MADE TO LOVE: Chapter 1 – The End

Made to Love

Chapter 3


I walked into the compound as I closed the door hard. I dropped my bag on the table as I found my way upstairs.

Oh Lord!
I’m so tired!

Davis stressed the hell outta my life today. Stupid b@stard!
I pull off my clothes and shoes as I landed my self on the bed.

I can’t even go in for an ordinary shower.
I laid asleep fast…


I thought I was dreaming when I heard someone calling my name not until I heard the door to my room opened up

It was Tracy.
What does she want!

“Sleep like a log of wood and behave like a dumb idi0t”
She slapped me on my butt so hard

I screamed out intensively

“You wanna complain?”
Oh goodness!

“Why did you barge into my room? Have some manners sister”

I shouted at her not with the fact that she barged into my room but because she disrupted my sweet slumber

“The bastard!”
She eyed me as I raised my eyebrows.
How does she knows my boss’s nickname?

“What’s with the bastard?”
I asked still eying her

“10 missed calls.. You missed the calls ten times Anna”
I stood up immediately as I widened my eyes

I stammered not finding my voice

“Who’s that?”
She asked sitting comfortably on my bed

“My boss!!!”
I screamed out

“Then you’re screwed!!”
She laughed out so hard

“This is why you’re so stupid! Laughing when it’s not funny!”
I eyed her as I thought of what to do

“Face your business and leave me all alone!”
She stood up but stopped

By this time I was already dialing his number back
Different thoughts ran through my mind

Did I do something wrong ?
Did I input a wrong information?
Did I…

His voice creaked in fast breaking into my thoughts

“I..I..missed your calls sir”
I tried to use the right voice

“Did your phone go on a vacation?”
He asked sarcastically

“I was sleeping”
I tried explaining

He laughed long hard as I felt confused

“While I’m here searching for different documents!!”
He harshly shouted

“What! Documents?’
I asked in shock

” I’m expecting you in the office now!!”
He sternly said

“Office? But…”
I looked at my time..

“You don’t wanna come?”
He asked as his voice suddenly change
I know that voice

“I’m on my way Sir”
I hang up immediately

I fell on the bed as Tracy already left
I stood up, dashed into the bathroom for another quick shower.

Wore a shorts, crop top and a small jacket.
Picked my phone and bag and I hurried downstairs

“Tracy, tell mum I’ll be back very soon”
I never waited for her reply because it won’t be useful so I dashed out of the compound to catch a cab.

I walked into my office as I entered his own.
I was expecting to find his office scattered but it was neat than ever


“I’m here Sir”
I tried calling him to notice my arrival

“I’m not blind”
I eyed him secretly

“But the documents..”
He stood up as he dropped a black box in front of me

“Search them, search for the yearly overview for 3 years ago”
He said as I stared in shock

“Yearly ?”
I tried protesting

“You can’t do it?”

“I can. I will”
I said but I wanted to tell him it wasn’t kept here
But he won’t listen

I checked the time

Oh jeez!
The box is damn big!
When will I search this finish

I yawned as I checked the time out

Mr Davis already walked out since leaving me to my fate.
I couldn’t find any yearly overviews not to talk of one

What sort of shit is this?
Oh goodness

With the air conditioner on, I was still sweating like a Christmas goat about to be killed
I was about to picked the other set of files when the door opened

“Sorry… I found it already”
He smiled mischievously

“Can I leave?”
I asked in anger

I picked my bag as I walked out of the office
Can you imagine?
He intentionally let me go through stress..

I walked as it was morning already
Where do I find a cab?
How do I reach home?

His car suddenly stopped by my side

“Hop in. I’ll give you a ride”
I was tempted to enter but no!

“No, thanks”
I kept walking as he followed me slowly

“Beware of kidnappers and r@pists”
He said almost driving off but I stopped him

“Wait, I’ll enter”
I was scared of r@pists…

I opened the car as he drove off!!

She entered as she drove off.
I thought she was proving stubborn earlier
I smiled to myself

I know the way to her House as It wasn’t the first time going there

I got to the entrance of the black gate as I stopped!

“Thank you for the troubles”
She eyed me as he wanted to open the door but I grabbed her hand

I stared at her as she turned back in surprise
I asked her as I looked at her

“Of course”
She nodded her head twice

“What will you call this?”
I asked as I landed my lips on hers

I k!ssed Anna?
She struggled for a bit but finally gave in as I sucked her lips hard

My hands found their ways towards her jacket as I unbuttoned it.
I pulled her closer still in a passionate k!ss

I touched her bvtts as they felt hard!

Then all the way to her b00bs..
Wish I could have a taste of them
Svck them like my life depended on it..

I pulled her crop top up as I……

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