“Yes she is, I’m just keeping a space for her on the queue, she went to use the bathroom and she’s been gone for ages, you know how these women can be” he said laughing, “my wife is probably worse” the man replied with a giggle, “so what’s up in Enugu? Do you have family there?” the man questioned further, “not at all” Jeff replied,“my wife is going on an official trip with one of her bosses who I’m pretty sure is a womaniser”.
“Really? Why do you say so?” the man asked curiously, “she’s a marketer and the men in the field are usually very randy, I can almost bet my life he set up this trip to sleep with my wife” Jeff replied, “that might not be totally true” the man began, “I know many men in marketing and they don’t sleep around”, “that’s what you think” Jeff said turning up his nose, “let me confess to you” he began “the only reason I agreed to drop my wife off at the airport is so that I can see the face of the idiot boss she’s traveling with and I’ll know who to run over with my car, if I hear anything” he added, “calm down man” he said patting Jeff on the back, “I don’t envy your wife’s boss now” he began “if he could hear how angry you are right now, I’m sure he’d stay clear off your wife; any straight-thinking man would do that” he continued, “If I were him, I’d go the extra mile to even fire your wife just to prove my innocence” he said giggling again, “You can’t be serious” Jeff replied, “if he dares try to fire her, I’ll get his womanising ass fired too”,
“Okay okay” the man raised his hands in surrender, “I think it’s best we talk about something else.

“Talk of the devil!” Jeff suddenly exclaimed interrupting their conversation, “my wife is finally out of the washroom” he said pointing at Lara who was few steps away from them.


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