JASMINE The University Girl

Episode 3

It was a wonderful prayer meeting,Bro Samuel sent me a message telling me to wait for him after the prayer meeting. We have been friends for a while and he already made his intention about marriage known to me. Maybe he just wanted to ask about my wellbeing I thought. He greeted me as usual and we exchanged pleasantries. “How was your day Sis Jasmine,hope it wasn’t stressful?” “Not really, I only had a few practical and some assignment to submit, I think I can manage the stress” I said. “So how far with our discussion” “Which discussion?” I pretended as if I don’t understand what he was referring to. “I mean my proposal, I really do love you Jasmine, you are the flower I need in my life just like your name implies”he said “Bro Samuel please give me more time, I need to pray more and get the leading from God. You know marriage is not a Joke,it is serious business” I said. “I know, I will give you more time dear, am sure am not the only one on the application list right?” He said “Which application list are you talking about?” “You know what I mean,you ladies are the real boss,you can keep us waiting for as long as you want ” he said “Well not everyone do that, I think brothers need to be more patient too” “Its my birthday next week, and I will love to celebrate it with you,if it is ok by you” he cut in “Are you having a birthday party or what?” I asked “Not really,I just want to celebrate with you alone” He added “Well, I will give it a thought and get back to you later, I can’t promise anything right now” I said “Please make time for me my love , it will make me the happiest man on earth on that day” he said “Please Bro Samuel don’t call me your love,until things are finalized. It makes me feel uncomfortable” “OK dear,I will try” “Please do” I said silently. We parted ways, he had excos meeting so he couldn’t see me off to my hostel. ****

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One week has passed and I already forgot about his birthday, don’t blame me I had a lot of school work to do coupled with tutoring freshers and fellowship activities. He called a day to his birthday to ask about my decision. I was lost in transit when he asked,he doesn’t need a prophet to tell him that I have forgotten completely. “I can’t believe you have forgotten my birthday so soon Jasmine” he asked angrily “Am so sorry, I didn’t mean to forget am just quite busy” I cut in “I am so disappointed , how could you forget even after I begged you. So what is your decision now?” He added I couldn’t say no, I already disappointed him by forgetting his birthday. I should be a little considerate I thought, so I reluctantly said yes. “Wow thanks so much Jasmine, I can’t wait to see you tomorrow,tomorrow must be my best birthday ever” he said full of joy I couldn’t sleep early that night, my mind was not at rest.”why is my mind troubled” I asked myself. We would probably go to a restaurant, or watch a movie and talk for a while. It shouldn’t be a big deal I thought, so I waved the thought off and slept…

Episode 4

I woke up the next day feeling disturbed again, I had my quiet time as usual and i prayed to God to order my steps.I went for my classes, and my day was hectic as usual, we had a 6hours practical and an impromptu test. I wish I could just go to my room,eat and sleep for few hours, but I already promised to go out with Bro samuel today. I called him earlier that day to wish him a prosperous and fulfilled years ahead,and he was so happy that I called, he added that he will be expecting me soon. I got to my room around 4pm, took a cold shower, and changed into one of my favorite flare gown,and I packed my hair into a ponytail. My roommate were not back from class yet by the time I left the room.

I got to Bro Samuel’s room around 5pm, he was so happy to see me, he opened his arms wide to hug me,but I just gave him a hand shake and a smile. I wished him a happy birthday again, and he introduced me to his roommate,Segun. Samuel and segun were both in their final year, they new each other from childhood before they lost contact and now they are reunited as roommates .

Segun left the room few minutes after I came, he bidded me goodbye , saying he wants to go home and check his mum that is sick. I wished him safe journey and prayed that his mom gets well soon. Now it is just me and Samuel in the room. Samuel told me a little about Segun, Segun and Samuel’s family used to live in the same flat many years ago before Segun’s father passed away. Segun’s mum couldn’t cope with the house rent and school fees and they had to move out of the house to a small room. Segun’s mum had to do alot of odd jobs like nanny,housemaid and cleaner to provide for her children. And now the result of the hard labor is telling on her health. Samuel narrated. I felt pity for Segun and his mum, I just pray she gets better so she can reap the fruit of her labour. I thought “So how was your day?” Samuel cuts in “It was hectic as usual,nothing much” I replied ” So Where are we going for the celebration ” I asked out of curiosity “Don’t be in a hurry,you will find out soon enough” Samuel replied ”Ok no problem ” I said “Do you care for a drink, maltina, fruit juice or coke?” He asked “I will prefer water, cold water will just be fine” I replied He went downstairs to buy a cold bottle water, and he served me with a cup. This was the last thing I remembered.

The next thing I knew was waking up on a strange bed. At first I thought I was dreaming, until Samuel walked in. “How are you my love,how are you feeling now”he asked. “What is happening here?,why am I on your bed,in your room I asked feeling lost and confused. I tried to stand up, but i was still feeling dizzy and I feel alot of pain.I don’t need anyone to tell me what just happened. “You just gave me the best birthday gift ever,I have been dreaming of today for a long time” he said with a smile “Did I just hear you say a birthday gift, you took away my pride and honor forcefully and you call it a gift…I can’t believe this” I sobbed “Don’t cry dear, I love you so much, and you will always be dear to my heart, I didn’t mean to hurt you I just want you to be mine and mine alone, you should understand” he cuts in, trying to pet me with his hand “Don’t you dare touch me with those filthy hands of yours you animal in humans flesh” I said in a loud voice, pushing him away with all the strength I had left” I wish I could just slap his dirty filthy face, but I lack the strength to even stand up. I sat up on the bed and was in deep thought for about 20minutes,trying to gather some strength . “I wished I never met this animal, I wished I never came to his room, it was all my fault, I am very stupid.” I blamed myself.

I don’t know how I got to my room that night, I felt the whole world crumbling upon me, I couldn’t control my tears. I couldn’t walk without staggering, I guess the effect of the drug he used on me is still in mild action. I can’t believe I just lost my vir.ginity on a platter of deceit and ra.pe, I can’t believe this is how today will end. What should I do, who can I talk too? I was so confused at the moment, should I talk to my mum, just as I was thinking about my mum, my phone rang, who could it be? I hope it is not that useless animal, I thought. It was my mum calling, the last time we spoke was yesterday morning, she and dad always makes sure they check on me everyday. “Hello dear,how are you today?, hope you are alright?” “Yes mum” I said trying to sound ok “Your voice sounds low,are you sure you are ok?, I have a feeling that something is wrong with you and I have prayed for you dear” “Am just a little tired, We had a long practical today” I said ” alright dear,make sure you rest and eat well, hope you saw the alert of the money I sent to you this morning? She asked “Oh yes,I forgot to call you to say thanks, thanks mum, help me to greet daddy too” “He is also sending his greetings to you, stay safe and remember you can always tell me anything,if you need to talk to someone ok” She said “Alright mum, have a wonderful night rest ” “You too dear,remember we love you” She added “I love you too” I replied. Why did my mum call at this very moment, she is a very spiritually sensitive woman. Should I tell her what happened to me, will she believe me? I asked myself. No let me just keep quiet, my mum will be too shocked and disappointed in me, and my dad will be disappointed too. What happened to me is too shameful to be shared with someone, I will just handle it myself I thought. ****

Before entering my room, I branched to the restroom, washed my face and the tears and I try to pretend that everything was fine. But I couldn’t hide my pain and tears wouldn’t stop rolling down my face, my roommate was so sure that something was wrong with me, but I just told them I was not feeling fine. I didn’t even bother to change into my night wear, I just layed on my bed and covered myself with my duvet. My best friend Kemi who is just my next door neighbor came to visit me, I normally stop at her room to say hi and gist everytime I come back from lectures,because her room was before mine. But she didn’t see me today so she decided to check on me. I pretended to be asleep when she came and she wanted to wake me up and disturb me as usual but my roommate prompted her that I am not feeling too fine, she felt my body with her palms and prayed for me and then she left. All I could do through out the night was crying and wishing everything can just be reset to how it was this morning when I woke up…….

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