Episode 5

~ Eva ~
“I am ready to marry you, Mr. King”, I whispered which was barely audible.
“Wise choice, Eva”, Adam said with a chuckle and I snapped my head towards him.
“It’s Miss. Collins for you both!!”, I gritted.
“So when to plan the wedding?”, Adam asked with overflowing enthusiasm, ignoring the intensity of situation.
“I will leave now, I have somewhere to go”, I said as I saw my phone vibrating notifying Chloe’s call.
“No wait!!”, Mr. King hold my wrist and I glared to which he immediately obliged and left my wrist.
“I mean, you can’t work now”, he said. Is this man for real???
“Are you for real Mr. King?? What do you want?? To be a typical housewife and handle household chores???”, I mocked with hard glare.
“No no!! I mean, we need to make our relationship public, and for that we need to attend a press conference as a couple!! Then all the wedding arrangements and-”
“Come to the point”, I stated cutting off his rambling.
“I mean, you can continue to work here”, he said. Well he is right on some part!! I won’t have much time due to this bullsh!t wedding arrangements!!
But what about the gossips you will get to face Eva? How will you face them? How will you tell that you are not marrying him for his looks or money but he is forcing you to do so!! What will you say to Chloe? Liza? So much questions but no answers.
“Miss. Collins??”, His snapping of hands broke chain of my thoughts.
“Ahh, Yess??”, I answered with flustered face.
Ohh heaven!! This is what you got to reply??
“I said you can continue to work here, and don’t worry no one will question you, I will make sure of that!!”, He said convincingly.
“You can’t shut everyone’s mouth, Mr. King!”, I snapped after rolling my eyes and his jaw clenched. Oho? He still has the audacity to get angry!!!
“Miss. Collins, watch your mou-”
“Stop bickering!! Miss. Collins, you can get back to work, we will call you when needed, Thank you”, his donkey friend said seriously.
Donkey can be serious too? What a joke!!
“Sure”, I said and strode out of his suffocating office.
“Hello?”, I said as soon as Chloe answered my call.
“Where the heck are you, Eva?? I am trying to call you from last fifteen minutes!!??”, Chloe shrieked.
“I am sorry. By the way, where are you?”, I asked and entered elevator when it opened.
“I am at the entrance, near reception with your friend Lily”, she said and I hummed.
“Wait for me”, I said and hanged up. Pressing for the ground floor I waited till elevator descends down.
A ping sound resonated and elevator doors slide opened.
As soon as I came out, I noticed Lily and Chloe talking beside reception cubicle. I rushed towards her and grabbed her elbow.
“Let’s go, I have something to talk!”, I said hurriedly and started pulling her.
“Wait a minute!!!”, She stayed rooted to ground. “Were you crying?”, She held my shoulders and examined my face with narrowed eyes. Who is she? Sherlock Holmes??!!

“No, I was not crying!! And c’mon now, let’s go!!”, I shrugged her hands off my shoulders and pulled her outside with me. “Lily, I will see you later!!”, I said over my shoulder to the one who seemed baffled.
I took her to the nearby cafe that was across the road and made her sit on chair.
“What happened? Why are you so restless? And why are we sitting here? Lets go to my office!! It’s your first day and we are wasting our time here!! And why the hell were you cry-
“Shush!!!”, I cut off her rambling and she stopped with a pout.
“Now listen!!”, She nodded meekly, “and don’t freak out!!”, I warned and she again nodded. I hope you stay calm after hearing the mess I am being drowned in!!
“I am getting married!!”, I blurted and she blinked. One, two, three, four, five, -damn!! She is really very calm!!
Suddenly she stood up and slammed her palms on the table. *”ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!?? DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF??!! YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED?? TO WHOM??!! SPIDERMAN* !?? WHAT KIND OF JOKE IS THIS!? YOU STUPID GIRL, THINK BEFORE YOU TALK??!! AND IF YOU ARE GETTING *MARRIED, YOU KNOW WHAT I AM DOING? S*X CHANGE OPERATION!! SO LETS DO ONE THING* !! YOU AND I, LETS GET MARRIED, WHAT SAY???!! HUH??!!”,She screamed, literally screamed. And now people are staring us like we are some sort of aliens. Ohh mother earth, swallow me right now!!
“Stop screaming, it’s not your home miss!! I hope you understand that you are in public place, and this is my cafe, no fighting is allowed here so get out and continue your fighting”, manager rushed towards us and gritted angrily.
“I am sorry sir, we are really sorry. This will not happen again”, I pleaded and he sighed.
“This better not happen again!!”, He said glancing at both of us.
“I promise sir”, I said and he nodded.
After he was gone, I made her sit and placed glass of water before her which she grabbed and gulped down instantly.
“Urghh!! My throat!! If I lost my voice, I will sue you!!”, She said lowly while glaring at me.
“If you have finished your drama, can I speak?”, I asked and she nodded.
“I am really getting marr-”
“Not again!!”, She groaned cutting me off.
“Will you please shut up!!”, I snapped and she rolled her eyes but nodded.
“So, what I was saying-”
“Ma’am, what would you like to have?”, The waiter butted in. Aghhhhh!!!!
“Do you serve poison???!”, Chloe asked mockingly.
“What?? No ma-”
“She is just joking!!”, I said and he sighed smiling awkwardly. “We will have two caramel machiato and two chicken sandwiches”, I placed our order and he nodded after noting down it on his notepad.
“Just give us fifteen minutes, ma’am”, he said before turning and walking off.
“So, shall I start?”, I asked and she hummed in response. “After you dropped me, I went in and found that Mr. King called me in his cabin!! I thought either he wants to insult me or maybe wants to give me my job back. I was excited as well as nervous. But the thing he said was out of this world!!”, I sighed and she nodded.
“What did he said?”, She asked curiously. I continued and explained everything, each and every detail. How he said that he wants to get married to me, how I took it as a joke, the contract thing, one year agreement, one million dollar, I rejecting the offer then he blackmailing me, then my pleading and lastly my defeated acceptance. All the time she heard patiently but her face turned from calm to full on angry. Her jaw is clenched, hands grabbing the edge of table tightly and eyes were stormy.

“Chloe?”, I nudged her elbow.
“Let’s kill him!!”, She said dangerously low and stood up.
“Chloe, no!! Sit down!!”, I pulled her down and made her sit back. “Stop talking nonsense, Chloe. This is not the option. In fact we don’t have any option”, I sighed defeatedly.
“Then what!!?? Huhh?? Do you think, I will let you get married to that b@stard??!! No way!! Not in his dreams!! We will do something!! We have to do something!!?? What?? What?? Yess!! Media!! Let’s report his deeds to media-”
“Chloe!! I told you about the media thing right?? Half of the world believes that he is g@y?? Who will believe us!? We are not some rich or wealthy heiresses, we are just middle class simple girls while he has the power of world. We are helpless!!”, I stopped her rambling.
“Ma’am, your order”, the waiter kept our food on table and went back after muttering an ‘enjoy’.
“There must be some outcome!! We just have to find it”, she murmered to herself. There is no outcome, Chloe!!
“Let’s eat first, I have to get back to work!!”, I said and started munching on my sandwich.
“I lost my appetite”, she mumbled. “And why do you have to go back to work??”, She asked.
“He hired me back!!”, I said and took another bite of my sandwich.
“Bloody rascal!! And how can you be so normal???”, She asked.
“Then what do you want me to do? Waste my time in crying. No!! I am not gonna do that!! It’s his decision to marry me right!!?? Then so be it. I will make sure to make him regret his decision!! I will make his life living hell!! From childish to evil, I am gonna try each and every prank to make him regret the moment when he decided to marry me. This one year, he is gonna pay to force me into this stupid marriage!!”, I gritted determinedly and she patted my shoulder with a smirk.
“Let’s be a team!!”, She nodded with wink and I chuckled.
“See you in the evening?”, I asked when came out of cafe and she nodded with a smile.
“Take care”, she said and hugged me and I reciprocated her hug.
“You too”, I mumbled while patting her back.
I came back to office after bidding Chloe good bye. Everyone asked me about my resignation to which I just replied that it is cancelled. I wanted to tell everything to Lily, but we have known each other for just a week and Chloe has always warned me to never trust anyone so easily as I have the bad habit of trusting anyone with my life. Though we are good friends, I didn’t revealed anything and just said that I am gonna continue my work here.
It was lunch time and everyone at my department had left to have lunch. As soon as I finished my work, I turned off my computer and stood up.
“Miss. Collins!!”, A manly voice called me and I glanced my surrounding to find Mr. Pighead walking towards me in all his glory.
“Yes, Mr. King?”, I said blankly with expressionless face.
“Let’s go for lunch!!”, He said and stood against my cubicle.
“Why?”, I twitched my lips to make a disgusted face.
“We need to have frequent public appearances before we make our relationship official”, he said and I rolled my eyes. Now he wants to ruin my lunch!!??
“Let’s go!!”, I said and grabbed my purse. We walked off ignoring many curious faces or should I say wide eyes and dropped jaws including my poor Lily. Sorry darling!!
He opened door for me of his shiny black Mercedes and I sat down. Jogging off to driver side he sat in and we drove off to god knows where. During the whole drive, I kept my vision out of window ignoring his presence. Though there was silence, it didn’t seem awkward cause neither he was interested nor me. Neither he enjoyed my company nor me. So we both were in our own world, a world where he didn’t exist for me and I think same goes for him. Because if I am water, he is fire. Totally opposite and never can be together. I wonder how this one year is gonna be for me??
After fifteen minutes of drive we stopped at posh and lavish french restaurant, King’s Dine.
Ohh so he owns it!! Bloody show off!! He opened his door and started coming my way. But before he could open door, I opened it myself. I have hands!!
He sighed, “let’s go?”, I nodded.
“Shall I?”, He held out his hand to hold my waist and I rolled my eyes in irritation.
“Sure”, I agreed and his arm made its way around my waist though didn’t touch me. Just kept in close proximity. We marched towards his restuarant where the manager showed us the table.
“The usual sir?”, The manager asked pighead and he nodded. Afterwards the Manager hold out menu card for me. I took it but frowned after seeing every d@mn dish in French.
“I don’t know french!! Order for me!!”, I pouted in frustration and forwarded menu card towards pighead. A small smile graced his lips and he took menu card from me still smiling little. Did I cracked a joke??
“Do you like chicken?”, He asked and I nodded. “Allergic to mushroom or garlic?”, I shooked my head. “I hope you like it then”, he said and I shrugged.
“Obtenir miss un, coq au vin”, he murmured to the manager and manager walked away with a nod.
“We will be served soon”, he said and I nodded. As soon as the lunch came we dig in and I must say whatever cuckoo named dish I was eating, really tasted well. No one talked, the lunch was filled with absolute silence.
He dropped me back to work and went on his way towards his office. As soon as he left each and every staff member of my department trapped me and showered innumerable questions which I shrugged off saying that it was for work purpose which no one accepted but still nodded disappointedly.
At sharp five Chloe came and I bidded my good bye to Miss. Rose and Lily. Lily gave me ‘we-are-gonna-talk-later’ look, to which I nodded and went out.
Immediately after I sat down on passenger seat my phone ranged. Chloe started the car and I answered call that was showing unknown number.
“Miss. Collins, where are you?”, The pighead’s voice made its way to my ears. Urghh!!! Just leave me alone!!
“I am going home, Mr. King”, I sighed and Chloe glanced at me with raised eyebrows.
“What? How?”, He asked.
“My wings just took off, see I am in the air”, I replied sarcastically and Chloe chuckled.
“Uhh??”, Ohh my kdramas!!!! Is this guy for real??!!
“Mr. King!! Why did you called?”, I asked shoving off my irritation aside.
“I came to your department but you were not there so I asked one of the employee and he said that you already left!!”, He said in accusing tone.
“So??”, I shrugged.
“So?? So, I wanted to drop you!!”, He clarified.
I am in no mood to drive with a pig!!
“My bad, Mr. King. My friend came to pick me up so I left. But thanks for your offer, it was literally very tempting!!”, I said, sarcasm dripping from my every word.

“Enough of your sarcasm, Miss. Collins. I told you that we need to have frequent public appearances, but you still neglected it!!”, He said in stern voice. Huh!! I am not scared!!
“Done??”, I asked.
“What??”, He asked puzzled.
“Good bye Mr. King. Have a very bad night!! Sweet nightmares!!”, I snapped and hanged up when he started his rambling again.
“Urghhh!! Pighead!!”, I cursed and pushed myself back onto seat to get some comfort.
“You okay?”, Chloe asked with amused smile.
“Over the moon”, I said and she chuckled.

9:00 PM, Eva’s Apartment.
“Hey!!”, Chloe said sitting on my bed.
“Hi!!”, I replied while keeping folded clothes in cupboard.
After she dropped me at my apartment, she drove off towards her’s and came back after changing. We had dinner together and Chloe helped Liza in kitchen to wash dishes while I came to my room and started cleaning the mess.
“Liza?”,I asked keeping the last bunch of folded clothes.
“In her room”, she answered. Her voice seems to be low and face in calculating mode as like in dilemma.
“C’mon, spill it out!!”, I said when I sat beside her.
“Huh??”, She bemused.
“You want to talk about something, I know it!! So spill it out!!”, I said and she sighed.
“Liam”, she said. Just his name and my heart picked up it’s race. Just his name is enough to get my palms sweaty and my breathing to be quickened. Just his name is enough to make me fall in love with him again!!
“What about him??”, I voiced out coldly but still it came out shaken.
“What if he comes back?”, She asked and my heart swelled in happiness. Just the thought of him coming back in my life makes me insanely happy.
“As pathetic as it may sound, I am still helplessly in love with him!! And if he comes back, I am not gonna stop myself.”, I replied as a lone tear escaped.
“And this marriage thing?”, She asked and my head spinned at its orbit. Sh!t!! What if he comes back and finds that I am married to someone else. No no no!! No way!! I want him back!! And if he comes to me, I am not gonna stop him. I will welcome him with open arms.
“I will tell him the truth”, I answered her question and she sighed.
“You are enough for yourself and for Liza, Eva!! You don’t need anyone, then why??”, She asked.
“The girl who lost her parents at young age, the girl who had no one beside her, except her sister who herself was dependent on the girl. When a twelve year old boy offers his shoulder to lean on and to cry her heart out, what was the girl supposed to do, Chloe? He was my smile, my laugh, my strength, my support, my everything. When no one was there for me, he was.”, I poured my heart out and tears seemed uncontrollable.
“But he just left!! Without any word, without any promise of coming back, he just left!! Leaving you same as you were. Supportless, smileless, laughless, strengthless. And now when your life is back on track,-”
“My life is back on track???!!”, I chuckled humorlessly. “I can’t do one work properly, I got fired on my second week of job, my selfish boss trapped me in a contract marriage. And my life is back on track!!?? Would you please tell me how???”, I countered back.
“Eva, please!! At least once think positively!!”, She pleaded.
“What is positive in this??”, I raised my eyebrows.
“One million dollars!! Many financial problems will be solved Eva, I know you don’t want them, but if you are already sacrificing yourself, what is the harm to accept them? Think rationally Eva. Your ego is not more important than Liza. The way you have lived, without any luxury, without getting any wish fullfilled, I know you don’t wish same for Liza. And if you don’t want that d@mn money, deposit it in Liza’s account!! Atleast she will live the way she wants!! Without any sacrifices, without any burdens or responsibilities.”, She said and my eyes widened.
“What sacrifices she does huh???!! I damn do every possible thing to just make her life easier and you said she sacrifices??”, I asked.
For god’s sake!! I have spent my half life just to make her life comfortable.
“Have your ever visited her college??”, She asked and I shooked my head. “Then you should!! Every student comes in Porche and leaves in Ferrari, while our Liza in bus. Every girl wears Gucci, Prada, Hermes, Chanel and what not!! Every student freaking have iPhone!! Our Liza don’t even android!! Teenage life is to be free, a teenager’s life should circle around, study, fun, friends, and parties!! But our Liza, no!! She doesn’t!! She freaking works part time!! Just to share the damn responsibilities!!”, She shouted and I flinched.
“What’s wrong?”, Liza asked entering my room.
“Get back to your room!!”, Chloe shouted and she dashed back.
“She needs to understand that she is not rich or will not win a lottery. A part time job and a responsible and mature brain is needed for middle class teenagers like her!!”, I put forth my point.
“For god’s sake, she is just nineteen!! And now when we have one million dollars-”
“We are no money minded people-”
“But money is our top priority, isn’t it??”
“Only if earned!!”
“Then you have!! Getting married to that asshole is like passing through black hole alive and breathing!!”, She said.
“Fine!!! But I am not gonna ask him!! If he himself offers me then and then only I will accept!! Clear!?”, I asked and she nodded while grinning.
“We will deposit it in Liza’s account!!”, She said and I nodded.
She left after chatting with me for next fifteen minutes. After switching off the light, I lied down on my bed. Just one thought echoed on the walls of my mind throughout the whole night.
I still love him!!!

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