L.O.V.E More Than Four Letters: Chapter 1-10

?? L. O. V. E ??

???(More than four letters_ Silverado high school)???

? Chapter Five ?


? Tamara ?

“Tessa!, Tessa!” I screamed as I rushed into her house this morning

“Did you see the moon descending or what?, Why the shouting?” She asked, coming out to the small living room

“Guess what?” I asked, shinning my teeth like I’m advertising my toothpaste

“Our results are out?” She said indifferently

“Yes!, How can you be so good at guessing!, I had A’s although!” I gushed happily, showing her the result

“I didn’t guess, I said it because I know, I got mine from the postman this morning too” she replied

“How was it?” I asked

“Just what you were expecting, I got A’s parallel too” she replied sadly

“Why do you look sad?” I asked

“It’s a waste cos we can’t even go to high school, we’re supposed to get scholarship with this type of result but our school is one of the poorest, no slots, to get money for school is like an impossible task” she said sadly, fondling with her hair, it’s an attitude I know with her, when she’s sad. She fondles with her hair

“I know, but we still gotta be happy, at least we’re the best, we just have to work more hard to get money…..are you prepared for work already?” I asked

“Sure, let’s eat first” she said and we settled down, she put down the noodles from the fire and added a bowl of kimchi

“You and kimchi” I commented

“Kimchi is me” she replied and we both laughed

We finished eating and went to work as usual


Few hours later…by the road

“We sold a lot today” Tessa said and yawned

“Aren’t you hungry?” I asked

“Of course I am, should we go and buy some hotdogs?” She asked

“Sure” I replied as we went to a nearby restaurant

A TV is on inside the restaurant and an advertisement is going on

Advertiser: yes!, I really mean it!, It’s exactly what you’re thinking about!, The GOLD will be releasing their new song next week Friday!, They’ll be performing in Chunjae hall before it’ll be released fully for their fans, they’re just too awesome!

Their pictures were shown and my mouth agape, they’re handsome and the girl among them is so beautiful, we don’t even know them apart, I mean we know their names but we don’t know who’s Dino, who’s Garrett among them and who’s Olly, I heard Olly is chairman Alec’s son, his dad is the owner of Silverado

Yes!, We’ve been hearing about them that they’re all over the internet and TV but we’ve got no TV at home and we’ve got no phones

I looked at Tessa and she’s staring at them with a “what’s so special about them” look

“They’re cool!” I remarked

“Cool my foot, they’re bunch of rude and spoilt kids, I hear they all attend Silverado” she said indifferently

“But Tessa, stop being uptight, loosen up a bit, these guys are hot!, Especially the one with dimple” I said sincerely

“You’re crazy” she muttered as another advertisement showed up on the TV, it’s the BBS

“They $uck!, On a scale of one to ten, I can’t give them one” Tessa said and smirked

“But they look pretty” I replied

“We’re here for hotdogs right?, Let’s get it and get outta here” she replied and I pinched her

?? Tessa ??

After today’s work, i branched at Tamara’s house to stay with her a bit

“You really don’t like the GOLD and the BBS? Chunma? (really?)” She asked

“Oh please Tamara, I Don’t wanna talk about them” I replied

“Oy vey, stop being cranky, are you on your period?” She asked

“Wae?(why?)” I asked, staring daggers at her

“I hear girls get cranky when they’re in their time of the month” she said and I threw a can of juice at her

“Silly nodule” I said jokingly and started tickling her

“Oh stop Tessa, hahahaha… Tessa…. hahahaha…stop will you?’

“What’s going on here!!!” Madam Kang shouted, just coming in

“Welcome madam” Tamara greeted

“You, what are you doing at my house?, What are you doing here you little wtch!” She ranted

“To spend some time with my friend” I replied, eyeing her maliciously

“Get out this instant!” She ordered

“You talk as if your house is worth staying in, I’ll be comfortable with staying under a bridge than staying here, Tamara you’re really trying” I said, just to provoke madam Kang

“Boragu?(what!) She exclaimed

“Tessa stop” Tamara nudged but I pushed her hand away

“Do you want to know a valid truth?, your real name is madam kangaroo, Kang is just a disguise” I said and tamara giggled silently, madam Kang made to pounce on me but I ducked, I ran to the other side

“And one more thing, stop being harsh, cruel and callous to my friend,or else, you don’t know what I can do, I’m one crazy girl” I said

“Of course you are, and I’ll end your life today” she replied and grabbed a bottle of soju lying on the floor

“Goodbye Tamara, and if she tries anything when I’m gone, tell me tommorow, I’ll treat her fk up!” I said and ran out before she could get me

Ouch!, That’s a lot Tessa, kudos to myself!

I got home and met father home already

“Aboji (father), kinchana? (are you ok?), You’re home early today” I said fearfully

“Chairman Silverado took this evening off, he sent everyone home so I’m free this evening” he replied and I hugged him

“I love you Daddy!, ….appa, my results are out and I got A’s parallel” I announced and he hugged me

“I knew it, we should celebrate this” he said sadly

“I know why you’re sad, despite the fact that I got a good result, no money for high school right?” I said

“Biane (I’m sorry) my daughter, I’m so useless” he said

“Ani aboji (no father), you’re the best dad in the world, I’ll cook some kimchi Stew” I said and hugged him again before leaving for the kitchen

A week later ?

? Dino ?

At his company

“What’s my next schedule?” I asked Zinn my PA after clearing the company work today

“GOLD audition” he replied and I sighed

“Kacha (let’s go)” I ordered as I entered my car

“You’re late bro” Garett said when I got to the studio

“Office work you know” I replied

I saw Olly sitting on a chair with headphones on

“That cranky fellow” I wishpered and Garett giggled

“I wonder why you two don’t get along” Loretta said, coming from behind us

“Psych©path” I said

“Silly” she answered

We proceeded to our spots for the audition, it’s actually our last… tomorrow we’re dropping it

? Berry ?

BBS mansion ??

“Are you girls not ready yet?” I asked as i waited in the living room

Today is the release of GOLD new song at Chunjae hall

“In a bit!’ Sona yelled

“Whatever!” I shot back

They later came out all dolled up, especially Becca

“Are you going to see the president?, Why the excessive makeup and exposing dress?” I asked, staring at her from head to toe

“It’s none of your business” she shot

“Honestly I’m not going to watch the show again, for the love of noodles, we’re also celebs Becca, we shouldn’t be attending other celebrity shows if we aren’t invited” I said, sitting down

“Me too, Becca I think Berry is saying the truth, I’m outta this, I’m not going, never!” Sona shot and sat down too

“Suit yourselves” Becca replied and walked out

“She’s too stubborn, she says she’ll confess her feelings for Olly today” Sona said after Becca left

“OMG!, I’m sure Olly is gonna humiliate her, I just pity our dumb friend” I said

“I know right?, Becca can be dumb at times, can’t believe she’s doing this cos of Olly” Sona replied and I sighed

You’re surprised Sona is siding with me?, Well I’m surprised too

? Becca ?

I got to the hall and the performance has started already, luckily, two of my guards went with me

? Isn’t that Becca?

? It’s the lead vocal of BBS!

? Wow!, She’s pretty!

? I envy her beauty!

I smiled as I heard comments from people, I took my seat at a comfortable chair for celebs

I watched as they sang, I just adore Olly, it’s as if he’s the only one singing cos all my attention is on him

As he sang his part, my heart melted

Olly: forever finding my love, whatever it will take me, I don’t care if it takes forever, I have everything to offer, when I find you I’ll look up to the sky, and tell the stars I’ve found the one, I’ll tell the Moon I’ve found a sweetheart!, Be my girl, be mine my love, be mine forever….

It’s as if I’m the one he’s singing for cos I got lost in his rythm

I quickly download the song as fans shouted after the performance

They head out of the hall with guards stopping people from trespassing

My two guards led me out

“Olly Oppa!” I called as he’s about to enter his car

He looked back with that usual Frank face

I got close to him and he told his guards to allow me as I stood in front of him

“Yes?” He asked

“You know me right?, Who doesn’t know a celebrity… anyways, Becca?, Leader of BBS” I said.

“So what?” He asked indifferently

“I like you, can we date?” I asked seriously and he squinted before facing me again

“I shouldnt be here listening to gibberish from you, well you’re not my type” he said and got in his car Immediately, he drove off

It’s as if my shoe is glued to the ground cos I find it difficult to move from my spot

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