Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve lost all hope?

How does it feel to be abandoned by your bride on your wedding day?

How does it feel to be brokenhearted and loosing hope in love?

Meet our male lead.
He is rich, he is hot, he is handsome, cute, good looking with a splendid male feature. He is every lady’s dream man. Each step he takes swept ladies off their feet. He is as cute as a demi god but he is sassy, rude, sharp tongued, arrogant and hate ladies.

MENDING HIS BROKEN HEART : CHAPTER 1 - 10. Thingscouplesdo

His name is Gray Gerald, wealthy CEO of G.G Enterprise in California. Specializing in both the importation and exportation of brands from foreign countries. Gray has everything but there was one thing he despised and that is love. Ladies love him but he hates them. He is 25 years old, he was supposed to get married 2 years ago to a lady he loved so much but the lady abandoned him on their wedding day leaving him heartbroken.

Now he hates women cause he feels they’re all alike. All he focus on now is business. Barely smiling but still wins a lot of ladies heart.

Now Let’s meet our Loquacious Female lead.
She is a talkative from a middle class family, she is crazy, a foodie but isn’t fat, clumsy (don’t you ever give her dishes to wash else, she will break them leaving only the spoons for you).
She loves having fun and lastly, she has a huge crush on our handsome male lead.

Her name is Noel Patterson. A very beautiful 22 year old lady who has an unbeatable record of being fired from different companies due to her behaviors and mostly because of her craziness and clumsyness. She has tried on several occasions to make Gray notice her but it didn’t work as he always ignored her.

But luck shone on her when Gray fired his assistant and she was hired as a replacement for him. Now she was going to find out why he was always frowning and make him fall in love with her in the process

Come and see office drama!!!!

She was almost succeeding in her plans when the tables turn and the lady who abandoned Gray came back claiming she wants him back

Let’s meet our run away bride. Camille, daughter of Mr Evans, a business associate with Gray’s father. Camille is beautiful, proud and sassy. She is very ambitious and values money.

On the day she was to get married to Gray, not that she loved him but for his money and how popular she could get, she got a million dollar offer in Korea and ditched the wedding.

Now she is back with an ulterior motive.

What is Noel going to do?

Will Gray accept the lady who broke his heart or the one who mended it?

Will this lady take it likely with Noel?

Find out in this novel that will keep you glued to your phone screen.

Genre: Love and Comedy

Tags: Comic relief, love, betrayal and conspiracy.

From the shelf of your loving Authoress…Rejoice U Jason






Noel jolted down from her bed immediately she heard the ringing sound of her alarm clock. She groaned and turned it off laying back to sleep.

Scarlet looked at her and shook her head. They were both room mates and also agemates but she would be the one to always wake Noel up from bed.

“Lazy bones” She muttered

She slapped Noel’s butt

“Get out of bed you lazy dock. It’s almost 7am” Scarlet scolded

“It’s not late yet” Noel said trying to get back in bed

“You better get up cause I don’t wanna go meet your manager begging on your behalf today again”

“Who cares?” Noel rolled her eyes


“Fine fine I’m up. Jeez” She stretched her body

“Good morning Noel”

“It’s now you’re greeting me right?” Noel asked taking off her clothes

“Of course baby. You were just scattered on the bed like an antelope so I decided to wake you up before greeting you. Haven’t I tried?” Scarlet teased

“You’re so annoying”

“Please it’s Monday morning and I need to be at the office before my manager sacks me” Scarlet gave her a knowing look

“Are you trying to make fun of me?” Noel asked glaring at her

“I guess so” Scarlet shrugged

Noel groaned and she laughed

“You better come home early today Noel. Your shift at the restaurant ends 4pm and I will be closing 3pm so be home on time”

“Whatever” Noel rolled her eyes

“Love you” Scarlet smiled and left

Noel got down from the bed. Her hair was all messed up. She was indeed a sound and crazy sleeper. She went into the bathroom and had her bath then cleaned her body and started applying body lotion on her beautiful and flawless skin.

She was a very beautiful lady who many guys drool over but she doesn’t have their time cause she only likes one person and that’s Gray Gerald. She could get lost admiring him everyday. Speaking of Gray Gerald, he would be coming to the restaurant she’s working for lunch today. She couldn’t wait to see him

She wore her waitress uniform and took some flats. She wasn’t used to wearing heels.

After she finished dressing up,she rushed off to work



This was a five star restaurant specializing in all kinds of delicacies. Spanish foods,Italian,sea food, french food and many more. This has made it successful because most rich and influential men came there for breakfast,lunch and even dinner making it busy all the time.

Their manager,Mr Osborn was a no nonsense and disciplined man who doesn’t tolerate untidiness,lateness and lukewarm attitudes. He is married with a kid.

He kept checking his wristwatch. It was 7:30am and Noel wasn’t at work yet. He sighed and saw her running in

“Good morning sir” She curtsied and smiled sheepishly

“Why are you late?” Mr Osborn asked

“It was traffic sir” She lied smoothly (Yeah she was good at that)


“Yes sir. You know it’s morning and people are rushing off to work. Today is Monday and the road was filled with vehicles like motorcycle, motorbikes, range rovers, Benz, lamborghini_”

“Shut up” He cut her off

“I asked you a simple question and you are giving me names of the vehicles you saw on the road. You’ve been coming late since you started working here 2 weeks ago and I won’t tolerate that anymore. It shouldn’t repeat itself again you hear me?”

“Yes sir. I’m sorry sir”

“Better for you. You’re going to be the one to serve Mr Gray Gerald lunch today. Don’t mess up” He ordered

“I won’t sir” She smiled

“Now get to work”

“Thank you” She scurried to her post and met her fellow worker

“Late again?” Maureen asked

“Yes my sister. When did you come?” Noel asked

“I came since 6:00am and we’ve served a few business men” Maureen replied

“Wow. You’re an early bird”

“You can be an early bird too Noel” Maureen said

“No way. I can’t afford to loose my precious sleep” Noel said and Maureen laughed



The building was a huge one with amazing interior and exterior decor. The office halls buzzed with employees going about their daily activities. Others were seated with eyes fixed on their laptops.

Suddenly they felt a chill and knew the boss was in the building. They all stood up and bowed to welcome him. He only nodded with a straight face and proceeded to the elevator that normally takes him to his office. He was the only person that used that particular elevator.

His assistant hurried to the ones the employees use and took it up to the office. She made sure to be there before him else he would finish her with words.

He finally made it and entered the office while she tagged along. He sat down on his chair and she sat on her own table beside him.

He wanted it that way cause he didn’t trust her a bit.

“Raymond” He called his secretary and he rushed in immediately

“Yes Mr Gray” He bowed

“What is my schedule for today?” He asked

“Sir,you have a meeting with some business tycoons by 10am. After that you will be meeting with Mr Jones by 1pm to discuss about some foreign goods. Then you have lunch by 2pm” He said

“Cancel my meeting with Mr Jones” He ordered

“Why sir?” He asked

“My reasons are best known to me. You have no right to question my decision”

“I’m sorry sir” He bowed

“Get out of my office” He snapped and he left

He turned to his personal assistant and caught her drooling

“Teresa” He called but she was already lost

He took a little water from the glass cup on his table and sprinkled it on her

She gasped

“What were you looking at?” He asked

“Um… was nothing sir. I’m sorry” She pleaded

“The next time I catch you staring at me again,I will pluck your eyes out” He gave her a deadly look

“I’m sorry sir”

It’s just that she couldn’t help it. She has been working with him for a week now but was always distracted by his looks. Sometimes she felt like ruffling his hair and force him to make a cute puppy face. The guy was damn handsome.




It was a round table meeting with five of the best business men in California. They all had same motive to why the meeting was taking place. Mr Gray’s table was at the front and it was facing the rest.

“So why are we here?” He asked

“Our meeting today concerns your company Mr Gray” A man who was later known as Mr Harry spoke up

“My company? How if I may ask?”

“Your sales are increasing by 90 percent and you are making a lot of profit. It pains us to know that you turned down a deal by Jennifer’s company” Mr Romeo said

“Not to talk of the immense profit you could make with her as a business partner” Mr Liam added

“So you all gathered here to scold me or what?” He asked

“Seems so” Mr Harry answered

“You all are well aware I don’t do business with women no matter how huge,large or enormous the profits might be. Why don’t you take the deal instead? Why call a meeting to scold me?”

“You see Mr Gray,any of us could have taken that deal” Mr Ezra said

“Then go ahead and take it. What’s the meaning of all this nonsense. I am not interested in her deal and that’s final. Good day” Gray stood up and left the room

“He is such a troublemaker” Mr Brown muttered while the rest were fuming. It angered them to know that the opportunity they were looking for was given to Gray and he turned it down.



“Noel,why are you making up?” Maureen asked

“Don’t you know Mr Gray will be here soon?”

“Is that the reason for all these?” Maureen pointed at her face

“Yes because I’m his waitress today” Noel said putting on some lip gloss

Maureen shook her head and walked away

Minutes later…

Different types and brands of cars drove into the vicinity and Mr Gray came out of one looking so dashing and cute with his assistant always beside him.

They walked into the restaurant and Noel could feel her lungs giving out as she found it hard to breathe

“Oh my gosh, he’s dreamy” She said

“Yeah. Now control yourself and get to work” Maureen said

Noel breathe in and out before walking over to him and showing him his table

He sat down

“What may I offer you sir?” She asked giving him the menu

He collected it and went through it.

“I’ll have rice and tomatoe sauce with an orange juice” He said without bothering to look at her

“Okay sir. I will be right back with your order” She left to the kitchen and met Maureen then gave her the order she wrote

“Nice choice he’s got there” Maureen smiled

“Yeah and he didn’t even glance at me” Noel pouted

“Is he here to see you?” Maureen asked

“No but at least he should have looked to see how beautiful I am”

Maureen laughed

“You’re such a clown. Go give him his food and don’t try anything stupid. He is our best customer”

“Fine” She rolled her eyes and took the food to him

“Here is your order sir” She dropped the food and water mistakenly splashed on him

“What the h’ll?” He said

“I’m sorry sir. It was a mistake” She said

He ignored her as he wiped himself with a towel

He glanced at the tomato sauce

“Hope there is no garlic in the sauce? I’m allergic to garlic” He said

Noel thought for a while

“I’m not sure sir”

“You’re not sure? Aren’t you the one that cooked this food?”

“No I’m not the one but let me check if there’s garlic” She dipped her hand in the sauce and licked it

Gray’s assistant opened her mouth in shock

This lady is in soup. Who gave her the guts to touch his food?

Noel didn’t stop there. She took a meat and bit off a little from it then licked her hand

“There is no garlic in it sir. I have helped you to taste it. The sauce is delicious too and I’m sure you’re going to enjoy it” She smiled brightly and continued licking her hand

Gray looked up to see her face for once

“Where did this psycho come from?”


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