L.O.V.E More Than Four Letters: Chapter 1-10

?? L.O.V.E ??

???(More than four letters_ Silverado high School)???

? Chapter Four ?


? Tessa ?

“Tamara!” I yelled as I stayed in front of her house this morning, I was expecting to see her in front of the house as usual already but she’s not… hope this wtch hasn’t done anything to my friend

The door suddenly pushed open and Tamara came out but she looked tired

“Kinchana? (Are you ok?) I asked

“I’m not ok, madam Kang said my punishment for what you did to her yesterday is that I won’t eat for a week, I haven’t eaten since yesterday” she replied and I boiled with anger

“Should I just go in and fry the wtch in an hot pan!” I threatened and made to go in but she stopped me

“Please… don’t add fuel to the fire, I’ll endure it” she said

“Bichaso? (Are you crazy?) How will you not eat for a week, you’ll die!” I said

“Let me just assume that I’m going through marathon” she replied and smiled

Her stomach rumbled

“You need to eat something, let’s go to my house and cook ramyeon (noodles)” I said and she mounted the bicycle without arguing

I pedalled to my house and cooked noodles for her…

We later went to the road to sell

? Loretta ?

“Isn’t it time for our photoshoot?” I asked as we chatted at our private clubhouse

“Sure, it’s 3:30 already” Garrett replied

“Kacha (let’s go)” Dino said and sipped the rest of his wine

“Do we really have to go for photoshoot this week?” Olly asked, still sitting down

“Of course, why do you always have to be the black sheep?” Dino said jokingly

“Call me that again and it won’t go well” Olly replied seriously

“Really?, Over a joke?, You know what?, Suit yourself, let’s go guys” Dino said, equally angry as he stepped out

“Why do you have to spoil his mood?” I asked Olly

“He started it” he spat and stepped out too, Garrett followed

We drove to the shooting location in our respective cars…

Well I don’t like guards, I only have a driver and two maids at home

Garrett and Dino have their respective drivers too and they have just five maids at their mansion, Dino has a P.A like Olly and he has just two guards

But for cranky Olly, he has a driver, four guards, P.A, different kind of maids which he fires and replaces everyday…he’s what you can define as boring!

We got to the location and got dressed in our respective dressing rooms

Shooting started and we changed up to ten times before the end of the shoot…Olly remained frank and never smiled in all the pictures, only God knows how he still remains handsome with that Frank face

“Young master, it’s time for your movie shoot” Aaron, his PA and chief security guard said

“I’m off” He said and left immediately

“His personality sucks!” Dino ranted

“But he’s still the most popular” I replied and Garrett giggled

Olly and Dino don’t always get along

? Olly ?

How can Dino call me the black sheep of the group?, Unbelievable, why do we frequently clash!, He should just shut up and let me be!

I got to my movie shoot location and entered with my trail of guards

I receive comments as usual but I ignored, I truly suck at fans service but what can I do?, It’s my nature and the fans still like me

“Jung Nora won the competition for your last scene female partner, I hear she’s the daughter of Mr Jung, your dad’s partner” Aaron said, walking behind me

“Not bad, i just hate the fact that I have to include ksses in my scripts” I replied

“Korean film without at least one kiss scene will be boring, you hate it but you’re actually good at it in all your movies” Aaron replied

“I know” I replied sternly as we got into the main apartment

“Welcome sir” everyone greeted

“Your new female partner is in the dressing room, you should get changed sir” the chief attendant said

I entered the dressing room to change….

Ten minutes later…

I came out all dressed and saw Jung Nora, obviously not my type…what a bad fate that I have to shoot the last scene of this movie with her

“Nice to meet you” she said and offered an handshake but I ignored it

“Sure” I replied and she withdrew her hand

Minutes after the shoot ???

“Aren’t you a little bit cocky Olly?” Jung Nora asked

“Wae?(why?) I asked

“You refused my handshake” she replied

“I know your type immediately I saw you, clingy type, well I didn’t shake your hand cos I don’t want to …. Good day” I replied before leaving

Can’t believe I acted a kssing scene with her….well it’s not real, just lips on the chin which will look like real kssing on the camera cos it’s shot from the rear

“I’m exhausted, what’s next on my schedule?” I asked Aaron

“GOLD audition” he replied

“Can’t believe I’m gonna be seeing Dino again” I blurted

“Did you two fight again?” Aaron asked

“Don’t ask me” I replied as I hopped into the car

? BBS mansion ?

“OMG!, GOLD just uploaded new pictures!’ Sona shouted, staring at her laptop

“Really!” Becca gushed and took her laptop

“Olly is so cute!” Becca exclaimed and smiles shadowed her face

“I know right, even with the frank face” Sona added

Berry just stared at her laptop and smiled at Garett, she saved all his personal pictures and made one her wallpaper

“Audition time” Sona announced and got her bag

“Kacha(let’s go)” berry said as they went out to the studio

? Dino ?

? Oppa Dino’s dimple is so cute!

? Olly is too handsome!

? Garett be my lover!

? Loretta’s eyes are lovely, I love her jacket!

Those are the vigorous comments we received as we stepped into the school this morning

Olly has never talked to me since yesterday and I’m cool with it, we should keep to our Lanes

“You guys are Surely crazy, Dino and Olly you two are seriously fighting?” Loretta asked as we got to class

“I don’t want to talk about it” Olly said indifferently

“Me neither” Dino replied

“Guys, we’re dropping our next song next week, this is not the perfect time for fighting please” Garrett talked

“He caused it” Olly said

“Just because I said you’re a black sheep?, Well aren’t you?, You get annoyed at the slightest joke!” Dino spat

“Guys guys, kimani!(stop!)” Loretta shouted

“Ok I’m sorry” Dino replied

“Whatever” Olly said, concentrating on his laptop as the homeroom teacher entered

? Tessa ?

“Come eat at my house before going back home” I said to Tamara as we walked back home from work

“Deh (ok)” she replied and we head to my house

I cooked omelette rice and kimchi Stew again

“Wait, were you planning to get parched with this food forever?” She asked as we ate

“It’s what we can afford, and coincidentally, it became my best food” I replied sincerely

“Madam Kang cooks noodles frequently and coincidentally, it’s my best food” she also replied and we both laughed

“We haven’t sang our song for a long time” she said and I winked

I got two empty kegs and gave her one, it served as our microphone as we sang

Both of us: ? love is perfect, love is so sweet, and love is beautiful..uuu?

? Love never ends, true love will hurt, get ready huh?, For it’s forever and ever ?

Me: ?when you look up at the sky, when you see the stars that shines like my eyes, remember that there’s someone waiting for you…for you, we might not be together,but you’re always in my heart, please never forget me…me e?

Tamara: ? when I see you smile, my heart beats like a drum, when you crack a joke, it makes me laugh forever, forever be my love, forever be my sunshine, forever be mine, and I will be your lover, I don’t care if it hurts (true love never give up)

We ended the song and clapped

“We’re the best Tamara!” I shouted

“Whoa!” She replied

?? Olly ??

A week later

??Oppa! Congratulations on your third movie

?? Thanks Nicky

?? Your female lead was awesome when she was still young but the one they represented her with when she came back all grown up, I don’t like her, seeing you have a kss scene with her gives me the creeps

?? You mean Jung Nora?, I don’t like her too but I just have to do it, and it wasn’t a real kss, my lips are on her chin, not her lips, it just looked like a real kss cos it was shot from the rear

?? I knew it, come and visit soon please

?? My schedules are…

?? Tight, I know but please

?? Ok, promise…do your assignments and don’t give omma troubles

?? Kre Oppa(yes brother)

I hanged up and smiled, she has the knack to make me smile

? BBS mansion ?

Becca threw away her phone as she saw the kssing scene Olly had with Jung Nora in his new movie

“How pathetic!” Berry commented

“Even if he happens to be your boyfriend, you can’t tell him to stop kssing in his movies, it’s his choice” Sona added

“And that apart, even when you confess your feelings, Olly can never like you, you’re obviously not his type and I don’t think he’s into girls, all the GOLD members are strangely not into girls, I heard even Loretta has no boyfriend” berry said

“Oh shut up berry!, I’ll surprise you and confess how I feel to him next week, just watch!” Becca spat

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