



Chapter 5

By : Kebby NG Media Services



I got back to the kitchen only to see my mom just finishing her food..

She gave me a smile as she walked in and I returned the smile.

I knew that she was trying to reassure me with that smile of hers but I knew that she was also scared as I was.

My uncle and his family are the owner of the island and every one on the island respect them, they wouldn’t try to do any thing to tarnish them selves in front of the owners.

“Should we just go back to the states?”She asked as I sat down beside her

“But we have no where to go, you always said that to me”

“I will figure some thing out, let’s just leave this place”she said again

“If I may intrude, I have a friend back in the states, I will tell her about you guys and I know that she will be willing to help”Mrs Wilburn said

“Oh thanks so much Erica, we will really need all the help we can get”My mom said excitedly.

“Okay I will tell my husband about it, am sure he will help”she said as she quickly left the kitchen.

“Every thing will be fine my dear”my mom said holding my hand.

Some how I found my self starring at the food that my mom had just finish eating and i had a weird feeling about it.

“There you are! Have been looking for you two?”Cade mother said as she walked into the kitchen and I held my mom for support,some thing about Cade mom terrifies me.

“Why would you be looking for us, perhaps to beg us not to call the cops on your rapist of a son?”my mom asked and she gave us a cruel smile

“No and am sure that your visit to the police station have proved to be fruitless”She said

“What do you know ?”my mom asked

“Not what do I know but what did I do, you just can’t slander the owner of the island,didnt you ever learn, where the powerful is nothing and no one can stop ever intru?”she said

“So this is about being powerful right?”my mom asked

“Now you are using your head, my son did that to pay you back for sleeping with my husband”she said

“In other to get revenge for me, he hurt you in a place where he knew you will be hurt so much and that is with this little girl of yours”She said starring at me.

Just then my mom got up and walked round to her and then a fight began.

My mom kept on hitting her and what seemed strange was that she didn’t fight back.

“I should have done this long ago”my mom said hitting her.

I tried to stop the fight but I failed and so I went out to get help.

I came back with the guards and they pulled the ladies apart from each other.

“Get that psycho away from me”Cade mother said as she used the guards as her protection

“You bch, you, wait until I get a hold of you again, I will…….I will……”my mom pause holding her stomach

“You will what?”she asked having a smile on her lips.

“Arrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhh……..”my mom yelled as she fell on the floor clutching her stomach and Quickly I ran to her and held her close.

“Mommy, mommy”I kept on calling

“Some one please call the doctor?”I said and while they did that Cade mother walked towards us and crouched in front of us

“You shouldn’t have messed with me, you are now suffering the consequence, I hope you enjoy it”she whispered only for our ears and then she got up

“What are you still doing, take her to the hospital, we don’t know what’s wrong with her, do some thing fast “She said to the guards who just stood around.

My mom never made it to the hospital Alive and because she died.

And when the doctor gave the diagnosis,it was food poisoning.

It was then that I realised that it was Denise doing, the person she had been talking about was my mom and the food that had been given to her was already poisoned.

The funeral took place and though my eyes were puffy and red from crying, I pretended to be strong.

Picked For You:  THE GOVERNOR'S SON: Episode 31-The End

“You need to have a rest Racheal, why don’t you let Erica take you to one of the room in the house”Cade father said

“Why? Why are you suddenly letting me stay in the mansion, are you feeling Pity towards me or are you feeling guilty about some thing?”I asked as I stared at Cade mother who was welcoming the guest

“What are you saying?”he asked

“Why don’t I just take her sir”Mrs Wilburn said and pulled me out of the room.

“I know you are hurt about your mom death but you didn’t have to say that?”Mrs wilburn said to me

“Those people killed my mom”I said

“Racheal!”she called softly

“They killed my mom Mrs Erica, they killed her”I said crying and she pulled me to a hug.

“Come here and tell me every thing you know”She said pulling me to the kitchen .

After telling her every thing I heard and saw on that day she pulled me to a hug again.

“If I had known ,I would have stopped her from eating that food”She said softly

“I want my mom Mrs Erica,I want her back”I said still crying

“Erica you are wanted at the coffee table, they have to serve coffee to the guest “A maid said through the door way

“I will be there soon , would you like me to take you to the room now”she asked

“I will stay here, I don’t want to go any where, just let me stay here”I said softly

“Fine then, I will be back in a bit”she said and left the kitchen .

I took an apple and began to peel it, wanting to do some thing so I won’t have to cry again.

Just then I felt some one watching me and I turned only to see Cade by the door, my hold on the knife tightened and I gave him a murderous glare.

“I just came to give my condolence”he said

“And what makes you think that I want your condolence?”I asked

“I just thought that you might need it ?”he said

“Why are you here Cade?”his mom said as she walked into the kitchen

“Oh are you comforting her,After what she did to you, you knew she lied that you rape her and yet you are here giving her comfort, are you a fool?”she yelled at Cade

“Mom please stop, let’s go”he said softly

“No I won’t, what more do you want, your mom is dead now, there is no one else to back you up with your lies, so just leave the island and never come back”she said.

Her words got me feeling so angry that I picked up the knife wanting to kill her just like she killed my mom but Cade got in the way and he ended up being $tabbed.

“What did you do!what did you do to my son?”She yelled as she knelt down beside Cade.

I knelt on the floor starring at the scene before me and then I stared at my hands to see blood on it.

Have just killed some one, have just killed some one.



I opened my eyes only to see that I was in a room.

At first it looked unfamiliar to me but when I recognised it,I sat up.

Am still at Cain island,I thought as I looked around me.

The door opened and Tracy walked in and when she saw me awake, she yelled out in joy.

“You are finally Awake ma’am”Tracy said as she came to sit beside me

“What happen ?”

“You have been Unconscious for three days now, I don’t really know the details but they said you fainted three days ago”She said and every memory that was lost to me all came back

“Why don’t I just call the boss,he will be so thrilled to know that you have woken………”

“No!!!”I yelled and she stopped to sit down once again

“What’s wrong?”she asked

“Don’t call him here,please”I begged not wanting to see Cade.

Now that I remember every thing, I don’t want to see Cade or be close to him, I thought as I stared at Tracy.


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