Oluwatosin F.

Chapter 19

“Ghost, Dragon…
She kept blabbing as she hugged him to herself tight.

“Lisa,,can you please come down”
Reece said tiredly.

“no,,ghost…I saw the dragon”
She shouted and hugged him, even more tight.

Reece exhaled and began walking in with holding her..
She only held him to herself to avoid her fall.

He entered with living room with her.
“So,you were watching horror movies when you can withstand the fears”
Reece scoffed and switched off the TV.

She came down from his body.
She bowed slightly.

Reece gazed at her not believing what she did earlier.

He crooked a laugh and began walking sluggishly to his room.

“Hey,I cooked”
Lisa blurted making him stop on his track.

He turned back.

“I cooked for you, won’t you eat”
She asked looking at him..

He held the Golden bars..
“what if I say I won’t?”
Reece scoffed.

“Fine,,then I’ll dispose it”
She rolled her eyes secretly and wanted to walk into the kitchen.

“hey wait,I Will”
Reece chuckled and left for his room

Lisa beamed.

“now,,let’s rate the nutritionist”
She boasted,, beaming with Smiles.


Trinity was still awake watching her kdramas as usual.

She had messaged Lisa earlier and saw her reply..

She intentionally didn’t reply her back.
.she stuff her mouth with the popcorn that was lying on her laps.

“Awnn,,I feel the kss”.
She blushed referring to the movie she’s watching.

Her phone buzzed..
It was a message from Shayne..

??Can you please just pick my calls.
Trinity chuckled.

“I’m not going back to leftovers,, Shayne,,I seek for you no more”
She muttered.

She couldn’t stop thinking how he had cheated on her..

His lies and tricks to get her on his bed..

“If not because Lisa,,I would have been swashed”
She said to herself like she’s talking to another soul.

“thanks Lisa”
She smiled and shove the crucial thoughts away..

“And that Rex of a ba$tard,,he enjoys teasing me”
She rolled her eyes and stiff her mouth with more popcorns, even her face is full of popcorn’s sugar.

She shove the popcorn box to another side and laid on the uncomfortable couch.

“I need to furnish this house”
She muttered as she balanced her head on the couch’s hand.

She was still watching the movie when sleep took over.


*Gianna’s Apartment?

Gianna wouldn’t stop thinking about Sam..

He actually avoided her most of their times in the office today.

She adjusted her pygamas shorts,,
She got her phone From the couch and decided to drop him a message.

?, Why’re you avoiding me,Sam?
She texted but cleared it…

“I just can’t”
She inhaled loudly and exhaled deeply.

She slumped on the couch and though of the perfect way to tell him about the fake dating again…

No courage,it’s like he’s her weakness..

She coughed and held her chest and the pain from the cough gripped her hard.

She got an handkerchief from the couch next to her and wiped her mouth..

The next thing she saw was bIood.
She widened her eyes..

She wiped it with her hands and it’s really true..

She was bIeeding from the mouth.
She stuttered still gazing at her hand stained with bIood.

She bent her head down in sadness..
She sniffed.

Her tears betrayed her..
They came out Rolling freely on her face….

Not now…
She muttered as heavy tears flooded her face.


NEXT Day**

Lisa descended from the stairs still in her pygamas.

Little Ella said as she saw her..

She was on the dinning with Reece who was busy pressing the phone and the maids serving their breakfast.

“My baby”
Lisa Smiled and pecked her forehead as she got to the dinning room.

“Good morning Mum”
Ella grinned..

“Morning Baby,how was your night?”
Lisa asked and smoothened her hair

“fine Mom”.
Ella replied.

Lisa glanced at Reece and felt embarrassed,..

She remembered how she displayed craziness yesterday and bit her lips in embarrassment.

“Good morning”
She greeted and took her sit

Reece glanced at her…
” Good morning”.
He replied casually.

“Mummy, why didn’t you kss dad’s forehead like you did to me?”
Ella asked,
Lisa widened her eyes.

Reece and Lisa chorused.

“Yes,,kss dad’s forehead”
Ella demanded.

Lisa gulped down nothing and stood up…

She moved to Reece and kssed his forehead.

He rolled his eyes.
She cringed.

“Hmmm,, good”
Lisa clapped with her tiny hands.

“C’mon, darling,you don’t want to be late for school,,start eating”
Reece said and served her some Veggies.

Lisa also took her fork and started eating the sumptuous kimchi fried rice.


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