L.O.V.E More Than Four Letters: Chapter 1-10

?? L.O.V.E ??

???(more than four letters_ Silverado high school)???

? Chapter eight ?


?? Berry ??

“Berry you know what you did to the girl is not right, like seriously you just made me angry” I said as I got to fantasy closets

“Oh mother theresa, I knew it, you were busy showing pity to the two lowlifes right?” Becca asked

“You make me laugh, Becca stop behaving like this!” I said angrily

“Girls, we’re here to shop, not fight” Sona said

Becca looked at me and walked in, Sona followed and I sighed before entering

? Dino ?

At the GOLD private clubhouse

“I’ve never seen him like this” I said to Garett as Olly gulped down the tenth cup of tequila

“Something must be bothering him” Garrett replied

“Nothing can be bothering him except his family problem, he must be thinking about her dad and mum” Loretta replied

“I know right?, He smiled today and then right now he’s so drunk” I said

“Another bottle” ollyy said drunkenly

“Not again” Loretta replied

He tried to stand but he’s about to fall when I and Garrett caught him quickly

“He must be thinking a lot, that explains his frankness” Garrett said

We jointly carried him to my car

“What’s wrong with young master?” Aaron asked

“He’s drunk, please bring his car home, I’ll take him home in my car” I said

“Take care of him” Loretta and Garett said

“Sure” I replied as I hopped into the car

“Drive” I ordered my driver


I took him to his room and placed him on the bed Immediately I got to his house

“Alec you’re a ba$tard….aboji, napunum (father you’re a jerk)” he muttered in his sleep

I sighed before covering him with the duvet…I picked his phone and called his mum

? Olly ?

I woke up to find myself in my room, my guys must have done this…i got off bed and entered the bathroom to brush my teeth, I went downstairs after that

“Master Dino just left” one of my maids said

“Oh, that jerk brought me” I mumbled as my head hurt lightly

I held it and squeezed my face as the door pushed open and mum entered

“Omma!” I exclaimed

“You crybaby, why would you drink” she said and hugged me

“Mum, I was..I was sad” I replied and tightened the hug…I love her so much, as much as I love Nicky

“Sad about what?, About I and your dad?, I told you times without number that I’m fine with the divorce” she replied but I know she’s lying, Nicky tells me she’s always brooding

“I don’t believe that, if you’re ok with it then you won’t be thinking always” I replied as we disengaged

She cupped my face

“Olly, my Oliver, please don’t get drunk cos of me again, promise me” she said

“I can’t” I replied

“You can, Please” she said

“Ok fine, but you know I have to get ready for school” I replied

“I need to…

“I’ll come and visit you in the evening and listen to you, but now I have to go to school” I interrupted

“Alright, I need to go to work too” she replied and held my hand

“Have a great day at school” she said

“You too,. At work” I replied and she left

I got ready for school and ate my meal of garnished noodles

? Tamara ?

“We look great!” I exclaimed as we trekked to school

“I know right?, But I have an intuition that today will not be good” Tessa replied

“Please Tessa, let’s just do as if we never existed in the school, we should be quite, they must not find out that we’re commoners” I pleaded

“I’ll try” she replied and I smiled

The two hundred thousand won Berry gave to us yesterday, we gave madam Kang her five thousand and shared the remaining

“We should board a cab, we don’t want to be late on our first say at school” she said and I nodded as we flagged down a cab what took us to school…


“Whoa!” I exclaimed as we got down from the cab in front of the school

The students are Porsche!, They come with their drivers in their own car and the car doors were opened for them by their drivers for them to step out

“Let’s go in” Tessa nudged as we both stepped into the school… total paradise!

It’s beautiful!, Can’t believe I’ll get to come here!

“We should search for the principal’s office” Tessa said

Just then, three cars pulled up at the parking lot and the BBS came out

They drove different cars from the one we saw yesterday, they must be super rich, well, every student here is rich anyways

? The BBS are here

? Isn’t Berry so cute?

? I love Becca’s berei!

? Sona’s new hairstyle is cute!

They received comments as they walked into the school, we quickly hid our faces so they won’t see us, Berry is the last in line

“Berry” Tessa called quietly and she looked back, she looks surprised

“Surprise” she exclaimed and came to us

“Follow me discreetly” she wishpered and we obeyed

We trailed behind her to the swimming hall

She faced us

“What are you two doing here?” She asked

“We got a scholarship to study here” Tessa replied

“From?” Berry asked

“Chairwoman, Mrs Yvonne” I replied

“Oh…but do you think it’s right coming here?, What if the students find out you’re commoners?, They’ll show you both hell” she said

“We know, that’s why we’re gonna attend this school like we don’t attend, we’re going to pretend like we don’t exist” I replied

“You can’t keep it forever, they’ll find out no matter what, students here are nosy more than you think” she said

“Thanks for your concern Berry, we’ll be careful.. and thanks for Yesterday” Tessa said

“It’s nothing, what are your names?” She asked

“I’m Tamara” I replied

“Tessa” Tessa replied

“Are you in the senior class?” She asked

“No, junior class” I replied

“Oh, I’m in the senior class, I’m your sunbae(senior)” she said

“Berry sunbae” Tessa said and she smiled

“The principal’s office is beside the administrative block, it’s written boldly in front of it so it’s easy to recognize… have a nice first day” she said and left

“She’s too nice” Tessa said

“She’s different from Becca and Sona… and I heard all of them are in the senior class, including the GOLD, they’re our seniors” I replied

“Whatever” she replied as we head to the principal’s office together

I see she’s trying hard not to talk and I like it, she might just spoil everything if she does

We got to the principal’s office..

“Tessa Romero and Tamara Yung?” He asked

“Yes sir” we both chorused

He gave us the necessary books and journals including our name tag that’ll be attached to our uniform

“Now a piece of advice for you girls, you should lay low, as commoners , learn to act like you don’t exist” he said

“Mr Principal, commoners are humans too” Tessa said, I know she’s trying hard to keep in her anger….these people are talking like commoners aren’t humans

“I know they’re humans but they’re not welcome here, you both are just lucky to meet Mrs Yvonne” Principal replied

We left his office and head to our class, a teacher is teaching already

“Tamara and Tessa?” She asked

“Yes ma’am” we both replied

“welcome to the school, they’re your new classmates” she said to the students who kept staring at us, thank God commoners are not written on our heads

“We both bowed to the class before finding seats for ourselves, we sat beside each other…

The first four classes went well and I’m glad, we understand every bit of it…this is really one of the best cos the teaching tactics are understandable

Now towards the end of the day, we have only the science practical left, done at the laboratory

I got my manual

“Ka (go)” Tessa said

“Aren’t you going to the laboratory?” I asked

“I need to use the restroom first, just go and reserve a seat for me” she replied

“Ok Bess, don’t be late and keep your cool” I said and winked before leaving

? Tessa ?

I got my manual after Tamara left, I rushed out of the class to the restroom to urinate… while urinating, I heard students shouting…what could be the problem?

Well I have a practical class to attend..I cleaned up and rushed out of the restroom not minding the shouts from the students…my manual mistakenly fell and I have to go back and pick it up, I didn’t look up before standing up to go, then I bumped into someone and my manual fell again, I came face to face with him, Olly! His face as frank as ever, emotionless and hateful, he’s handsome, i wont deny that cos it’s the first time I’m seeing him upclose and the remaining Gold members are beside him

“How dare you bump into me?” Olly asked with that burning look

“Chesomomida (I’m sorry)” I replied and bent down to pick my manual but he marched it

I looked up to him

“Olly” the girl among them called

“Loretta don’t try to stop me cos it won’t work, She should pay for bumping into me, no one bumps into me” he said and faced me again

“I said sorry already and you marched my manual, what else do you want?” I asked , trying to keep in my anger as I folded my fist discreetly…many students has gathered around and watching us now

“Sweep the GOLD classroom for a month” he said

I rolled eyes at him and started walking away as I heard comments from the students

? She must be new here!

? Yes she’s a new student in our class!

? How dare she talk to our Oppa like that?

? She should be taught some lessons!

“Stop!” Olly suddenly ordered, I did and turned back

“Dino I need that keg of juice” he said and Dino gave him a keg of juice

He came closer and emptied the content of the bottle all on my head

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