don’t hurt me!”she cried out but I pulled her into my arms and gave her a hug

“Come to your senses please”I muttered softly and then she stood rigid in my arms, she wasn’t fighting me any more, neither was she saying any thing.

I pulled her back only to see that she was Unconscious.

“Emily! Emily!oh no”I said and quickly I carried her to the mansion, yelling for some one to call for help.



“This is all your fault, if they are now married for real then its your fault” Christopher yelled at me

“What was I suppose to do,I got angry and i told them that we know of their fake marriage,I lost my temper”I said as I stood in the study with my husband

“I told you not to let them know,I told you that they must not find out but yet you…….what are you going to do now that they are married ?”

“We will tell them to get a divorce, i just can’t stand that girl, I hate her so much, I really do”I said thinking about her mom .

Why hadn’t she died and why had Lucy told me that she had died when she never did, I will have to pay that fool a visit,I thought silently

“Tell me why?”Christopher said suddenly

“Why what”I asked

“Why do you hate that child, the only time have seen you hate some one this much was when Stacey was alive”

“Don’t ever mention Stacey name to me again and haven’t you ever seen me hate some one else, I hate every one the same way so stop asking me questions and try to look for a solution to this ”

“Your daughter is still feeling heart broken, she had her hopes up with my son, do some thing and let your daughter be happy for once,don’t let her become like you who still longs for a dead woman” I said and left the study in anger.

Still fuming in anger I head up stairs only to see the maid taking the doctor to Cade room.

What happen,I thought as I quickly head to the room

I saw Cade and the maid by the door while the doctor was in the room with Emily.

“What happen?”I asked as I went to Cade, who was resting by the door and he looked pale

“What happen to her?”I asked again when he kept quiet

“She remembers…….she remembers every thing mom” he said looking so sad

“She remember?’i asked still not believing what he said.

“Yes she did mom and she hates me, she really hates me”he said looking so sad

On another occasion,I would have enjoy hearing that Emily hates him but I can’t think of that.

Picked For You:  BETHROED TO A STRANGER : Chapter 21 - The End

I have some thing more important to think about.

“And did she tell you what she remember ?”I asked

“Out of all the questions you could ask, you had to ask that, go away mom, I don’t want to talk to you”he said

“But son………”

“Just leave, am suffering as it is, you don’t have to add more to it”he said and slowly I turned to leave.

Not because he has asked but because I had to do some thing

If Emily Remember what happen then she must also remember what transpired between us years ago

Only I, Lucy and Emily know of that secret, she wouldn’t remember that.

She must never remember it, I thought as I left the room feeling scared and anxious.




“Isn’t it lovely here”My mom stood beside me as we stared at the moon at night

“Why do you say that it’s lovely?”I asked as I stared at her

“Isnt it lovely to you?”she asked again

“It isn’t mom,these people treat you bad and yet you call this place lovely”I said

“You know we have no where to go Racheal, your father died putting us in debt and your uncle Christopher have been the one helping us, the only thing we can do now, Is to pay him back and that is by working in his resort” she said

“Can’t he find another way to make us pay him back, I don’t like how his wife treat you each time you are working”I said

“It doesn’t matter, I will be fine okay”she assured me but I pulled out of her arms

“You always say that but I know that you aren’t fine with being treated that way”I said and ran off.

Even when she kept on calling me, I didn’t answer her and I kept on running until I got to the mansion.

I was hoping to see Mrs Wilburn in the kitchen, she is always there at this hour and she is the only one who listen and also the only one that of friendly.

But as soon as I walked in I found no one there, not wanting to go back to the house, I went to the fridge and saw a ice cream, quickly I took it to the table and began to drink it.

It’s the only thing that cools me down Whenever am upset about some thing.

I was still eating it when the door opened and some one walk in.

It’s the guy I had seen earlier, the one that had been starring at me

Having no place to go or a place to hide, I stood there with the ice cream hoping that he would just mind his business and leave but when I look up it was to see him looking at me

“I saw you earlier right?”he asked and instead of answering, I put the ice cream back in the fridge and turned to Leave only to see him standing in my path.

“Do you know that you are cute”he asked and I stared at him

“I find you to be cute and beautiful”he said looking sincere

When he said it, he looked so sincere but I never knew that he had some thing else in mind.

Not bothering to answer him, I left the kitchen and ran the way back to the house but on getting to the house I saw Christopher (my uncle )and my mom together.

“You should leave Christopher”i heard my mom say

“Why? Are you trying to honour my brother’s memory?”he asked

“Don’t talk about my husband like that?”

“He stole you away from me, he knew how much I love you and yet he took you from me”He said

“You caused it all Chris, what happened in the past should be left in the past, we have all moved on, you with your wife and children and me With my daughter”she said

“But I still love you!”he said

“Then I pity Denise, you don’t love her and yet you married again”she said

“I had to look for a mom for Isabel And that is why I married her but my heart still belongs to you”he said

“But mine doesn’t and so I will ask you to leave before my daughter gets back…..
What are you doing”she yelled as he took her hand and pulled her into the house.

I stood by the wall watching the two of them as they went into the house.


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