By Terri Savage



Summer hugged Henry immediately she got there.

She texted him to meet her here.

“Babe” He said.

“Armor” She replied, burying her head in his chest.

“Armor?” He said.

“My pet name for you” She replied.

“Cupcake” He called and she smiled.

“I love it” She said and raised her head up.

“You were wonderful, can’t believe I was watching live WrestleMania” She said and Henry chuckled.

“Roman Reigns will always be proud of me” He said, demonstrating his muscles.

“Hilliary is ¢razy, the video is already trending”.


“Hashtag The vice president’s wife lover” She said.

” The students are really ¢razy” He giggled.

” I can’t wait for our relationship to be public” She said.

” Doing that soon, what happened?”.

” I took care of everything, she was ordering the principal to expelled you but believe in cupcake, I took care of it” She said and he kssed her nose, then her cheeks before kssing her lips.

“I love you madly” He said.

“I can die for you” She smiled and he hugged her again.



Students kept entering the hall, earlier it was announced that all the students should go there.

Now the hall is almost filled up.

Henry and Hilliary walked in first before Hailey, Blake and Summer walked in too.

Lex and Tiffany came shortly after.

Everybody started taking their seat.

“What could this be for?” Henry asked.

” I don’t know” Summer replied.

“Let’s wait for the principal” Hailey said.

“That’s my baby” Blake winked.

“Stop flirting” Hailey h!t him.

“What is up between you guys and Tiffany” Blake asked.

“What is up between you guys and Lex” Hailey asked back.

Summer and Lex eyes met and she could see him staring at her, he had sadness in his eyes but she didn’t look long at him, see took away her eyes.

Immediately Mrs Barrett entered and everyone stood to acknowledge her presence.

She walked to the stage and faced everyone.

“You all may sit” She said and everyone sat down.

“Good morning great students, I’m so happy today, I know you all are happy, the quiz competition was won by our students” She said.

Loud ear-splitting screams filled the hall immediately.

“We won the award for the first time, I want all the students that participated to come forward” She said.

Henry, Summer, Hilliary, Tiffany, Lex, Dorathy, Hailey and Blake stood.

They all went to the stage.

Mrs Barrett started exchanging hand shakes with them till the last person.

“I have never been this happy the way I’m today, I’m proud of you all”.

James and mercy quickly stood up with the trophy and started going to the stage.

Another louder scream erupted, clapping of hands.

James handed the trophy to her and she presented it to everyone.


Clapping of hands continued.

“For this, I’m going to throw a party for the students to celebrate in the school at 7pm” Mrs Barrett said.

?Wow!! we love you ma’am

? You’re the best

?I love parties

Henry and Hilliary suddenly carried Mrs Barrett and everyone started laughing.

“We love you Mrs Barrett” They shouted into the microphone.

Mrs Barrett h!t their foreheads after they drop her.

She started leaving with the teachers.

“What are you wearing?” Hilliary asked Dorathy.

“I don’t know” She replied.

“I will get you a dress” Hilliary said.

“Thank you, I love you”.

“We are here, stop oppressing us” Blake groaned.

He saw Lex leaving and he ran after him.

Hailey too ran after Tiffany.


Blake grabbed Lex by his wrist before he could stop.

“Lex, what is wrong with you? are you avoiding me too” Blake asked.

“She rejected me, do you know how much that hurts” Lex yelled.

” Is that why you are avoiding us?” He asked.

” I’m avoiding Henry and since you’re close to him, I decided to avoid you all” Lex said.

” How does that even make sense to you, Henry is not even dating her..”

” But she is close to him, she talks freely with him, if you want us to be close again then stop hanging out with Henry and Hilliary”.

” Lex”.

” We were best friends before they came into this school, so chose” Lex said.

Blake looked at him dumbfoundedly, this wasn’t the Lex he knew, this isn’t his best friend he was once have.

“I’m sorry, I can’t stay away from Henry and Hilliary, they did nothing to me, please stop this and move on.

She doesn’t love but that’s not the end, there’s someone else out there that wants you” Blake said and tried touching him but he pvshed him.

“I want her ” Lex said and walked away.

Blake sighed and turned around but his eyes caught the sight of Hailey coming towards him.

Their eyes met and they smiled as as they walked towards each other.

“Can love turn a friend against a friend” Blake asked and Hailey just nodded.

He hugged her and she didn’t even make an attempt to push him away.


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