L.O.V.E More Than Four Letters: Chapter 1-10

?? L.O.V.E ??

???(More than four letters_ Silverado high school)???

? Chapter nine ?


? Tessa ?

“Punch him!, Slap him!, Flip him!, Give him a spin back kick!” My subconscious said as I stood gummed to my tracks, dripping wet with the juice all over my uniform

“Ani (no), he’s the son of my helper, I can’t do any of these” I thought

Though it’s so hard but I restrained myself

I looked up at him and met his frank face again

“What more do you want to do?” I asked

He looked at me like a fly before finally speaking

“Sweep the GOLD classroom for a month, that’s your punishment, if you still want to attend this school” he said and left with the others

I stared at my juicy uniform ?, I almost cried but no!, I won’t!, I’m a strong girl, this little thing won’t make me cry

Almost immediately, someone pulled my hair from behind

“Oh, look at miss juice, I guess you had a juice bath” Becca said, still holding my hair with Sona behind her, chewing gum like a kid, Berry is not with them

“Let me go” I said as I struggled under her grip

“Make me” she said and tightened her grip on my hair

I winced in pain

Tessa just destroy the face of this whore!

Tessa just punch her face!

These are the crazy ideas that came to my mind but Ani!, I’m not going to do them, I remember we were told to exist like we don’t exist, I just have to bear this but I pray I don’t run out of patience

“The next time you try that with our prince, it won’t be juice, it’ll be acid” Becca said, releasing her grip on my hair

“Bo! (What!) I exclaimed

“And while sweeping the GOLD classroom, make it sparkle” Sona said and they left

There are many lunatics here than I thought

Someone suddenly pulled me

“Idi©t!’ Tamara spat as we got to the washroom

“What are you doing!” I asked as she stared at my wet uniform

“I am supposed to be the one asking that question, what were you doing Tessa?, What did you do to Olly dat made him wet you with juice?” She asked

“I mistakenly bumped into him while trying to pick my fallen manual, I said sorry but he marched my manual, I tried to walk away but he stopped me and did this, then he said my punishment is to sweep and clean the GOLD classroom for a month” I replied

“G©sh!, This is crazy, Berry is right, I don’t think it’ll take long before they’ll find out we’re commoners” she replied

“Becca pulled my hair, I don’t think she still recognizes me”

“She pulled your hair?, Is she still alive?” She asked and I smiled

“Silly noodle” I muttered

She handed over my sports wear to me

“I got this from your locker when I heard about it, change into it, you can’t go around the school smelling like juice” she said and I hugged her

“Thanks Tamara”

? Berry ?

I searched the junior class after hearing what happened but I couldn’t find Tamara and Tessa

How could Olly be so….rude!

I walked back to class and met Becca and Sona already

“Where did you guys go?” I asked

“To show that junior class girl some lessons” Sona replied..

“So upon all what Olly did to her, you still have the nerves to do more?, Are you guys even human?” I asked unbelievably

“That’s your own cup of coffee, well doesn’t that girl look familiar?” Sona asked and my heart almost skipped a beat

“I know right?, I have a hunch that I’ve seen her somewhere before” Becca replied and I sighed

“I don’t think so” I replied

“I’ll be back” Becca said and left .

I just hope Tessa is ok

?? Olly ??

GOLD classroom

“Olly that was cruel” Loretta said immediately we got to class

“I have nothing to say cos I know no matter what we say, he’s still gonna be the same” Dino said as he put on his headphones

“Me too” Garrett said and put on his earpiece


“No Loretta, mind your business” I interrupted

She sighed before taking her seat

The door pushed open and Becca entered

“And what are you doing here?” Dino asked.

He dislikes her just like the rest of us but his hatred for her is one ml more

“Olly can we talk?” She asked but I just concentrated on my laptop

“Get out” Loretta said

“You can’t give me the order” she replied and eyed Loretta maliciously

“Then if I give you the order, you’ll go right?, So get out!” I ordered

“But I love you Olly, I see you in my dreams, my naps are occupied by you, I daydream about you and…

“Oh stop!” I shot as Garett giggled


“I hate cheap girls the most, right now you’re acting cheap” I said, still not looking at her

“Napunum (j.erk)” she said before going out, her shoes sound threatening to bring down the school

That junior student must pay” I said as I sifted through her profile on my laptop

Her name is Tessa Romero, a scholarship student, maybe she’s got something in that dry brain

But I’ll show her hell for trying to defy me and I’m strangely curious about her

? Julia Choi (Becca’s mum) ?

“Good morning Mr Alec Silverado” I hollered as I entered his office this morning to seal a contract with one of his companies

“Julia, urimanio (it’s been a while), you always send your workers” he said as I took my seat

“Well I decided to come today since it’s the day we’re sealing it” I replied and he smiled

He made a call and in a jiffy, the documents were brought, we signed in the appropriate places before shaking hands

“Thanks for the collaboration” I said

“It’s ok, I hope to see you often” he said and took his seat



“In that case, you have my number, you just put a call through to me anytime” I said before heading out

“Mrs Julia” he called as I turned the doorknob

I looked back

“Yepoji (you’re beautiful)” he said with a big smile

“Kumapta (thanks)”

? Garrett ?

“Here” I said as I handed my credit card to the cashier at the mall where I just finished shopping

? It’s Garett!

? Oppa looks great!

? He’s so handsome!

People started commenting

It’s a big deal to be popular, I mean you can’t even go anywhere unnoticed

She returned my credit card and I entered the elevator, as the door is about to close, someone entered, Berry!

She looked shocked too, she obviously came to shop like me

It’s hard to start a conversation like this… what should I do?

Minutes before we’ll get to the ground floor, the elevator stopped and lights went off, including the AC in the elevator

“What’s happening?” I asked no one in particular

“What’s going on?” She said

“I think it’s some malfunctioning” I replied

“Oh” she replied and started fanning herself with her hand

I feel too much heat too cos this place is heating up, it’s three minutes already

I tried to call the manager but no service

I’m sweating profusely and so is she

I yanked off my hoodie, remaining my underwear, she quickly looked away

She’s wearing a armless blouse so she’s still better

“I’m sorry but I’m feeling too much heat” I said

“Ara(I know)” she replied

“So, you’re Berry?” I asked awkwardly though I know her name

“Sure” she replied and Immediately, the elevator resumed work and the AC came on again, her phone beeped and she took it out

That’s when I saw my picture as her wallpaper

‘”that’s my…

“Goodbye” she interrupted and left when the door opened

G©sh!, I exclaimed as I ruffled my hair

? Tessa ?

“Should we go clean it together?” Tamara asked as we got to school today,we actually came early to school cos of the darn GOLD classroom

“No, it’s my punishment and I’ll take it, just go to class and read till the students will start coming” I replied and hugged her

“Thanks Bess” I said as we disengaged

I rushed all the way to GOLD classroom, I got a sweeper at the environmental office on my way

I wasn’t expecting to see anyone there this early cos students are not in school yet but I saw the dev1l, Olly!

He concentrated on his laptop and did as if he didn’t see me
I started sweeping, hoping to be done quickly but when I turned back after I’m done, I found a whole lot of papers lying on the floor that I’ve swept, I know immediately that he did it

“What’s this?” I asked, trying hard to restrain myself

“Sweep” he ordered


I walked closer to him and gave him a hot $lap, I punched him in the face before punching his stomach, I flipped him across my arm and gave him a kick

By now, he’s bleeding from the nose, mouth and he has a wound on his left cheek and nose

“Say one more word and I’ll kill you, burn you and flush your ashes in the toilet!!!” I screamed

End of imagination ?

“I told you to sweep!” He yelled and I jerked up from my imagination as I walked grudgingly to start sweeping again

Just consider yourself lucky Olly, I’m only keeping my cool cos it was your mum Who helped me…but I wonder when I’ll run out of patience

You’re already dead in my imagination!!!

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