L.O.V.E More Than Four Letters: Chapter 1-10

?? L .O. V. E??

???(More than four letters_ Silverado high school)???

? Chapter Six ?


? Loretta ?

In her mansion?

“This is crazy” i muttered as I watched the video of how Becca got turned down by Olly

We left the hall before Olly yesterday, that’s why we couldn’t get to witness it… g©sh!, Can’t believe Becca has such nerves!, Does she not know Olly?, Just what was she thinking before saying the things Olly hates most, dates and like are totally out of his world

Garett came in

“You don’t even bother to ring the doorbell before coming in again, what insolence” I joked

“I know your password so there’s no need for that” he replied and sat

“Where’s seven?” I asked

“Who’s seven?” He asked

“Dino of course, you guys are like six and seven apart from the fact that you live together” I replied and winked

“He’s in his company, must be occupied with work” he replied

“I forgot about that” I said

“Weren’t you surprised with the video?, Becca is so dumb, I mean, cranky Olly of all people, she embarrassed herself cos the video is trending like wild fire” he said

“I don’t want to talk about it, so where’s Olly?” I asked

“He called to invite me to play soccer with him but I rejected, I’m not in the mood, but some good news” he replied with a smile

“Tell me” I replied

“We now have More than trillions of followers around the world as a result of the song” he said

“Like seriously?”

“Producer Tyler said it” he replied and I struck hands with him

“I’m so happy, most of the fans comments says “be mine forever” has been our best song so far and you know what?, The fans are fascinated by Olly’s style of singing, he puts too much emotions while singing” I said

“You’ll think he’s one r©mantic guy when you see him singing, not knowing he’s some hard rock” he replied

“I don’t blame him, that’s just his nature, wait, between the three of you, who’s the most r©mantic?” I asked

“That should be Dino” he replied

“None of you had any past or present relationship, wait, are you guys kidding me?” I said and he rolled eyes

“You talk as if you’ve ever had a boyfriend too” he said

“Well I had one when I was ten but i broke up with him cos he borrowed his pen to another girl” I replied sincerely and he started laughing

“What’s funny?” I asked in bewilderment

“Everything Loretta, everything!, That’s so childish” he replied and I hit him playfully

His phone beeped on the table and he checked

“Just a notification” he replied and wanted to drop it but I snatched it from him…he used Berry, one of the BBS as his wallpaper

“OMG!, Are you perhaps in love with Berry?” I asked

“No!” He snapped

“Tell me the truth, then why did you use her picture as your wallpaper?” I asked

“I just like her pose” he replied

“Hmm!, Her pose!” I mimicked and he tried to take the phone but I held it up, unluckily, he’s taller so he grabbed it

“My son is gradually growing feelings” I said and scattered his hair

“Who’s your son?” He asked jokingly

“For the fact that I’m the only girl, that automatically makes me the mother of you three” I replied and we both laughed

? Becca ?

BBS mansion ??

“I told you this won’t end well but see what happened?, You never listened” Berry complained as I sat on my bed

“I told you too, but see?, Look at what you made cranky Olly do to you, the video is just everywhere” Sona said

“Girls, I’d appreciate if you two will leave me alone, I need time to think, and don’t think I’m giving up, in fact I like the way the video is trending” I said though that was a lie

“Don’t tell me you don’t hate Olly for this?” Berry asked

“Of course not, he told me I’m not his type, then I just have to adjust to his type” I replied with smiles

“She’s crazy” Sona said, facing Berry as they both left my room

I won’t give up!

? Olly ?

Silverado high school ?

How can Becca have the guts to confess to my face?, That too after our performance?, G©sh!, Well I told her the right thing, she should know the stuff I’m made of by now

We got out of our cars at the school parking lot and students shouted as we entered the school

? Olly is cute as ever!

? Loretta you sang so well in the new song!

? Oppa Olly’s voice is the best!

? Isn’t Dino so handsome?, He sings like an angel and his dimple when he smiles is a killer!

? Garrett is so charming and lovely

Those are the comments like you know

Loretta waved as usual and surprisingly, Garett waved too as we entered our private classroom and met yet another surprise

Jung Nora is sitting regally on my seat, beaming with annoying smiles

“Wonders” Loretta pouted as she took her seat

Dino did as if he saw nothing and took his seat

Garett sighed before sitting down

“Hey Olly” Nora waved

“Chukole?(do you want to die?)” I said sternly as I walked up to her

She stood up

“Well, since we shot your last movie together, I was thinking maybe we could go for lunch together later today” she said cheerfully but I just hate this whole scenario and it’s driving me crazy, it’s just too early for this!

“I don’t eat with anyone” I replied icily and it’s the truth, since dad divorced mum last year, I’ve never eaten with anyone, well except Nicky

“What Kind of a guy refuses a lunch invite from a beauty like me” she said, tucking her hair beside her ear

“That kind of guy is me so get out” I replied and pushed her slightly outta the way before taking my seat

“Olly really?”

“What else did you forget to say?” I asked, concentrating on my laptop

“This is not over yet!” She said before storming out

Dino Started singing

Dino: “Olly and Nora sitting on a tree, kssing…

“Shut your trap!” I spat , standing up angrily

“It’s too early to shout at each other guys, please calm down Olly” Loretta said

“I sense today won’t be a good day, I’m off!” I replied before storming out of the class

I don’t care if I miss class, it’s not my first time anyways

Why will Dino always try to step on my nerves

? Tessa ?

“Juice!, Juicy Juice is here!” I and Tamara shouted by the roadside, displaying our wares, running up and down

Then I saw a man demanding for juice from a car at the other side of the road

“I’ll go give him” I said and wanted to cross, I was too occupied with the thought of selling juice that I didn’t look at the road sign before crossing

“Watch out Tessa!” Tamara yelled as I was almost hit by a car, luckily, only the juice got spilled

“Chesomomida (I’m so sorry)” I mumbled as I bowed in front of the car, it’s a brand new limousine with tinted windows, must be a very rich person… hope I’m not in trouble

Two men that looks like guards came out from the back seat

“Madam calls for you” one of them said and I became scared

“Hope.. hope.. nothing is gonna happen?” I asked in a shaky voice

“Where are you taking my friend to?” Tamara asked as I was taken into the car, she followed

I came face to face with a beautiful woman who looks super rich

“Let the second girl in too” she ordered and Tamara came in, I’m shaking vehemently

“Why didn’t you look at the sign before crossing?” She asked

“Biane ahjuma (I’m sorry madam), I was too eager to sell” I replied, swallowing a pile of spit out of fear

She looked at Tamara and I can almost hear the beating of Tamara’s heart..she’s scared

“Why aren’t you girls in school?” She asked

“Financial constraints” Tamara replied and I nodded

“What class are you two supposed to be?” She asked

“We actually just got our results into high school and they are the best” I replied

“How pathetic, well….

One of her guards gave her a card and she handed it to me

I took it

“That’s my complimentary card, it has my home address too, just come to my house on Saturday with your results, I’ll see what I can do” she said

“OMG thanks madam, we’re really grateful” I said and bowed

“Kamsamida ahjuma(thanks madam)” Tamara said as we got down from her car and she drove off

“I was so scared” Tamara said, holding unto her chest

“I know, I can almost hear the sound of your heart” I replied and she hit me playfully

“Do you think she’ll help? I asked

“She looks super rich, she should” Tamara replied as I checked the card and saw the name

“Yvonne Silverado!” I shouted and she checked too

“Really!!!” We both chorused

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