



Chapter 15

By : Kebby NG Media Services.

I stood waiting for David to give me a reply, how did he know that I was Racheal when we never told any one about it.

“I just happen to over hear it!”he said

“Where did you hear it from ?”I asked

“Do I have to explain my self to you? “I asked

“Yes you have to, you have to explain your self to me!”I said

“Well then,I over head Denise conversation with Cade, does that answer your question?”he asked

“But that is not the Point here, that guy caused you a lot of harm Emily, you shouldn’t be close to him, he doesn’t deserve it!”he said

“What happened between Cade and I is none of your business, we will both solve our issue when he is awake, so please leave”I said

“I have always been leaving all the time Emily but this time I won’t be leaving, I wont give up on you and I won’t let you go”he said as he walked towards me again.

“Just leave David, get out of here!”I yelled at him for the last time and then he nodded and began to head to the door and stopped to stare at me

“This isn’t the last you will hear of me!”He said and walked out.

As soon as he left,I ran into the bath room to cleanse my mouth.

Just what had gotten into David,why would he even fall for me? I thought as I went back to the room only to see Cade wide awake

“Cade you are awake!”I said as I knelt beside the bed Starring at him

“W… water”He said softly and quickly I went to get him water.

“Thank God you are okay! Thank God you are save!”I said when he finished drinking the water.

“I should call the doctor, he will know what to do “I said as I quickly took his phone and dialled the doctor Number and a while later the doctor arrived and did his duty.

“This is quite surprising, I thought that he would be Unconscious for a few days more but he woke up on the first day, you are a miracle to him Mrs Callaghan”The doctor said giving me a compliment.

“So is my son out of danger now ?”Denise asked

“Yes he is but for the next few weeks,he has to take it gently, for his back injury to recover quickly”He answered her question

“Thank you doctor, why don’t I see you out”his father said as he accompanied the doctor out side.

I was about to go into the room when she pulled me back

“You have had enough time with him, I will be the one to see him now”She said and walked in with out waiting for my response.


“Oh my dear boy!”I called as I went towards him.

He was sitting up now and though he still looked pale, am glad that he is okay.

“How are you feeling right now?”He asked

“Why are you asking?”He said looking at me with Anger in his eyes

“Because am worried? Why else would I ask?”

“Liar! Why act like you worry about me when you are the cause of all of this”He said softly

“What? Why would I do such a thing and to my son of all people”I asked

“Not to me but to Emily, you wanted to kill her but I got there and took the shot, why mom? Why do you still insist on doing things your way!”he yelled and then held his back due to the pain.

Quickly I went to him and tried to help but he shoved me away

“I don’t want you touching me mom, I don’t want you here, so please leave!”

“Are you like this because of that girl!”

“That girl is some I love mom, she is my wife and you … tried to kill her?” He asked

“And so what? She has to disappear from our lives soon, she has to die for us to live In peace”I yelled at him

“Have you told you that I don’t want you harming her, why won’t you just listen?”he said

“Why should I listen to a man who is blinded by love, you two aren’t meant for each other Cade, she will just be a burden to you and so before it becomes all of our burden, she has to disappear”I said

“Just leave her alone mom, if you hadn’t meddle last night, Emily would have gone back home!”he said and i stared at him

“What do you mean?’

Picked For You:  THE WIDOWS’ GANG : EPISODE 11 – 20

“What I wanted to do, was to send her away, to let her go back to her life and keep on living her life and that would have happen if you hadnt interfered”he said again.

“So are you still going to send her away”I asked feeling very happy in a while .

“She has to go,I don’t deserve her, I ruined her life and so it will be best that she stays away before I get to ruin it more”he said

“It is for the best, you can get to marry some one else, she has always been bound to be a problem for us but now that you are sending her away, it won’t be that bad any more”I said

“She will be leaving and so mom stop being a nuisance and leave her alone, this is my final warning to you!”he said and I nodded

“Your wish is my command my dear boy”I said having a big smile on my face.

Once Emily gets out of Cade life, I will be able to get rid of her with out any one being a hindrance.


?”He is fine now”I stood out side the room talking to Gracie on the phone

?”I will tell him that, you two should just focus on the resort ”

?”Okay Gracie,thanks!”I said and cut the call and just then the door opened and Denise walked out side

She had a smile on her face and then she stared at me and laughed before walking off.

It made me feel weird and also had me getting goose bumps all over.

What did she and Cade talk about, I thought as I walked into the room.

I walked towards him and sat down on the empty chair beside him.

“How are you feeling?”I asked as I tried to hold his hand only for him to pull it away

“What’s wrong?”I asked

“Why havent you leave yet? Why are you still here?”he asked

“I stayed to watch over you and also am not suppose to be any where”I said softly

“But you didn’t have that thought when you tried to escape the night before”he said and I stared at him.

I was expecting to see an angry look but he was rather sad.

“I told you to wait, that I will make every thing better for you, that I will give you back the peace you asked for but you chose to put your self in danger “He said softly

“I wasn’t putting my self in danger Cade, your mother promised me that she will help me to escape and i had agreed an…..”

“That is the problem, you should never have listened to her In the first place, you should have never accepted her help”He said

“But I was sort of desperate and i regret it now,I regret wanting to leave Cade, am sorry for what happened, am sorry for having put you in danger”I said

“You don’t have to apologise, I deserved what ever happened and you deserve to be happy Emily and so have decided to let you go”he said

“Let me go! I don’t under stand you”I said

“You are free to leave Emily, I won’t stop you and I won’t hold you back, that was what I wanted to tell you last night but you had gone ahead to do what you want”he said

“You want me to leave?”I asked again

“Yes I want you to leave Emily, the divorce proceedings will start soon and very soon you we won’t have to see each other again, I will be gone out of your life like you want me to”He said and I knew that his decision has been made.

Each time he made a very important decision, he always have thus expression and it’s the same Expression on his face right now , I thought

But I don’t want to leave, seeing him all injured and Unconscious made me realise that I can’t live with out him, I love him and am not willing to leave him.

“You should start packing your stuff, your flight and all have been booked, all you have to do is …….”

“Am not going Cade!”I said

“Is to show up and ……what did you just say?”he said starring at me

“I don’t want to leave”


“If there is some thing I learnt last night is that I don’t ever want to lose you Cade, am not willing to lose you and so I won’t be leaving, i am your wife and I will keep on being your wife”I said softly.


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