



Chapter 17

By : Kebby NG Media Services.

“Are you deaf? I said you should go away from my husband!”Emily yelled at Isabel who gave her a smile.

Wanting to piss Emily some more, she tried to wrap her around me but I pushed it away

“Stop being a nuisance and just leave Emily, Cade and I are having the moment of our lives, do I have to spell it out to you”She said

“For the last time Isabel, get away from my husband!”Emily warned again and when she didn’t get ,Emily went into the bath room and brought out a towel.

She threw it at Isabel and pulled her up.

“Let me go you wtch, let me go!”she yelled at Emily but Emily p.ulled her by her hair and threw her out of the room.

“You bch !”she said

“You are the bch! Once I see you close to my husband again,I will make sure you pay, just so you know,I grew up in a neighbour hood where have been taught to defend myself, you try to come into this room and I won’t hesitate to hit your face, you wouldn’t want your pretty face damaged right”she yelled at her and I saw her holding her face before Emily shut the door on her face.

I couldn’t stop laughing but when I saw Emily looking at me angrily,I stopped

“I never instigated that, I swear!”I said softly

“She threw herself at me and if you hadn’t come in, I just don’t know what would have happen?”I added when she kept quiet

” I can tell you what would have happen,if I hadn’t walked in on you two”She said suddenly.

“You would have been rolling with her on the b.ed ,if I hadn’t walked in you would have been $leeping with her, Is this why you wanted me to leave, so you can have a lot of fun with Your step sister?”she asked

This wasn’t some jealous tantrum, it was the anger of a wife who had been told to leave

It hurts me too,it hurts me so much and I hate the fact that I have to send her away but she has to leave, it’s for the best for every one of us, I thought as I kept on starring at her

“Think what ever you want Emily, I don’t owe you an explanation, we will be getting divorced soon and I hope you leave soon”I said wanting to be cruel towards her

If that would make her see reason and leave, then fine that will be good, I thought

“You know I thought of the reason why you would want me to leave and i came to one conclusion”She said softly

“What conclusion will that be?”I asked

“That have not been fulfilling my wifely duty”she said

“That is absurd Emily ,stop being paranoid and leave my……….”

“And so have decided to do that tonight, I want you to make love to me Cade!”she said softly and I stared at her

“You can’t possibly want me to…………..”

“Because of what happened in the past! I should get out of that trauma some how and you who caused it will certainly help me get rid of the bad memory”She said and before I could stop her, she went to the door and turned in the lock

” You don’t really mean this Emily! “I said as she walked towards me with a determined face

“I want this Cade,I want you, I don’t want to ever see any woman who isn’t me beside you”she said and slowly she began to take off her ¢Iothes .

Picked For You:  NO CHOICE BUT TO LIVE WITH HIM: Episode 11 to 20

“Emily stop, you don’t have to do this, it doesn’t have to be like this!” I said softly starring at her

“I don’t care any more, if that will get me my husband then I don’t care”she said

She was a bit shy but I knew that it took a lot of courage for her to decide this.

The same scene from earlier is happening again but the only difference now is that the person standing in front of me is my wife and she just seeing her t0pless got me immediately.

“What do you think Cade? Should I come to you or should I just leave ?”She asked and I couldn’t even answer because I was lost in her beauty

“It doesn’t matter, I will come to you even if you say no”she said having a smile on her face and she walked towards me and sat on my Iap.

“Emily, you don’t want to do this? You will surely regret it and………”

“Shhhhhh………..I won’t regret it and you want to know why, it’s because the man am with is my husband and also the man I love dearly”She said and hearing that erased all my doubt.

“Are you sure you want this?”I asked again for the last time and she licked her lips softly before answering with a nod and with that one confirmation,I pulled her down.



It feels kind of weird and though am still afraid and shy, I didn’t let those stuff come between our l0ve m aking.

I love Cade and he loves me and doing this with him is only right?

I must admit that when he told me to leave a while ago, I wanted to, I was angry that he could send me away with out even giving me a second glance.

But then I thought about it and I knew that Cade was doing for me, he said he wants me to have the peace I want but did he think that by asking me to leave will give me back the peace I want.

Staying with him is like living in peace,having him by my side is the only thing I want and I hope that I can get it.

Some how the trauma from the past wasnt interferring in this.

It sort of felt magical and I really want it to never end.

“Are you okay Emily! “he asked and when I didn’t answer him,he asked me for the second time again and I stared at him.

“Am I hurting you my love, I can just…….”

“No don’t!”I said stopping him

I wrapped my arms around him and held him close to me

“Am just remembering some things from the past but it will wear off soon”I said softly.

“That is why I don’t want us to do this, If you want we can just stop and………”

“No Cade! I want this…..I want you” I said cutting him off .

He smiled gently and pulled my hair out of face

“You are brave Emily and am lucky to have you as my wife”he said .

At the end, it was so wonderful, I never knew doing this the right way could be so great

He put on the bed used the covers to protect us both.


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