
They barged In the room with numerous soldiers

“G-a-r-y?” Donald stuttered while Gary smirked

“Hey Donald have I ever told you how cute you look when you are scared”Gary chuckled making Donald boil more in anger

He wasn’t believing his eyes. He thought he was way smarter than Gary but this just proved him wrong

How did he find me? How did he get pass my numerous guards ? How am I going to escape ?

Donald had all sort of questions running through his mind

“Well since the cat’s got your tongue. The him” Gary’s father said and he guards walked to Donald and cuffed him

Donald’s guards in the room just watched speechlesly. They were just dumbfounded

No one was ready for this. Even if they try to fight there’s no way that they’ll kill of the soldiers in the room.

They knew pretty much that they’ll end up dead if they try something stupid so they just decided to co-operate

Gary’s father jumped the dead bodies and ran Gianna hugging her to himself

Gianna weeped in his hands while he continued saying I’m so so sorry

The soldiers went to the five guards and cuffed them.

“That was easy” Gary says walking to Gianna to comfort her


I drove the car like I was acting fast and furious till I got home

I had to tell Gary that I’m going to take my siblings. I wouldn’t just leave them with that drunkard they call a mother

“Laura,Max where are you ?” I yelled walking into the living room

“Max!” I yelled climbing the stairs “Eric?” I heard Laura’s excited voice

She ran into my eyes “oh my god. I thought you are dead” she said hugging me too tightly

I just allowed her cause I’ve missed her so badly

“Where have you been” She asked as she disengaged

“That’s the story for another day.Where’s Max cause we gotta go before we miss the jet” I say in a haste

“Which jet ?” She asks. Laura is just so stubborn

“Argh Laura we don’t have time” I say frustratedly

“Okay he’s at his favourite restaurant with his friends”she says “Lets go then” I say and try to drag her but she stands still

“What now” i groan “Dad locked mom in the dungeon”she says and I sigh

The man is so evil. After unlocking the dungeon I had to promise Laura’s mom who smelt so bad that we are coming back

After taking Max from the resturant I drove to the airport to find them already waiting for us

“Dad?”Laura whispered as he saw Donald covered with a lot of soldiers

“Argh what took you so long ?” Gary asks jokingly and I chuckle

“This two are talktive so I had to talk them through this whole thing” I say and he sighs

“Why are they surrounding dad like That?” Max whispers “I told you to stop with your questions”i say and he groans still looking at dad

After Gary greeted my siblings we finally made our way into the jet. I hope Donald pays for his evil deeds

He doesn’t deserve being called dad anymore

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