MARRIED TO A PSYCOPATH: Episode 21 to 30

Married to a Psycopath

Episode 30

Shavia’s pov

To say I was shocked was an understatement. This is beyond my imagination. How can I have a twin brother, but from another parent. I can’t believe this is happening.

“But how is it possible? ” my mom asked. Yeah we already called everyone here.

“20 years ago when the moon queen was in labour, there was war at the kingdom. So after mother moon gave birth to twins, which had been told in the prophecy that they ll destroy Asura the king of h’ll, not knowing that they are people working for Asura in the palace, gave him the information and he waged war against the moon kingdom without them knowing.

He killed a lot of people both young and old in search of the twins.

Mother moon knowing what is going on, was sad but determined not to let anything happen to her children.

The king moon fled his wife and children to an unknown place and waited for what to do.

So it’s was not to long Shavia’s mom passed looking devastated after having a miscarriage.

So the moon queen took pity on her read her mind if she’s evil after finding none gave the baby to her spiritually.

She didn’t know so she went home looking sad but she felt something changes in her body and she lost consciousness.

Your husband called the doctor and found out you were pregnant.

You thought the doctor was playing prank on you by telling you had a miscarriage but you forget about him and you were delighted that you are still pregnant.

After the king and moon queen see that you are happy with their child, they were happy too.

After long Crystal’s mother had an accident and when the king and queen felt Asura was coming, they quickly rushed to her, put the baby in her womb and healed her.

Put her on the road like nothing ever happens.

After Crystal’s mom went, the king told his wife to go up into the sky and hide there, so she could look after her children.

She didn’t want to leave her husband because she knew that her husband want to sacrifice himself.

“She, being the queen didn’t want to leave her beloved husband, so she didn’t listen, still bleeding and weak, she stood with her husband.

But her husband didn’t want his wife to die because if she did who was going to look after their children. So he used his powers and flung her to the sky.

He could hear her yelled but with teary eyes he kept her there and was ready for asura to come face him.

The moon queen in the sky wept as she watched her husband being ripped from shreds to shreds by Asura’s blade.

She vowed to protect her children. So after they had grown, they would bring her back to earth and they would avenge their father’s death.

So after Shavia was born, people wanted to kill her because she had the kind of her mother’s powers and if she freed her health she would be able to hear the queen moon voice.

As you can see its possible.” Crystal’s father wtch explained.

I didn’t even notice the tears in my cheeks. Until mom cleans them for me. I looked over at crystal he was also in tears but he was fast to clean it.

He stood up and I stood up too.

“Where are you going? ” I asked knowing fully well the anger in him is radiating to 100% and if you are not careful your head might be the one on the floor and not Asura.

“I need to send message to Asura he should know his destiny are still alive. ” He spoke with venom in them.

“Wait a minute, we can’t do anything in haste we need to be fully prepared. ” Alex spoke up for the first time.

“I’m fully prepared! ” Crystal snapped and walked away.

I know how he feels. I feel the same way too.

“We need all the mothers and children to be safe we’ll take care of the rest. ” I said and also walked out following the same direction Crystal took. w

We need to talk. I traced his scent and meet him beside the lake staring at the moon as its glows.

“Hey.” I said before dropping beside him and he gave me a little smile.


“Do you think.. mom can hear us now? ” he asked still looking up and I did too..



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