L.O.V.E More Than Four Letters: Chapter 1-10

?? L.O.V.E ??

???(more than four letters_Silverado high school ???)

? Chapter Two ?


? Tessa ?

“Appa, I don’t like this driving job of a thing, you always come back late and tired, dad it’s too tiring, you should look for another job” I complained as dad dressed up to go for his driving job

He held my hands and smiled

“I know how you feel my princess, but as an uneducated man, where will I get another job, that aside, it’s a great privilege to be the driver of the great Alec Silverado” he replied


“Take care of yourself Tessa, and be careful while selling on the road” he said and rushed out… it’s actually six in the morning, yes he has to go to work that early but he comes back late and tired

G©sh!, I’m tired of this kind of life!

I got dressed in my best hoodie and cheap sneakers before grabbing the pack of juice for sale today

“Fighting!” I said and mounted my bicycle, I rode to Tamara’s house,she’s my only friend, we’re actually waiting for our results into high school cos we wrote the exam already and we sell juice together by the roadside

“You’re late” she said as I Park my bicycle in front of the house she lives with wicked madam Kang

“I’m sorry, can we go now?” I asked and she smiled before mounting my bicycle, it’s actually a two seater with space for our juice

“Tamara!, You better come back early today and make sure you make plenty money, I’m broke” madam Kang said, coming out of the house

“Yes ma’am” she replied and as if that’s not enough, madam Kang came closer and grabbed her by her throat

“I’m serious, come home with money!” She spat before letting her go

“Yes madam” Tamara replied before I pedalled off the bicycle



“You know poison is only two hundred won?” I asked

“Wae? (why?) She asked

“I’ll give you the money, you should just buy poison and poison this crazy madam Kang!, She sits at home all day and you do all the work while she takes all the money, who does that!” I spat angrily and almost lost control of the bicycle

“I can’t do that, at Least she still allows me to stay with her” she replied

“You’re right, but you can stay with me too, dad won’t mind” I replied

“No, I can’t add to the heavy burden of your dad” she replied


“Can we not talk about this anymore?* She asked and I giggled

“Yes ma’am” I replied, mimicking how she answered madam Kang

“You’re crazy”

We got to our usual selling point, Gangnam road and offloaded our juice,

“Fighting!” We both shouted and struck hands before running up and down the road to sell

?? Silverado high school ??

The school almost crumbled with the shouts coming from students especially girls as the GOLD entered the school

? Olly is so handsome!

? Oppa Olly is adorable!

? Dino’s dimple is killing me!

? Garrett’s hair is so cute!

? Garett is hot!

? We love you Loretta!

The GOLD walked in their usual stylish manner as they received different comments, Loretta waved at the students while the others ignored

Then a Chubby girl appeared with a covered frame, she stood in front of them and uncovered it, it’s a portrait of Olly, covered with glass

“How dare you make my handsome face look like a goblin!” Olly spat

“I’m sorry Oppa, but I gave it my best” the girl replied

The next scene is that Olly took the portrait from her and smashed it on the ground,it shattered to pieces and the girl covered her mouth in shock

“The next time you try this, then I’m gonna throw you in jail” Olly said and left with his group

The girl just stared on in disappointment as everyone jeered at her…utter humiliation!

The BBS has been watching since, they came over

“You really have the nerves to talk to Olly?” Becca demanded with that burning look

“You even made his portrait” Sona added, chewing gum loudly

Berry just stared on silently

The girl faced Becca

“The last time I checked, Olly was not your boyfriend” she said and received a $lap from Becca

“Next time, know your place, or else, I’ll show you, girls like you belong in the zoo, you’re so ugly that I feel like puking” Becca said disgustingly

“Heard that?, So lay low and never show your face!” Sona added

“You girls are taking this too far” Berry finally talked

“I know you’ll start taking pity, mother theresa” Becca said

“Let’s go” Sona said and they left, shaking their bum vigorously in their short skirts

Berry gave the girl an handkerchief

“Don’t mind them” she said

“Thanks Berry, by the way,your new hair color is nice” she replied with a sad smile

“Thanks” Berry replied before leaving

? GOLD classroom ?

“Honestly that was harsh” Dino said as they settled down on our seats which had our names on glass slates attached to everyone’s table

“Yes, and to be Candid, the portrait is cute” Loretta added

“Cute my foot, I don’t want to talk about it” Olly replied, frowning as usual

“Oy vey, we were just talking and moods are changing already” Dino said

“Garett, you should talk to him” Loretta said

Garrett sighed

“Leave him alone” he replied

“You’re just a boring type” Dino said as miss Janet the English teacher came in

? BBS class ?

“Where’s Berry?” Sona asked as they got to class

“She must be displaying kindness for the ugly girl” Becca replied

Berry came in

“Welcome mother theressa” Sona said mockingly

“Learn some dignity girls, slapping the helpless girl was rude” berry said sternly

“Look at her advising, come off it Berry, we all know our Becca here likes Olly” Sona said, blowing her bubble gum

“Have you told him?” Berry asked

“No but I’m still gonna do that” Becca replied

“You two are just crazy, I wouldn’t expect less from crazy individuals” Berry replied and sat

“Whatever!” They both spat

“And what’s with your new hair color?, White used to fit you but now you dyed it brown?, How can you not tell us even when we live together?” Sona asked

“I never dyed it, I just washed of the white dye, brown is my natural hair color so seal your lips, and the last time I checked, I don’t need anyone’s permission to do things, get that into your skulls” Berry snapped before concentrating on her laptop

? Olly ?

At Olly’s mansion

I got home so exhausted, today is so boring!, No, extra boring that I didn’t wait for class to end before coming home..I’m so tired

“Welcome young master” my maids greeted as I passed by them, I just ignored their greetings and left for my room

I need a cold shower

I yanked off my clothes and got under the shower, when I’m through, I put on a comfortable shorts and a immaculate white shirt

I went back downstairs and the dinning table has been set, the maids have my meal timetable so no need to ask

It’s salad and chicken Bolognese

The maids stood as I settled down to eat

Immediately I tasted the chicken, it’s too tough for my liking

“I think I said the chicken I’ll always be served should be tender, it should be cooked for approximately one hour, now who cooked this?” I asked, dropping my fork

“It’s me sir” one of them raised her hand

“You’re fired” I said and stood up

“I’m so sorry sir” she pleaded

“And now my anger bag has been punctured, all the maids on duty today, you’re all fired” I said and Aaron, my chief security guard and P.A came to usher them out

I went back to my room immediately, those wtches just made me lose my appetite..my phone ring and i checked the caller ID, it’s Nicky

?? Hey baby sister” I said, beaming with smiles

?? Oppa!, I missed you here, you only came once last week and you haven’t come to see I and mum at all this week, it’s not fair

?? I’m sorry Nicky but it’s school work and this singing takes much of my time

?? Can you come now?

?? Em…..ok, I’ll come

?? Yay!, I’ll be expecting you”

I hung up and smiled, she’s the only one who has the power to put a smile on my always frank face

I dressed up and went back downstairs, new set of maids are there already

My guards trailed behind me as I stepped out … I got in the car

“To mum’s house” I ordered and he drove while another car containing my guards trailed behind


“Oppa!, Nicky exclaimed as I entered

I hugged her tight

“I missed you” she said

“Me too, guess what I got for you” I said

“Em….the emerald City wristwatch?” She asked

“Why are you so good at guessing” I said and brought out the wristwatch

“Thanks Oppa, only God knows how much I’ve longed for this brand, mum doesn’t have time for such” she gushed as she fondled with it, I fixed it for her

“Olly?” Mum called from behind me

“Hey mum” I said and took my seat

“You remember your mother today” she said and sat beside me

“Now Nicky, you need to go do your assignments” I said and she nodded before running upstairs

I faced mum

“It’s my schedule, so tight you know” I replied and checked the time

“Are you leaving already?” She asked

“Yeah, I have an audition with the other members, they’ll start calling me soon” I said and my phone rang immediately

“Said it”

“It’s ok, make sure you visit soon again, Nicky will almost murder me if you don’t” she said and I gave a smile

“I will..if time permits” I replied before leaving.

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